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  • #101
Swimming physique is also more easy to keep rather than wrestler or other sport because wrestlers go through cycles of cutting and bulking for fights
So a wrestler might mog a swimmer during a fight but during the majority of his training time the swimming physique will mog
Swimming physique is also more easy to keep rather than wrestler or other sport because wrestlers go through cycles of cutting and bulking for fights
Swimming is harder cuz constantly need to keep eating more cause of the cardio (lots of it)
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  • #103
Swimming is harder cuz constantly need to keep eating more cause of the cardio (lots of it)
Eating isn’t hard and arguably you need to eat just as much in wrestling
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  • #108
It’s not though wrestling puts an extreme amount of strain on your body
Wrestling may give you a better physique but like I said it’s not easily maintainable
It’s not though wrestling puts an extreme amount of strain on your body
Any sport does and with time ur body gets stronger and u get used to it
Not with wrestling it’s high stress because it’s fighting
Any physical activity puts high stress its one of the main reason lossus says that building muslce and exercising is the same as cutting urself
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  • #115
Any physical activity puts high stress its one of the main reason lossus says that building muslce and exercising is the same as cutting urself
Wrestling is higher stress than swimming because there are weight classes that you have to fit into but also eat a lot while you are training. When you are not on fight day you are pretty much guaranteed to not be lean
Wrestling is higher stress than swimming because there are weight classes that you have to fit into but also eat a lot while you are training. When you are not on fight day you are pretty much guaranteed to not be lean
When u not swimming then ur guaranteed to be twink and fat

Also swimmer gym need to gym more to maintain thier muscle mas than wrestlerz
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  • #119
When u not swimming then ur guaranteed to be twink and fat

Also swimmer gym need to gym more to maintain thier muscle mas than wrestlerz
Swimming is more consistent like I said, wrestling training is highly inconsistent
Are u treating me like obladi oblada (obladi oblada is actually an enemy insect stand user in part 8 JoJo Bizzare Adventure comic )
Are u treating me like obladi oblada (obladi oblada is actually an enemy insect stand user in part 8 JoJo Bizzare Adventure comic )
R u gonna ignore me cause ur not willing to put in the effort of dealing with me
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  • #126
Its consistent if u r disciplined watch khabib clips of training gym
Khabib like other wrestlers are only in their prime physique on weigh in night usually
But they have good physique all the time
Not prime but good mogger physiques also swimmers always don't look good swimming is very overrated and it should be treated as form of cardio like cycling
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  • #130
Not prime but good mogger physiques also swimmers always don't look good swimming is very overrated and it should be treated as form of cardio like cycling
It’s cardio + muscle building however
I can get minerals from foods
sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are all electrolytes
you can get all of that from food
You need water bounded with electrolytes to hydrate tho
There's no proof swimming will make you a framemogger. Who knows if framemoggers are just drawn to swimming and get famous and climb to the top because theyre better at it due to their natural advtange..

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