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bideltoid measurement

Good for your age, pretty average for guys who went through puberty/are at the tail end of puberty.
Lifting weights, obtaining/maintaining an ideal hormone profile, and adding muscle to your deltoids is obvious, but I’d look into what other athletic shit you can do to help you. For example, most swimmers have broad shoulders.
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  • #3
Good for your age, pretty average for guys who went through puberty/are at the tail end of puberty.
Lifting weights, obtaining/maintaining an ideal hormone profile, and adding muscle to your deltoids is obvious, but I’d look into what other athletic shit you can do to help you. For example, most swimmers have broad shoulders.
thanks man, it might be 21 inches bc idk how my friend measured. how do i obtian/maintain ideal hormone profile? just by eating correctly and staying active? does reeves deadlift help?
That's a good bideltoid for a teen, train and lift to widen it. The actual average adult bideltoid is closer to 24 inches imo. The Reeves Deadlift does help, it targets your rear delts and can broaden your clavicle and scapula. The bone is what makes your frame broad and v tapered. Black guys have enormous scapulas and smaller hips on average. That's why a black can be a framecel and still have a prominent V taper.

Shawn ray is the perfect example of this, he has a really small frame and is really short, but has a very strong v taper because his large scapula and tiny hips.
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  • #5
That's a good bideltoid for a teen, train and lift to widen it. The actual average adult bideltoid is closer to 24 inches imo. The Reeves Deadlift does help, it targets your rear delts and can broaden your clavicle and scapula. The bone is what makes your frame broad and v tapered. Black guys have enormous scapulas and smaller hips on average. That's why a black can be a framecel and still have a prominent V taper.

Shawn ray is the perfect example of this, he has a really small frame and is really short, but has a very strong v taper because his large scapula and tiny hips.
View attachment 19395
i see thank you so much! this is kind of off topic, but i want to go on HGH, T, AI, and (maybe) mk 677. my parents will never allow it, but do u think thatll help? thanks again bro
That's a good bideltoid for a teen, train and lift to widen it. The actual average adult bideltoid is closer to 24 inches imo. The Reeves Deadlift does help, it targets your rear delts and can broaden your clavicle and scapula. The bone is what makes your frame broad and v tapered. Black guys have enormous scapulas and smaller hips on average. That's why a black can be a framecel and still have a prominent V taper.

Shawn ray is the perfect example of this, he has a really small frame and is really short, but has a very strong v taper because his large scapula and tiny hips.
View attachment 19395
Mind linking the study that said 24 inches is average? That is pretty high IMO
isnt 23 like top 99%?
I wouldn’t be surprised. I consider 22 inches to be the point where you’re noticeably broad (assuming you have a narrow waist/somewhat narrow hips). 24+ Inches is approaching bodybuilder-tier (I think Arnold’s bideltoid measurement was like 26 inches).

It’s hard to tell by looking at pictures, but I dont know what a 24 inch bideltoid looks like in person. I know a few roidheads; one of them competes and looks like a legitimate pro-stage bodybuilder. His shoulders are 24 inches wide and I rarely see anyone broader than him, and the ones that do undoubtedly have years of lifting under their belts.
I wouldn’t be surprised. I consider 22 inches to be the point where you’re noticeably broad (assuming you have a narrow waist/somewhat narrow hips). 24+ Inches is approaching bodybuilder-tier (I think Arnold’s bideltoid measurement was like 26 inches).

It’s hard to tell by looking at pictures, but I dont know what a 24 inch bideltoid looks like in person. I know a few roidheads; one of them competes and looks like a legitimate pro-stage bodybuilder. His shoulders are 24 inches wide and I rarely see anyone broader than him, and the ones that do undoubtedly have years of lifting under their belts.

Not sure on studies, but mine is like a bit above 20 and looks a bit small(it's around 21/22).

As for what a 24+ inch bideltoid the rock at 15 had at least a 24 inch one.
Not sure on studies, but mine is like a bit above 20 and looks a bit small(it's around 21/22).

