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Story Being ugly during childhood and teenagehood


Active member
Feb 1, 2024
I want mostly vent, but I think that some of you can understand what I am talking about.
I was fat and ugly almost my whole life, to ur all understand how ugly I was, on my first years at school they made a list of the most ugly male's in the class, and this was the first time I on top of any list, lmao. I got bullied also, in Brazil the bullying isn't hardcore as USA bullying, but it still is bullying.

This shit continued until the beginning of my high school, where I started to change little by little, I lost a lot of weight, I started to take care of myself, and magically the bullying decreased, I started to receive more attention from women and respect from men, but even so, i continued isolating myself because of my traumas, which only worsened my mental health.
Then the covid pandemic started, and I realized that it was my chance to come back different, so I focused 100% on taking care of my body, face and mind, at the end of the pandemic, when I went back to school, I was a different person, I talked with everyone, received much more attention from women and no one teased me anymore. So that's when you think, how great, a story with a happy ending, right? No, to this day I don't feel like I'm enough, I know I'm attractive, I get a lot of attention and respect, but even so, I still feel like I'm going to walk into a room, and they're going to make a list of the ugliest people in the class, and I I will be among the first, once again.

Thank you for reading, it was more of a vent than anything else, anyway, to give you a better idea, this is how I used to look like :

Ps: Sorry if my English isn't perfect, it isn't my first tongue
This shit continued until the beginning of my high school, where I started to change little by little, I lost a lot of weight, I started to take care of myself, and magically the bullying decreased, I started to receive more attention from women and respect from men
blackpill proved again
Thank you for reading, it was more of a vent than anything else
well said bro , keep on looksmaxxing
You were just fat. Brutal geneticspill. Imagine looksmaxing and still getting bullied and 0 female attention.
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You were just fat. Brutal geneticspill. Imagine looksmaxing and still getting bullied and 0 female attention.
Nah man, i wasn't just fat, let me show you something
1710279145566.png Thats me after losing 20kg :geek:
(Lmao, I had forgotten about this photo)

But i agree, my genetics are very good, i can't complain about it