As for what a 24+ inch bideltoid the rock at 15 had at least a 24 inch one.

he did and his shoulders are broad as fuck. Also, dude with his genetics is not “average”. He’s probably 99th percentile in terms of physical development
thanks man, it might be 21 inches bc idk how my friend measured. how do i obtian/maintain ideal hormone profile? just by eating correctly and staying active? does reeves deadlift help?
Getting sufficient nutrients / living an overall healthy lifestyle is all you can do if you don’t want to use steroids. You can still see some benefits naturally.

healthy fats, protein, strength training, high intensity exercise, getting sufficient nutrients (you likely need to supplement D3 as most people do). That’s what you should focus on unless you want to start pinning.
Getting sufficient nutrients / living an overall healthy lifestyle is all you can do if you don’t want to use steroids. You can still see some benefits naturally.

healthy fats, protein, strength training, high intensity exercise, getting sufficient nutrients (you likely need to supplement D3 as most people do). That’s what you should focus on unless you want to start pinning.

Idk about this

Muh "exercise, sleep and eat healthy enough" Seems like a meme to me

Chads simply have a strong androgenic and low estrogenic gene expression because their genetics allow it

The only diet which ever truly mattered was your mom prenatal and your post natal diet

Toth77s mom ate nothing other than tyrones cum and sugars during pregnancy

Thats why he grew up to be such a low T cuck
Idk about this

Muh "exercise, sleep and eat healthy enough" Seems like a meme to me

Chads simply have a strong androgenic and low estrogenic gene expression because their genetics allow it

The only diet which ever truly mattered was your mom prenatal and your post natal diet

Toth77s mom ate nothing other than tyrones cum and sugars during pregnancy

Thats why he grew up to be such a low T cuck
Oh I completely agree with that, I’m just saying this is really all he can do if he doesn’t plan on picking up vials of testosterone / running estrogen modulators.
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  • #15
Getting sufficient nutrients / living an overall healthy lifestyle is all you can do if you don’t want to use steroids. You can still see some benefits naturally.

healthy fats, protein, strength training, high intensity exercise, getting sufficient nutrients (you likely need to supplement D3 as most people do). That’s what you should focus on unless you want to start pinning.
thanks, i might get ZMA and D3 and ashwaganda
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  • #16
Idk about this

Muh "exercise, sleep and eat healthy enough" Seems like a meme to me

Chads simply have a strong androgenic and low estrogenic gene expression because their genetics allow it

The only diet which ever truly mattered was your mom prenatal and your post natal diet

Toth77s mom ate nothing other than tyrones cum and sugars during pregnancy

Thats why he grew up to be such a low T cuck

thanks for the reply bro!
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  • #17
Oh I completely agree with that, I’m just saying this is really all he can do if he doesn’t plan on picking up vials of testosterone / running estrogen modulators.
yep definitely dont plan on saucing anytime soon lol
Oh I completely agree with that, I’m just saying this is really all he can do if he doesn’t plan on picking up vials of testosterone / running estrogen modulators.

Believe it or not supplements like grape seed extract and vitamin E actually are able to lower estrogen. The first one greatly inhibits aromatase in a dose dependent manner and heavily slows it down too. Vitamin E functions differently. It antagonizes estrogen receptors directly.

There's one supplement called l carnitine that people are running a ton nowadays. It kinda lowers test, but upregulates your androgen receptor density/sensitivity.

I've wanted to make a thread on this topic, but I'll say it here. Chad's testosterone is relatively bullshit as a lot of Chad's regularly abuse PEDs anyways.


Jo Lindner is a very popular fitness model and has your typical ig chad/fitness influencer look physique wise. However there is one trait that separates Jo from the rest. His willingness to talk about PEDs. He openly stated he is on TRT YEAR ROUND because he fucked his hormones up at 17 with trenbolone. He has talked about the other drugs he uses to.

Here's a ig tyrone next to Larry Wheels, a man who admitted he was on tons of drugs since 17 and he's basically the same size....

Fun fact: simeon panda(left) is almost the same size as kai greene who uses like 3 grams of test as a cruise dose lol.
Idk about this

Muh "exercise, sleep and eat healthy enough" Seems like a meme to me

Chads simply have a strong androgenic and low estrogenic gene expression because their genetics allow it

The only diet which ever truly mattered was your mom prenatal and your post natal diet

Toth77s mom ate nothing other than tyrones cum and sugars during pregnancy

Thats why he grew up to be such a low T cuck
nah you can change some shits before/during puberty
Believe it or not supplements like grape seed extract and vitamin E actually are able to lower estrogen. The first one greatly inhibits aromatase in a dose dependent manner and heavily slows it down too. Vitamin E functions differently. It antagonizes estrogen receptors directly.

There's one supplement called l carnitine that people are running a ton nowadays. It kinda lowers test, but upregulates your androgen receptor density/sensitivity.

I've wanted to make a thread on this topic, but I'll say it here. Chad's testosterone is relatively bullshit as a lot of Chad's regularly abuse PEDs anyways.

View attachment 19437

Jo Lindner is a very popular fitness model and has your typical ig chad/fitness influencer look physique wise. However there is one trait that separates Jo from the rest. His willingness to talk about PEDs. He openly stated he is on TRT YEAR ROUND because he fucked his hormones up at 17 with trenbolone. He has talked about the other drugs he uses to.

Here's a ig tyrone next to Larry Wheels, a man who admitted he was on tons of drugs since 17 and he's basically the same size....

View attachment 19439
Fun fact: simeon panda(left) is almost the same size as kai greene who uses like 3 grams of test as a cruise dose lol.
hard to get quality drugs nowadays, shitty world
That's a good bideltoid for a teen, train and lift to widen it. The actual average adult bideltoid is closer to 24 inches imo. The Reeves Deadlift does help, it targets your rear delts and can broaden your clavicle and scapula. The bone is what makes your frame broad and v tapered. Black guys have enormous scapulas and smaller hips on average. That's why a black can be a framecel and still have a prominent V taper.

Shawn ray is the perfect example of this, he has a really small frame and is really short, but has a very strong v taper because his large scapula and tiny hips.
View attachment 19395
Jfl are you nuts the average bideltoid is not 24 inches.....
Jfl are you nuts the average bideltoid is not 24 inches.....

My bideltoid is just a bit above 20 inches and looks tiny. Jeff Seid has a 23 inch bideltoid, but I see boomers every day who frame mog him.

My mom's stepdad even as a 65+ year old man frame mogs this whole forum. I imagine my mom's real dad was also a huge, robust black man, but I never saw a picture of him.
huge frame.jpg
His fist is easily twice the size of my face. It's actually as large as my body. He could backhand and break toth's neck.
I'm literally about to be getting clavical surgery. 3 inch gain total. Will put me at around 23 inches. Yes I'm serious and yes I can just about afford it and yes I'm ready. This is basically me soonevdw6xn02ax31.jpg

One that is complete I'll be going to India ( or someone local) to get leg lengthing 3 inch there too to put me at 6'2

Then I'll obviously have to take a break from working out but with my hgh plan and recovery I should be back to normal. Pretty exciting.

Life really is a customize your character and this is all a video game boys. If you got a will theres a way. Do it for yourself and not for others. This is about your happiness. You're confidence. Empower that shit. Fuck the rest. You matter. Get it boys
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I'm literally about to be getting clavical surgery. 3 inch gain total. Will put me at around 23 inches. Yes I'm serious and yes I can just about afford it and yes I'm ready. This is basically me soonView attachment 20490

One that is complete I'll be going to India ( or someone local) to get leg lengthing 3 inch there too to put me at 6'2

Then I'll obviously have to take a break from working out but with my hgh plan and recovery I should be back to normal. Pretty exciting.

Life really is a customize your character and this is all a video game boys. If you got a will theres a way. Do it for yourself and not for others. This is about your happiness. You're confidence. Empower that shit. Fuck the rest. You matter. Get it boys
astro sky :love:
