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Info BRUTAL: The Genotype Pill: Dont bother becoming a athlete if you....

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

I gonna list the most blackpilled Facts:

(NOTE: The most brutal Facts will be listed in a red Color and large font size)


Power & endurance response

ACE was the first gene to be linked to human performance. In a 1998 paper, researchers got military recruits to do bicep curls with a 15kg barbell, both before and after basic military training. They found that, after training, those with the I allele (II or ID genotypes) saw improvements in their duration of doing bicep curls, whilst those with the DD genotype did not. This allowed the researchers to predict that the I allele was associated with greater improvements to endurance training, whilst the D allele was associated with greater improvements from higher intensity training. Research has also shown that those with the II genotype tend to have slower twitch muscle fibres, whilst those with the DD genotype tend to have a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibres (you can read more on slow and fast twitch muscle fibres here).



The next gene we are going to discuss is ACTN3. It’s one of the most well studied genes with regards to sporting performance. ACTN3 codes for a protein that is found exclusively in the fastest kind of muscle fibres, type IIx, called a-actinin-3. Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract quickly and powerfully, and as such are linked to sprinting or weightlifting. Generally, people who are quick or strong will have plenty of type-IIx muscle fibers, whilst people who are better at long distance running will have more type-I muscle fibers (often called slow twitch muscle fibers).

There are two different alleles for ACTN3; C & T. The C allele allows for correct production of the a-actinin-3 protein, and the T version prevents this protein from being made. Not being able to produce this protein does not cause any disease, as muscles can function without it, but it might limit the amount of fast twitch muscle fibre that can be produced. These two different alleles can create three different genotypes; CC, CT and TT.

It isn’t rare to have the TT genotype; roughly 18% of European Caucasians are TT, whilst up to 30% of Asians can have the TT genotype. In people of African descent, the T allele is rarer, and some research has reported that as little as 1% of certain African populations have the TT genotype.


Power and endurance

The first studies on ACTN3 were association studies. In these studies, scientists tested a group of people who were not involved in high-level sport, and used them as a control group. They then tested elite sprinters, power athletes, and elite endurance athletes, to see if there were any differences between them. They found that elite speed and power athletes were much more likely to have the C allele in the form of either the CC or CT genotype than the control group. Generally, elite speed power athletes don’t have the TT genotype, as it occurs roughly 3% of these individuals, compared to about 18% of control groups. In fact, in one study no sprint Olympians had the TT genotype. In contrast to this, the studies found that elite endurance athletes were much more likely to have the TT genotype than the control groups.


Using your ACTN3 genotype to make better decisions

So what does this mean for you? Your ACTN3 genotype can’t tell you whether you can be a world class sprinter or not, because there are cases of elite power athletes with the TT genotype. However, it can be used to indicate how you will respond to different training. What we know is that individuals with a C allele generally respond better to power training than individuals with the TT genotype. The reason for this is that the C allele allows you to grow type IIx muscle fibers from exercise. These muscles fibers respond really well to power and strength training, and tend to grow larger than other types of muscle. Another interesting study has shown people with the CC genotype have higher levels of testosterone than the TT genotype, with CT falling somewhere in the middle. Testosterone is an additional factor that determines how well someone can gain muscle, with more testosterone allowing more muscle mass to be built. This is part of the reason why men tend to grow muscle tissue more quickly than women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone than females.

In terms of training, research shows that those with a C allele generally see greater improvements in muscle strength and power following high intensity training, such as lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions. Having a TT genotype does not mean that you can’t get strong or grow your muscles, it means you just have to train in a way that suits your genetic profile a bit more. This will include doing weights for 12-15 repetitions, trying to take the muscle as close to failure as possible. Conversely, if you have the CC genotype, you should focus a bit more on lifting heavy weights for a lower number of repetitions, somewhere between 3 and 6. If you have the CT genotype, then a mix of both types of training should prove useful.


Injury risk

One study which looked at this was published in 2010. In this study, researchers got a group of people who were suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, and a group who weren’t. What they found was that, within a group of the people with an Achilles tendon injury, the TT genotype of GDF-5 was significantly “over-represented”, meaning that it was more common than both the CC and CT genotypes. Further analysis from this paper lead the researchers to conclude that those people with the TT genotype of GDF-5 were about twice as likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy than C allele carriers. It is based on research like this, and similar papers, that we report that the T allele of GDF-5 is associated with an increased tendon and ligament injury.

Injury risk

The COL5A1 gene encodes for a protein that is part of type V collagen, one of the main constituents of ligaments and tendons, alongside type I collagen, in which COL1A1, another of our genes that we will meet later, encodes for. What research tells us is that people will have different alleles at a specific point in this gene, which can increase or decrease their risk of injury. A study from 2009, for example, showed that those with the CC genotype of COL5A1 had a significantly decreased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis compared to carriers of the T allele. Similar results have been found in regards to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL – a ligament found in the knee) injuries, again with CC genotypes being under-represented in a group of people suffering for an ACL injury. It has also been found that those with the T allele generally have a lower range of motion, which typically means that they are less flexible. Added to this, research has shown that those with the TT genotype have stiffer tendons than those with the CC genotype, potentially contributing to this decreased range of motion. It is thought that the stiffer tendons and a decreased range of motion might potentially increase injury risk, which is why T allele carriers are at a slightly higher risk of an injury.


Bone health

We also look at GDF-5 from the perspective of bone health. Plenty of researchers have looked at this, and we will look at an example of one study from 2009. In this study, the scientists looked at over 6000 people, to see if there was any association between their GDF-5 genotype and their risk of developing osteoarthritis, a disease that affects joints, caused by the breakdown cartilage and bone, resulting in pain, and also their risk of suffering a bone fracture. They found that, in elderly women, those with the CC genotype of GDF-5 had just under a 40% less chance of developing osteoarthritis in their hands, and just over 30% less chance of developing it in their knees. They also had a 29% less chance of suffering from a fracture. This lead the researchers to conclude that CC genotypes were protected against both osteoarthritis and fracture risk.


Using your GDF-5 genotype to make better decisions

What does all this mean for you? If you have a T allele, you potentially have a higher injury risk, especially compared to those with the CC genotype – both in terms of tendon injury, but also bone injury. Whilst this sounds like bad news, it really isn’t – being aware of this allows you to be proactive in terms of injury prevention. This might take the form of regular massage, or injury prevention techniques such as eccentric loading exercises, which have been shown to be very effective at reducing the risk and severity of symptoms of tendon injuries, especially Achilles tendon injuries. From the perspective of bone injuries, regular exercise has been show to increase bone strength, so it might be a factor to motivate those at an increased risk of bone injury (such as the elderly) to exercise a bit more, as well as consume more nutrients that have been potentially associated with an increase in bone health (such as 800iu Vitamin D and 1000mg of calcium daily), and possibly avoiding high caffeine intakes, which can reduce bone mineral density, and therefore increase the risk of developing a fracture.

Ok, lets come to a conclusion:

If you dont have AT LEAST a CT polymorphism then you're absolutely fucked

TT Polymorphism is THE ABSOLUTE genetical structure of a modern soycuck

it's the Epitome of feminine physiology

Men are supposed to be hunters who waylay on animals for a fast, strong and explosive short but intense attack

Men Arent supposed to be the unexplosive relaxed herbivore cucks who are permanently moving at moderate pace

Thats the natural Task of the female, but those who bring Action and Dynamics into the game are the men

TT polycucks were the beta males within the tribes, the ones who prepared Food togheter with the females who were impregnated by chad who was Always on the hunt if he didnt just banged all the females within the tribe

But TT polycucks werent allowed to breed, there were just the ones who helped the females with their Tasks

some deluded normie might cope now with "Muh higher muscular Endurance"

BUT high muscular Endurance does NOT equal overal high Stamina

High overal Stamina is caused by a strong erythrocyte receptor Density and high haemoglobin Density, both Things which are directly related to testosterone and especially prenatal testosterone, since prenatal testosterone correlates with higher Oxygen intake

And because of that, People with the CC genotype will most likely even have the higher overal Stamina since they have higher testosterone and thus more also probably more prenatal testosterone

CC genotype guys will also have no Problem gaining more muscular Endurance, since it's easily possible to convert fast twitch into slow twitch muscles

BUT IT'S NOT possible to convert slow twitch into fast twitch muscles, science is still arguin whetever if it's even possible to Change your fast twitch muscles only up to 10%

TT Polycucks are forced to do light weight high reps to even gain a slight hypertrophy, gaining a hypertrophy through heavy strength Training is not possible for them, it will only results in bone injuries and even more stiffer tendons for TT polycucks

The worst Thing About this is that light weight high reps Training will result more in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy rather than in myofibrillar dense and functional hypertrophy

Here some articles About Myofribrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic

Here another article from Quora where a guy has promoted a graphic About the muscle Fiber differences between a powerlifter and a Bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are slow twitch dominant, thats why they look bloated and undefined despite having a even more lower bodyfat than a sprinter

Genetically gifted sprinter (black Sprinters basically) however look extremely chiseled and dense, their bodies look like they were made out of Stone

Their muscles are purely myofibrillar and thus hard asfuck

dom sprinter physique.jpg

Just look at These ridiculous huge Frames....

huge frame 2.jpg

Look as These ridiculous delts...

A normal guy would Need to blast a shit ton of roids to only get nearly as much muscles

And after that he wouldnt be able to move more than 20m without gassing out or dying because of a heart attack

while these guys have the Dream bodies of every misc Autist and they are still totally flexible, explosive and fast

huge frame.jpg

ripped as fuck.jpg

They surely take some roids to enhance their Performance and their muscle growth

but NOT NEARLY as much as a deluded normie f****t who Needs to inject 500mg tren to only get a slight delt Definition

This is the Epitome of genetical superiority

Im totally Aware that These guys surely work very hard for their sprinting Career

But their Performance and their bodies ARE TOTALLY NOT simply only the result of "Muh hard and dedication"

They are a complete different specimen, they are genetically just far more privileged

You will never get a Body like that simply from a consistent Workout along with eating Eating chicken, Rice and Broccoli

Even not if you take roids

This is how your average low prenatal T, TT polycuck will look like after a Long time of muh hard work and dedication

average cuck.jpg

ian mogged.jpg

Glycogenic, bloated and slow twitch dominant

It's not About bodyfat, black Sprinters dont even have a super low and dry bodyfat, they also have on average a much more thicker Skin, they even eat a lot of carbs and sugar for their Energy

It's their fast twitch myofibrillar dominant muscle Consistency which is simply far more dense and pure which why they look a hundred times more hard, chiseled and defined

But aside from the Looks, they are far more better in every Kind of Sports, whetever if it's Boxing, sprinting, Basketball, Football etc.

A TT polycuck will spend his whole youth working on his vertical leap of 14 inches, during that time he will break his bones and rip his tendons several times because of his fragile feminine fragility

And when he realizes that his vertical leap Limit is 20 Inches (which is totally average) he will quit Sports and a join a Aerobic exercise club for Seniors since that's also the only place where he wont get bullied by the chads and tyrones

tyrone and chad however will already create new records at the age of 17

….genetical superiority

One of the most brutal Things (as i alread quoted) is that every third asian guy is basically a total athletical failure

30% of the asian Population have the TT polymorphism

This along with short stature, short limbs, low test and prenatal T and voila you have a stereotypical unathletic asian nerd who Copes with the fact that if he studies hard enough he will have enough Money which will eventually attract women

in the meanwhile tyrone and chad who are already the captains of their Sport Teams at the age of 17 will fuck every prime Cheerleader JB

Stereotypes exist for a reason, the game was alreaddy rigged from the beginning for asians

if you're not a 0,0001% elite Tier south korean 6'4 wide framed gigachang then dont bother becoming a athlete

It will only lead to frustration

but to be fair, even for White guys it does not look very much better, every fifth european guy has the TT genotype

We all already knew that Looks are genetic

But even Things like athleticism are totally genetic, and this article is the absolute proof

No matter if in Sports, Career, sex/Dating life

Hard work and dedication is a totally useless waste of time if you dont have the genetical Privilege for it

It's a game in which you were simply never meant to compete

My advice for unathletic, low T, TT genotype incels:

Workout at home, or go to a more quiet gym without much Young People

Stop wasting time Looking on the bodies or Performance of other more privileged guys, it's a waste of time

Workout for your Health and wellbeing, dont waste time looking in the Mirror, you wont look aesthetic, you wont impress anyone with your Performance or physique

Just Focus on your Health, or Maybe on small Goals for yourself

Additional info: From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

I gonna list the most blackpilled Facts:

(NOTE: The most brutal Facts will be listed in a red Color and large font size)


Power & endurance response

ACE was the first gene to be linked to human performance. In a 1998 paper, researchers got military recruits to do bicep curls with a 15kg barbell, both before and after basic military training. They found that, after training, those with the I allele (II or ID genotypes) saw improvements in their duration of doing bicep curls, whilst those with the DD genotype did not. This allowed the researchers to predict that the I allele was associated with greater improvements to endurance training, whilst the D allele was associated with greater improvements from higher intensity training. Research has also shown that those with the II genotype tend to have slower twitch muscle fibres, whilst those with the DD genotype tend to have a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibres (you can read more on slow and fast twitch muscle fibres here).



The next gene we are going to discuss is ACTN3. It’s one of the most well studied genes with regards to sporting performance. ACTN3 codes for a protein that is found exclusively in the fastest kind of muscle fibres, type IIx, called a-actinin-3. Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract quickly and powerfully, and as such are linked to sprinting or weightlifting. Generally, people who are quick or strong will have plenty of type-IIx muscle fibers, whilst people who are better at long distance running will have more type-I muscle fibers (often called slow twitch muscle fibers).

There are two different alleles for ACTN3; C & T. The C allele allows for correct production of the a-actinin-3 protein, and the T version prevents this protein from being made. Not being able to produce this protein does not cause any disease, as muscles can function without it, but it might limit the amount of fast twitch muscle fibre that can be produced. These two different alleles can create three different genotypes; CC, CT and TT.

It isn’t rare to have the TT genotype; roughly 18% of European Caucasians are TT, whilst up to 30% of Asians can have the TT genotype. In people of African descent, the T allele is rarer, and some research has reported that as little as 1% of certain African populations have the TT genotype.


Power and endurance

The first studies on ACTN3 were association studies. In these studies, scientists tested a group of people who were not involved in high-level sport, and used them as a control group. They then tested elite sprinters, power athletes, and elite endurance athletes, to see if there were any differences between them. They found that elite speed and power athletes were much more likely to have the C allele in the form of either the CC or CT genotype than the control group. Generally, elite speed power athletes don’t have the TT genotype, as it occurs roughly 3% of these individuals, compared to about 18% of control groups. In fact, in one study no sprint Olympians had the TT genotype. In contrast to this, the studies found that elite endurance athletes were much more likely to have the TT genotype than the control groups.


Using your ACTN3 genotype to make better decisions

So what does this mean for you? Your ACTN3 genotype can’t tell you whether you can be a world class sprinter or not, because there are cases of elite power athletes with the TT genotype. However, it can be used to indicate how you will respond to different training. What we know is that individuals with a C allele generally respond better to power training than individuals with the TT genotype. The reason for this is that the C allele allows you to grow type IIx muscle fibers from exercise. These muscles fibers respond really well to power and strength training, and tend to grow larger than other types of muscle. Another interesting study has shown people with the CC genotype have higher levels of testosterone than the TT genotype, with CT falling somewhere in the middle. Testosterone is an additional factor that determines how well someone can gain muscle, with more testosterone allowing more muscle mass to be built. This is part of the reason why men tend to grow muscle tissue more quickly than women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone than females.

In terms of training, research shows that those with a C allele generally see greater improvements in muscle strength and power following high intensity training, such as lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions. Having a TT genotype does not mean that you can’t get strong or grow your muscles, it means you just have to train in a way that suits your genetic profile a bit more. This will include doing weights for 12-15 repetitions, trying to take the muscle as close to failure as possible. Conversely, if you have the CC genotype, you should focus a bit more on lifting heavy weights for a lower number of repetitions, somewhere between 3 and 6. If you have the CT genotype, then a mix of both types of training should prove useful.


Injury risk

One study which looked at this was published in 2010. In this study, researchers got a group of people who were suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, and a group who weren’t. What they found was that, within a group of the people with an Achilles tendon injury, the TT genotype of GDF-5 was significantly “over-represented”, meaning that it was more common than both the CC and CT genotypes. Further analysis from this paper lead the researchers to conclude that those people with the TT genotype of GDF-5 were about twice as likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy than C allele carriers. It is based on research like this, and similar papers, that we report that the T allele of GDF-5 is associated with an increased tendon and ligament injury.

Injury risk

The COL5A1 gene encodes for a protein that is part of type V collagen, one of the main constituents of ligaments and tendons, alongside type I collagen, in which COL1A1, another of our genes that we will meet later, encodes for. What research tells us is that people will have different alleles at a specific point in this gene, which can increase or decrease their risk of injury. A study from 2009, for example, showed that those with the CC genotype of COL5A1 had a significantly decreased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis compared to carriers of the T allele. Similar results have been found in regards to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL – a ligament found in the knee) injuries, again with CC genotypes being under-represented in a group of people suffering for an ACL injury. It has also been found that those with the T allele generally have a lower range of motion, which typically means that they are less flexible. Added to this, research has shown that those with the TT genotype have stiffer tendons than those with the CC genotype, potentially contributing to this decreased range of motion. It is thought that the stiffer tendons and a decreased range of motion might potentially increase injury risk, which is why T allele carriers are at a slightly higher risk of an injury.


Bone health

We also look at GDF-5 from the perspective of bone health. Plenty of researchers have looked at this, and we will look at an example of one study from 2009. In this study, the scientists looked at over 6000 people, to see if there was any association between their GDF-5 genotype and their risk of developing osteoarthritis, a disease that affects joints, caused by the breakdown cartilage and bone, resulting in pain, and also their risk of suffering a bone fracture. They found that, in elderly women, those with the CC genotype of GDF-5 had just under a 40% less chance of developing osteoarthritis in their hands, and just over 30% less chance of developing it in their knees. They also had a 29% less chance of suffering from a fracture. This lead the researchers to conclude that CC genotypes were protected against both osteoarthritis and fracture risk.


Using your GDF-5 genotype to make better decisions

What does all this mean for you? If you have a T allele, you potentially have a higher injury risk, especially compared to those with the CC genotype – both in terms of tendon injury, but also bone injury. Whilst this sounds like bad news, it really isn’t – being aware of this allows you to be proactive in terms of injury prevention. This might take the form of regular massage, or injury prevention techniques such as eccentric loading exercises, which have been shown to be very effective at reducing the risk and severity of symptoms of tendon injuries, especially Achilles tendon injuries. From the perspective of bone injuries, regular exercise has been show to increase bone strength, so it might be a factor to motivate those at an increased risk of bone injury (such as the elderly) to exercise a bit more, as well as consume more nutrients that have been potentially associated with an increase in bone health (such as 800iu Vitamin D and 1000mg of calcium daily), and possibly avoiding high caffeine intakes, which can reduce bone mineral density, and therefore increase the risk of developing a fracture.

Ok, lets come to a conclusion:

If you dont have AT LEAST a CT polymorphism then you're absolutely fucked

TT Polymorphism is THE ABSOLUTE genetical structure of a modern soycuck

it's the Epitome of feminine physiology

Men are supposed to be hunters who waylay on animals for a fast, strong and explosive short but intense attack

Men Arent supposed to be the unexplosive relaxed herbivore cucks who are permanently moving at moderate pace

Thats the natural Task of the female, but those who bring Action and Dynamics into the game are the men

TT polycucks were the beta males within the tribes, the ones who prepared Food togheter with the females who were impregnated by chad who was Always on the hunt if he didnt just banged all the females within the tribe

But TT polycucks werent allowed to breed, there were just the ones who helped the females with their Tasks

some deluded normie might cope now with "Muh higher muscular Endurance"

BUT high muscular Endurance does NOT equal overal high Stamina

High overal Stamina is caused by a strong erythrocyte receptor Density and high haemoglobin Density, both Things which are directly related to testosterone and especially prenatal testosterone, since prenatal testosterone correlates with higher Oxygen intake

And because of that, People with the CC genotype will most likely even have the higher overal Stamina since they have higher testosterone and thus more also probably more prenatal testosterone

CC genotype guys will also have no Problem gaining more muscular Endurance, since it's easily possible to convert fast twitch into slow twitch muscles

BUT IT'S NOT possible to convert slow twitch into fast twitch muscles, science is still arguin whetever if it's even possible to Change your fast twitch muscles only up to 10%

TT Polycucks are forced to do light weight high reps to even gain a slight hypertrophy, gaining a hypertrophy through heavy strength Training is not possible for them, it will only results in bone injuries and even more stiffer tendons for TT polycucks

The worst Thing About this is that light weight high reps Training will result more in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy rather than in myofibrillar dense and functional hypertrophy

Here some articles About Myofribrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic

Here another article from Quora where a guy has promoted a graphic About the muscle Fiber differences between a powerlifter and a Bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are slow twitch dominant, thats why they look bloated and undefined despite having a even more lower bodyfat than a sprinter

Genetically gifted sprinter (black Sprinters basically) however look extremely chiseled and dense, their bodies look like they were made out of Stone

Their muscles are purely myofibrillar and thus hard asfuck

View attachment 8013

Just look at These ridiculous huge Frames....

View attachment 8014

Look as These ridiculous delts...

A normal guy would Need to blast a shit ton of roids to only get nearly as much muscles

And after that he wouldnt be able to move more than 20m without gassing out or dying because of a heart attack

while these guys have the Dream bodies of every misc Autist and they are still totally flexible, explosive and fast

View attachment 8015

View attachment 8019

They surely take some roids to enhance their Performance and their muscle growth

but NOT NEARLY as much as a deluded normie f****t who Needs to inject 500mg tren to only get a slight delt Definition

This is the Epitome of genetical superiority

Im totally Aware that These guys surely work very hard for their sprinting Career

But their Performance and their bodies ARE TOTALLY NOT simply only the result of "Muh hard and dedication"

They are a complete different specimen, they are genetically just far more privileged

You will never get a Body like that simply from a consistent Workout along with eating Eating chicken, Rice and Broccoli

Even not if you take roids

This is how your average low prenatal T, TT polycuck will look like after a Long time of muh hard work and dedication

View attachment 8016

View attachment 8017

Glycogenic, bloated and slow twitch dominant

It's not About bodyfat, black Sprinters dont even have a super low and dry bodyfat, they also have on average a much more thicker Skin, they even eat a lot of carbs and sugar for their Energy

It's their fast twitch myofibrillar dominant muscle Consistency which is simply far more dense and pure which why they look a hundred times more hard, chiseled and defined

But aside from the Looks, they are far more better in every Kind of Sports, whetever if it's Boxing, sprinting, Basketball, Football etc.

A TT polycuck will spend his whole youth working on his vertical leap of 14 inches, during that time he will break his bones and rip his tendons several times because of his fragile feminine fragility

And when he realizes that his vertical leap Limit is 20 Inches (which is totally average) he will quit Sports and a join a Aerobic exercise club for Seniors since that's also the only place where he wont get bullied by the chads and tyrones

tyrone and chad however will already create new records at the age of 17

….genetical superiority

One of the most brutal Things (as i alread quoted) is that every third asian guy is basically a total athletical failure

30% of the asian Population have the TT polymorphism

This along with short stature, short limbs, low test and prenatal T and voila you have a stereotypical unathletic asian nerd who Copes with the fact that if he studies hard enough he will have enough Money which will eventually attract women

in the meanwhile tyrone and chad who are already the captains of their Sport Teams at the age of 17 will fuck every prime Cheerleader JB

Stereotypes exist for a reason, the game was alreaddy rigged from the beginning for asians

if you're not a 0,0001% elite Tier south korean 6'4 wide framed gigachang then dont bother becoming a athlete

It will only lead to frustration

but to be fair, even for White guys it does not look very much better, every fifth european guy has the TT genotype

We all already knew that Looks are genetic

But even Things like athleticism are totally genetic, and this article is the absolute proof

No matter if in Sports, Career, sex/Dating life

Hard work and dedication is a totally useless waste of time if you dont have the genetical Privilege for it

It's a game in which you were simply never meant to compete

My advice for unathletic, low T, TT genotype incels:

Workout at home, or go to a more quiet gym without much Young People

Stop wasting time Looking on the bodies or Performance of other more privileged guys, it's a waste of time

Workout for your Health and wellbeing, dont waste time looking in the Mirror, you wont look aesthetic, you wont impress anyone with your Performance or physique

Just Focus on your Health, or Maybe on small Goals for yourself

Additional info: From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys

did you write all this? IQ mogs me if so
From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys

  • JFL
Reactions: Rei


Because of my slow twitch dominant muscles, im able to suck tyrones Beautiful chocolate hot dog after he pulled it out of wiferino for 6 Hours without my buccinator muscles going fatigue

giga soy boy.jpg

Do i look good? I just had my orchiectomy

being athletic and having much fast twitch muscles is misogynistic you know
twitches me

ngl buddyboyo u seem to have a base of legit information that you expand on with your imagination

just like you started from the fact that aromatase deficient peoples bones dont fuse to estrogen being evil hormone we need none of based on your guess that a tribe of black n*****s grow very tall because of the fact they somehow have no estrogen receptors in their body
twitches me

ngl buddyboyo u seem to have a base of legit information that you expand on with your imagination

just like you started from the fact that aromatase deficient peoples bones dont fuse to estrogen being evil hormone we need none of based on your guess that a tribe of black n*****s grow very tall because of the fact they somehow have no estrogen receptors in their body
At least now stop the n****r hate.
Those Kenyans are far superior and athletic to the slow twitch boneless mc cuck
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

I gonna list the most blackpilled Facts:

(NOTE: The most brutal Facts will be listed in a red Color and large font size)


Power & endurance response

ACE was the first gene to be linked to human performance. In a 1998 paper, researchers got military recruits to do bicep curls with a 15kg barbell, both before and after basic military training. They found that, after training, those with the I allele (II or ID genotypes) saw improvements in their duration of doing bicep curls, whilst those with the DD genotype did not. This allowed the researchers to predict that the I allele was associated with greater improvements to endurance training, whilst the D allele was associated with greater improvements from higher intensity training. Research has also shown that those with the II genotype tend to have slower twitch muscle fibres, whilst those with the DD genotype tend to have a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibres (you can read more on slow and fast twitch muscle fibres here).



The next gene we are going to discuss is ACTN3. It’s one of the most well studied genes with regards to sporting performance. ACTN3 codes for a protein that is found exclusively in the fastest kind of muscle fibres, type IIx, called a-actinin-3. Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract quickly and powerfully, and as such are linked to sprinting or weightlifting. Generally, people who are quick or strong will have plenty of type-IIx muscle fibers, whilst people who are better at long distance running will have more type-I muscle fibers (often called slow twitch muscle fibers).

There are two different alleles for ACTN3; C & T. The C allele allows for correct production of the a-actinin-3 protein, and the T version prevents this protein from being made. Not being able to produce this protein does not cause any disease, as muscles can function without it, but it might limit the amount of fast twitch muscle fibre that can be produced. These two different alleles can create three different genotypes; CC, CT and TT.

It isn’t rare to have the TT genotype; roughly 18% of European Caucasians are TT, whilst up to 30% of Asians can have the TT genotype. In people of African descent, the T allele is rarer, and some research has reported that as little as 1% of certain African populations have the TT genotype.


Power and endurance

The first studies on ACTN3 were association studies. In these studies, scientists tested a group of people who were not involved in high-level sport, and used them as a control group. They then tested elite sprinters, power athletes, and elite endurance athletes, to see if there were any differences between them. They found that elite speed and power athletes were much more likely to have the C allele in the form of either the CC or CT genotype than the control group. Generally, elite speed power athletes don’t have the TT genotype, as it occurs roughly 3% of these individuals, compared to about 18% of control groups. In fact, in one study no sprint Olympians had the TT genotype. In contrast to this, the studies found that elite endurance athletes were much more likely to have the TT genotype than the control groups.


Using your ACTN3 genotype to make better decisions

So what does this mean for you? Your ACTN3 genotype can’t tell you whether you can be a world class sprinter or not, because there are cases of elite power athletes with the TT genotype. However, it can be used to indicate how you will respond to different training. What we know is that individuals with a C allele generally respond better to power training than individuals with the TT genotype. The reason for this is that the C allele allows you to grow type IIx muscle fibers from exercise. These muscles fibers respond really well to power and strength training, and tend to grow larger than other types of muscle. Another interesting study has shown people with the CC genotype have higher levels of testosterone than the TT genotype, with CT falling somewhere in the middle. Testosterone is an additional factor that determines how well someone can gain muscle, with more testosterone allowing more muscle mass to be built. This is part of the reason why men tend to grow muscle tissue more quickly than women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone than females.

In terms of training, research shows that those with a C allele generally see greater improvements in muscle strength and power following high intensity training, such as lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions. Having a TT genotype does not mean that you can’t get strong or grow your muscles, it means you just have to train in a way that suits your genetic profile a bit more. This will include doing weights for 12-15 repetitions, trying to take the muscle as close to failure as possible. Conversely, if you have the CC genotype, you should focus a bit more on lifting heavy weights for a lower number of repetitions, somewhere between 3 and 6. If you have the CT genotype, then a mix of both types of training should prove useful.


Injury risk

One study which looked at this was published in 2010. In this study, researchers got a group of people who were suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, and a group who weren’t. What they found was that, within a group of the people with an Achilles tendon injury, the TT genotype of GDF-5 was significantly “over-represented”, meaning that it was more common than both the CC and CT genotypes. Further analysis from this paper lead the researchers to conclude that those people with the TT genotype of GDF-5 were about twice as likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy than C allele carriers. It is based on research like this, and similar papers, that we report that the T allele of GDF-5 is associated with an increased tendon and ligament injury.

Injury risk

The COL5A1 gene encodes for a protein that is part of type V collagen, one of the main constituents of ligaments and tendons, alongside type I collagen, in which COL1A1, another of our genes that we will meet later, encodes for. What research tells us is that people will have different alleles at a specific point in this gene, which can increase or decrease their risk of injury. A study from 2009, for example, showed that those with the CC genotype of COL5A1 had a significantly decreased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis compared to carriers of the T allele. Similar results have been found in regards to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL – a ligament found in the knee) injuries, again with CC genotypes being under-represented in a group of people suffering for an ACL injury. It has also been found that those with the T allele generally have a lower range of motion, which typically means that they are less flexible. Added to this, research has shown that those with the TT genotype have stiffer tendons than those with the CC genotype, potentially contributing to this decreased range of motion. It is thought that the stiffer tendons and a decreased range of motion might potentially increase injury risk, which is why T allele carriers are at a slightly higher risk of an injury.


Bone health

We also look at GDF-5 from the perspective of bone health. Plenty of researchers have looked at this, and we will look at an example of one study from 2009. In this study, the scientists looked at over 6000 people, to see if there was any association between their GDF-5 genotype and their risk of developing osteoarthritis, a disease that affects joints, caused by the breakdown cartilage and bone, resulting in pain, and also their risk of suffering a bone fracture. They found that, in elderly women, those with the CC genotype of GDF-5 had just under a 40% less chance of developing osteoarthritis in their hands, and just over 30% less chance of developing it in their knees. They also had a 29% less chance of suffering from a fracture. This lead the researchers to conclude that CC genotypes were protected against both osteoarthritis and fracture risk.


Using your GDF-5 genotype to make better decisions

What does all this mean for you? If you have a T allele, you potentially have a higher injury risk, especially compared to those with the CC genotype – both in terms of tendon injury, but also bone injury. Whilst this sounds like bad news, it really isn’t – being aware of this allows you to be proactive in terms of injury prevention. This might take the form of regular massage, or injury prevention techniques such as eccentric loading exercises, which have been shown to be very effective at reducing the risk and severity of symptoms of tendon injuries, especially Achilles tendon injuries. From the perspective of bone injuries, regular exercise has been show to increase bone strength, so it might be a factor to motivate those at an increased risk of bone injury (such as the elderly) to exercise a bit more, as well as consume more nutrients that have been potentially associated with an increase in bone health (such as 800iu Vitamin D and 1000mg of calcium daily), and possibly avoiding high caffeine intakes, which can reduce bone mineral density, and therefore increase the risk of developing a fracture.

Ok, lets come to a conclusion:

If you dont have AT LEAST a CT polymorphism then you're absolutely fucked

TT Polymorphism is THE ABSOLUTE genetical structure of a modern soycuck

it's the Epitome of feminine physiology

Men are supposed to be hunters who waylay on animals for a fast, strong and explosive short but intense attack

Men Arent supposed to be the unexplosive relaxed herbivore cucks who are permanently moving at moderate pace

Thats the natural Task of the female, but those who bring Action and Dynamics into the game are the men

TT polycucks were the beta males within the tribes, the ones who prepared Food togheter with the females who were impregnated by chad who was Always on the hunt if he didnt just banged all the females within the tribe

But TT polycucks werent allowed to breed, there were just the ones who helped the females with their Tasks

some deluded normie might cope now with "Muh higher muscular Endurance"

BUT high muscular Endurance does NOT equal overal high Stamina

High overal Stamina is caused by a strong erythrocyte receptor Density and high haemoglobin Density, both Things which are directly related to testosterone and especially prenatal testosterone, since prenatal testosterone correlates with higher Oxygen intake

And because of that, People with the CC genotype will most likely even have the higher overal Stamina since they have higher testosterone and thus more also probably more prenatal testosterone

CC genotype guys will also have no Problem gaining more muscular Endurance, since it's easily possible to convert fast twitch into slow twitch muscles

BUT IT'S NOT possible to convert slow twitch into fast twitch muscles, science is still arguin whetever if it's even possible to Change your fast twitch muscles only up to 10%

TT Polycucks are forced to do light weight high reps to even gain a slight hypertrophy, gaining a hypertrophy through heavy strength Training is not possible for them, it will only results in bone injuries and even more stiffer tendons for TT polycucks

The worst Thing About this is that light weight high reps Training will result more in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy rather than in myofibrillar dense and functional hypertrophy

Here some articles About Myofribrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic

Here another article from Quora where a guy has promoted a graphic About the muscle Fiber differences between a powerlifter and a Bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are slow twitch dominant, thats why they look bloated and undefined despite having a even more lower bodyfat than a sprinter

Genetically gifted sprinter (black Sprinters basically) however look extremely chiseled and dense, their bodies look like they were made out of Stone

Their muscles are purely myofibrillar and thus hard asfuck

View attachment 8013

Just look at These ridiculous huge Frames....

View attachment 8014

Look as These ridiculous delts...

A normal guy would Need to blast a shit ton of roids to only get nearly as much muscles

And after that he wouldnt be able to move more than 20m without gassing out or dying because of a heart attack

while these guys have the Dream bodies of every misc Autist and they are still totally flexible, explosive and fast

View attachment 8015

View attachment 8019

They surely take some roids to enhance their Performance and their muscle growth

but NOT NEARLY as much as a deluded normie f****t who Needs to inject 500mg tren to only get a slight delt Definition

This is the Epitome of genetical superiority

Im totally Aware that These guys surely work very hard for their sprinting Career

But their Performance and their bodies ARE TOTALLY NOT simply only the result of "Muh hard and dedication"

They are a complete different specimen, they are genetically just far more privileged

You will never get a Body like that simply from a consistent Workout along with eating Eating chicken, Rice and Broccoli

Even not if you take roids

This is how your average low prenatal T, TT polycuck will look like after a Long time of muh hard work and dedication

View attachment 8016

View attachment 8017

Glycogenic, bloated and slow twitch dominant

It's not About bodyfat, black Sprinters dont even have a super low and dry bodyfat, they also have on average a much more thicker Skin, they even eat a lot of carbs and sugar for their Energy

It's their fast twitch myofibrillar dominant muscle Consistency which is simply far more dense and pure which why they look a hundred times more hard, chiseled and defined

But aside from the Looks, they are far more better in every Kind of Sports, whetever if it's Boxing, sprinting, Basketball, Football etc.

A TT polycuck will spend his whole youth working on his vertical leap of 14 inches, during that time he will break his bones and rip his tendons several times because of his fragile feminine fragility

And when he realizes that his vertical leap Limit is 20 Inches (which is totally average) he will quit Sports and a join a Aerobic exercise club for Seniors since that's also the only place where he wont get bullied by the chads and tyrones

tyrone and chad however will already create new records at the age of 17

….genetical superiority

One of the most brutal Things (as i alread quoted) is that every third asian guy is basically a total athletical failure

30% of the asian Population have the TT polymorphism

This along with short stature, short limbs, low test and prenatal T and voila you have a stereotypical unathletic asian nerd who Copes with the fact that if he studies hard enough he will have enough Money which will eventually attract women

in the meanwhile tyrone and chad who are already the captains of their Sport Teams at the age of 17 will fuck every prime Cheerleader JB

Stereotypes exist for a reason, the game was alreaddy rigged from the beginning for asians

if you're not a 0,0001% elite Tier south korean 6'4 wide framed gigachang then dont bother becoming a athlete

It will only lead to frustration

but to be fair, even for White guys it does not look very much better, every fifth european guy has the TT genotype

We all already knew that Looks are genetic

But even Things like athleticism are totally genetic, and this article is the absolute proof

No matter if in Sports, Career, sex/Dating life

Hard work and dedication is a totally useless waste of time if you dont have the genetical Privilege for it

It's a game in which you were simply never meant to compete

My advice for unathletic, low T, TT genotype incels:

Workout at home, or go to a more quiet gym without much Young People

Stop wasting time Looking on the bodies or Performance of other more privileged guys, it's a waste of time

Workout for your Health and wellbeing, dont waste time looking in the Mirror, you wont look aesthetic, you wont impress anyone with your Performance or physique

Just Focus on your Health, or Maybe on small Goals for yourself

Additional info: From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys

I agree even tho barely read. BUT THE KINOBODY BEFORE AFTER GUY, AND KINOBODY TOO MOGS those too big sprinters. Girls would still rather fuck the kinbody guys. But I agree in most cases...... Fast twitch explosive dense looks way better


MY FRIEND IS WHITE, AND HAS WAY BIGGER WRISTS, AND Stronger hands and grip strength its crazy. he's made to grip things and pulland shit.

But I told him to punch fast. Hisone punch was so slow.. Then i DID AN EXPLOSIVE 3 PUNCH COMBO like tyson. and he was like wtf. he was in awe u should of seen the look on his face

I am weirdly blessed by God and have super explosive fibers. I am not meant for all that bodybuilding stuff i don't want totransform into a slow twitched bloated guy. I like being dense lean. hard. explosive.
twitches me

ngl buddyboyo u seem to have a base of legit information that you expand on with your imagination

just like you started from the fact that aromatase deficient peoples bones dont fuse to estrogen being evil hormone we need none of based on your guess that a tribe of black n*****s grow very tall because of the fact they somehow have no estrogen receptors in their body
hahha keep crying u racist incel. Blacks mog you f****t. U slow twitched loser LOL HAHAHA TRIGGERED AGAIN . Whites will be exctinct soon.
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

I gonna list the most blackpilled Facts:

(NOTE: The most brutal Facts will be listed in a red Color and large font size)


Power & endurance response

ACE was the first gene to be linked to human performance. In a 1998 paper, researchers got military recruits to do bicep curls with a 15kg barbell, both before and after basic military training. They found that, after training, those with the I allele (II or ID genotypes) saw improvements in their duration of doing bicep curls, whilst those with the DD genotype did not. This allowed the researchers to predict that the I allele was associated with greater improvements to endurance training, whilst the D allele was associated with greater improvements from higher intensity training. Research has also shown that those with the II genotype tend to have slower twitch muscle fibres, whilst those with the DD genotype tend to have a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibres (you can read more on slow and fast twitch muscle fibres here).



The next gene we are going to discuss is ACTN3. It’s one of the most well studied genes with regards to sporting performance. ACTN3 codes for a protein that is found exclusively in the fastest kind of muscle fibres, type IIx, called a-actinin-3. Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract quickly and powerfully, and as such are linked to sprinting or weightlifting. Generally, people who are quick or strong will have plenty of type-IIx muscle fibers, whilst people who are better at long distance running will have more type-I muscle fibers (often called slow twitch muscle fibers).

There are two different alleles for ACTN3; C & T. The C allele allows for correct production of the a-actinin-3 protein, and the T version prevents this protein from being made. Not being able to produce this protein does not cause any disease, as muscles can function without it, but it might limit the amount of fast twitch muscle fibre that can be produced. These two different alleles can create three different genotypes; CC, CT and TT.

It isn’t rare to have the TT genotype; roughly 18% of European Caucasians are TT, whilst up to 30% of Asians can have the TT genotype. In people of African descent, the T allele is rarer, and some research has reported that as little as 1% of certain African populations have the TT genotype.


Power and endurance

The first studies on ACTN3 were association studies. In these studies, scientists tested a group of people who were not involved in high-level sport, and used them as a control group. They then tested elite sprinters, power athletes, and elite endurance athletes, to see if there were any differences between them. They found that elite speed and power athletes were much more likely to have the C allele in the form of either the CC or CT genotype than the control group. Generally, elite speed power athletes don’t have the TT genotype, as it occurs roughly 3% of these individuals, compared to about 18% of control groups. In fact, in one study no sprint Olympians had the TT genotype. In contrast to this, the studies found that elite endurance athletes were much more likely to have the TT genotype than the control groups.


Using your ACTN3 genotype to make better decisions

So what does this mean for you? Your ACTN3 genotype can’t tell you whether you can be a world class sprinter or not, because there are cases of elite power athletes with the TT genotype. However, it can be used to indicate how you will respond to different training. What we know is that individuals with a C allele generally respond better to power training than individuals with the TT genotype. The reason for this is that the C allele allows you to grow type IIx muscle fibers from exercise. These muscles fibers respond really well to power and strength training, and tend to grow larger than other types of muscle. Another interesting study has shown people with the CC genotype have higher levels of testosterone than the TT genotype, with CT falling somewhere in the middle. Testosterone is an additional factor that determines how well someone can gain muscle, with more testosterone allowing more muscle mass to be built. This is part of the reason why men tend to grow muscle tissue more quickly than women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone than females.

In terms of training, research shows that those with a C allele generally see greater improvements in muscle strength and power following high intensity training, such as lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions. Having a TT genotype does not mean that you can’t get strong or grow your muscles, it means you just have to train in a way that suits your genetic profile a bit more. This will include doing weights for 12-15 repetitions, trying to take the muscle as close to failure as possible. Conversely, if you have the CC genotype, you should focus a bit more on lifting heavy weights for a lower number of repetitions, somewhere between 3 and 6. If you have the CT genotype, then a mix of both types of training should prove useful.


Injury risk

One study which looked at this was published in 2010. In this study, researchers got a group of people who were suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, and a group who weren’t. What they found was that, within a group of the people with an Achilles tendon injury, the TT genotype of GDF-5 was significantly “over-represented”, meaning that it was more common than both the CC and CT genotypes. Further analysis from this paper lead the researchers to conclude that those people with the TT genotype of GDF-5 were about twice as likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy than C allele carriers. It is based on research like this, and similar papers, that we report that the T allele of GDF-5 is associated with an increased tendon and ligament injury.

Injury risk

The COL5A1 gene encodes for a protein that is part of type V collagen, one of the main constituents of ligaments and tendons, alongside type I collagen, in which COL1A1, another of our genes that we will meet later, encodes for. What research tells us is that people will have different alleles at a specific point in this gene, which can increase or decrease their risk of injury. A study from 2009, for example, showed that those with the CC genotype of COL5A1 had a significantly decreased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis compared to carriers of the T allele. Similar results have been found in regards to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL – a ligament found in the knee) injuries, again with CC genotypes being under-represented in a group of people suffering for an ACL injury. It has also been found that those with the T allele generally have a lower range of motion, which typically means that they are less flexible. Added to this, research has shown that those with the TT genotype have stiffer tendons than those with the CC genotype, potentially contributing to this decreased range of motion. It is thought that the stiffer tendons and a decreased range of motion might potentially increase injury risk, which is why T allele carriers are at a slightly higher risk of an injury.


Bone health

We also look at GDF-5 from the perspective of bone health. Plenty of researchers have looked at this, and we will look at an example of one study from 2009. In this study, the scientists looked at over 6000 people, to see if there was any association between their GDF-5 genotype and their risk of developing osteoarthritis, a disease that affects joints, caused by the breakdown cartilage and bone, resulting in pain, and also their risk of suffering a bone fracture. They found that, in elderly women, those with the CC genotype of GDF-5 had just under a 40% less chance of developing osteoarthritis in their hands, and just over 30% less chance of developing it in their knees. They also had a 29% less chance of suffering from a fracture. This lead the researchers to conclude that CC genotypes were protected against both osteoarthritis and fracture risk.


Using your GDF-5 genotype to make better decisions

What does all this mean for you? If you have a T allele, you potentially have a higher injury risk, especially compared to those with the CC genotype – both in terms of tendon injury, but also bone injury. Whilst this sounds like bad news, it really isn’t – being aware of this allows you to be proactive in terms of injury prevention. This might take the form of regular massage, or injury prevention techniques such as eccentric loading exercises, which have been shown to be very effective at reducing the risk and severity of symptoms of tendon injuries, especially Achilles tendon injuries. From the perspective of bone injuries, regular exercise has been show to increase bone strength, so it might be a factor to motivate those at an increased risk of bone injury (such as the elderly) to exercise a bit more, as well as consume more nutrients that have been potentially associated with an increase in bone health (such as 800iu Vitamin D and 1000mg of calcium daily), and possibly avoiding high caffeine intakes, which can reduce bone mineral density, and therefore increase the risk of developing a fracture.

Ok, lets come to a conclusion:

If you dont have AT LEAST a CT polymorphism then you're absolutely fucked

TT Polymorphism is THE ABSOLUTE genetical structure of a modern soycuck

it's the Epitome of feminine physiology

Men are supposed to be hunters who waylay on animals for a fast, strong and explosive short but intense attack

Men Arent supposed to be the unexplosive relaxed herbivore cucks who are permanently moving at moderate pace

Thats the natural Task of the female, but those who bring Action and Dynamics into the game are the men

TT polycucks were the beta males within the tribes, the ones who prepared Food togheter with the females who were impregnated by chad who was Always on the hunt if he didnt just banged all the females within the tribe

But TT polycucks werent allowed to breed, there were just the ones who helped the females with their Tasks

some deluded normie might cope now with "Muh higher muscular Endurance"

BUT high muscular Endurance does NOT equal overal high Stamina

High overal Stamina is caused by a strong erythrocyte receptor Density and high haemoglobin Density, both Things which are directly related to testosterone and especially prenatal testosterone, since prenatal testosterone correlates with higher Oxygen intake

And because of that, People with the CC genotype will most likely even have the higher overal Stamina since they have higher testosterone and thus more also probably more prenatal testosterone

CC genotype guys will also have no Problem gaining more muscular Endurance, since it's easily possible to convert fast twitch into slow twitch muscles

BUT IT'S NOT possible to convert slow twitch into fast twitch muscles, science is still arguin whetever if it's even possible to Change your fast twitch muscles only up to 10%

TT Polycucks are forced to do light weight high reps to even gain a slight hypertrophy, gaining a hypertrophy through heavy strength Training is not possible for them, it will only results in bone injuries and even more stiffer tendons for TT polycucks

The worst Thing About this is that light weight high reps Training will result more in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy rather than in myofibrillar dense and functional hypertrophy

Here some articles About Myofribrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic

Here another article from Quora where a guy has promoted a graphic About the muscle Fiber differences between a powerlifter and a Bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are slow twitch dominant, thats why they look bloated and undefined despite having a even more lower bodyfat than a sprinter

Genetically gifted sprinter (black Sprinters basically) however look extremely chiseled and dense, their bodies look like they were made out of Stone

Their muscles are purely myofibrillar and thus hard asfuck

View attachment 8013

Just look at These ridiculous huge Frames....

View attachment 8014

Look as These ridiculous delts...

A normal guy would Need to blast a shit ton of roids to only get nearly as much muscles

And after that he wouldnt be able to move more than 20m without gassing out or dying because of a heart attack

while these guys have the Dream bodies of every misc Autist and they are still totally flexible, explosive and fast

View attachment 8015

View attachment 8019

They surely take some roids to enhance their Performance and their muscle growth

but NOT NEARLY as much as a deluded normie f****t who Needs to inject 500mg tren to only get a slight delt Definition

This is the Epitome of genetical superiority

Im totally Aware that These guys surely work very hard for their sprinting Career

But their Performance and their bodies ARE TOTALLY NOT simply only the result of "Muh hard and dedication"

They are a complete different specimen, they are genetically just far more privileged

You will never get a Body like that simply from a consistent Workout along with eating Eating chicken, Rice and Broccoli

Even not if you take roids

This is how your average low prenatal T, TT polycuck will look like after a Long time of muh hard work and dedication

View attachment 8016

View attachment 8017

Glycogenic, bloated and slow twitch dominant

It's not About bodyfat, black Sprinters dont even have a super low and dry bodyfat, they also have on average a much more thicker Skin, they even eat a lot of carbs and sugar for their Energy

It's their fast twitch myofibrillar dominant muscle Consistency which is simply far more dense and pure which why they look a hundred times more hard, chiseled and defined

But aside from the Looks, they are far more better in every Kind of Sports, whetever if it's Boxing, sprinting, Basketball, Football etc.

A TT polycuck will spend his whole youth working on his vertical leap of 14 inches, during that time he will break his bones and rip his tendons several times because of his fragile feminine fragility

And when he realizes that his vertical leap Limit is 20 Inches (which is totally average) he will quit Sports and a join a Aerobic exercise club for Seniors since that's also the only place where he wont get bullied by the chads and tyrones

tyrone and chad however will already create new records at the age of 17

….genetical superiority

One of the most brutal Things (as i alread quoted) is that every third asian guy is basically a total athletical failure

30% of the asian Population have the TT polymorphism

This along with short stature, short limbs, low test and prenatal T and voila you have a stereotypical unathletic asian nerd who Copes with the fact that if he studies hard enough he will have enough Money which will eventually attract women

in the meanwhile tyrone and chad who are already the captains of their Sport Teams at the age of 17 will fuck every prime Cheerleader JB

Stereotypes exist for a reason, the game was alreaddy rigged from the beginning for asians

if you're not a 0,0001% elite Tier south korean 6'4 wide framed gigachang then dont bother becoming a athlete

It will only lead to frustration

but to be fair, even for White guys it does not look very much better, every fifth european guy has the TT genotype

We all already knew that Looks are genetic

But even Things like athleticism are totally genetic, and this article is the absolute proof

No matter if in Sports, Career, sex/Dating life

Hard work and dedication is a totally useless waste of time if you dont have the genetical Privilege for it

It's a game in which you were simply never meant to compete

My advice for unathletic, low T, TT genotype incels:

Workout at home, or go to a more quiet gym without much Young People

Stop wasting time Looking on the bodies or Performance of other more privileged guys, it's a waste of time

Workout for your Health and wellbeing, dont waste time looking in the Mirror, you wont look aesthetic, you wont impress anyone with your Performance or physique

Just Focus on your Health, or Maybe on small Goals for yourself

Additional info: From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys

oh and another thing. I agree with a lot of this but that guy you posted for his delts. He is actually slow... He is big yes , i know dudes who are big like that. But when it comes to the punching and striking department, they are super slow and stiff compared to me. My muscles are way more faster and explosive. They beat me in that farmer strength though as do most people of a lot of races. I am strong and can hold them off but I am not as strong overall. But way more fluid and explosive

Like Roy Jones. Fedor. Tyson. Ruiz. That Ryan Gracia kid. same explosiveness yet I am weigh weigh hheavier than ryan garcia.
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

wrong btw. Men are supposed to be high endurance and outlast the animal who runs faster. The animal will exaust shortly and the human will catch up in theory. Also in the real world we use swords and shields. and we need to last long in battle. We aren't suppose to be a sprinter, it makes no difference in real battle. The sharpness of the blade and axe, hammer does the work. You don't need to be super explosive infact it might hinder u. U neeed to have slow twitched fibers realisticlly. battles go on for hours . IQ MOGGED LOL. KEEP CRYING, BUT I AGREE THOUGH. Explosive fast twitched guys like me are the shit. Guy's like u who are fat are losers glad u accept it cuck
Last edited:
did you write all this? IQ mogs me if so
He's retarded. TT cucks can still get super aesthetic and slay. And when it comes to battle they can just use weapons. Yeah I know I'm athletic and explosive af but it doesn't mean TT cucks can't become easily aesthetic lol. No girl wants a huge sprinter body anyhow. They want lean dense ones like mine with great frames.
OP is a fat FUCK larper but has decent points, which are only the links he posted. His added on opinions are dog shit
I actually have good stamina, i competed, but something that screwed me from birth is low haemoglobin, I DID BLOOD TEST, AND DOCTOR SAID I AM DEFICENT, what i noticed through life is i couldn't reach full potential, whether running or gymeceling, having low of this shit makes you pale as fuck, and everyone will laugh at you, i don't know about health yet, but thankfully i'm healthy
I actually have good stamina, i competed, but something that screwed me from birth is low haemoglobin, I DID BLOOD TEST, AND DOCTOR SAID I AM DEFICENT, what i noticed through life is i couldn't reach full potential, whether running or gymeceling, having low of this shit makes you pale as fuck, and everyone will laugh at you, i don't know about health yet, but thankfully i'm healthy
Have the TT/II genotype

This is one of the most blackpilling articles About DNA and genetics in General when it Comes to athletcisim

I gonna list the most blackpilled Facts:

(NOTE: The most brutal Facts will be listed in a red Color and large font size)


Power & endurance response

ACE was the first gene to be linked to human performance. In a 1998 paper, researchers got military recruits to do bicep curls with a 15kg barbell, both before and after basic military training. They found that, after training, those with the I allele (II or ID genotypes) saw improvements in their duration of doing bicep curls, whilst those with the DD genotype did not. This allowed the researchers to predict that the I allele was associated with greater improvements to endurance training, whilst the D allele was associated with greater improvements from higher intensity training. Research has also shown that those with the II genotype tend to have slower twitch muscle fibres, whilst those with the DD genotype tend to have a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibres (you can read more on slow and fast twitch muscle fibres here).



The next gene we are going to discuss is ACTN3. It’s one of the most well studied genes with regards to sporting performance. ACTN3 codes for a protein that is found exclusively in the fastest kind of muscle fibres, type IIx, called a-actinin-3. Fast twitch muscle fibers can contract quickly and powerfully, and as such are linked to sprinting or weightlifting. Generally, people who are quick or strong will have plenty of type-IIx muscle fibers, whilst people who are better at long distance running will have more type-I muscle fibers (often called slow twitch muscle fibers).

There are two different alleles for ACTN3; C & T. The C allele allows for correct production of the a-actinin-3 protein, and the T version prevents this protein from being made. Not being able to produce this protein does not cause any disease, as muscles can function without it, but it might limit the amount of fast twitch muscle fibre that can be produced. These two different alleles can create three different genotypes; CC, CT and TT.

It isn’t rare to have the TT genotype; roughly 18% of European Caucasians are TT, whilst up to 30% of Asians can have the TT genotype. In people of African descent, the T allele is rarer, and some research has reported that as little as 1% of certain African populations have the TT genotype.


Power and endurance

The first studies on ACTN3 were association studies. In these studies, scientists tested a group of people who were not involved in high-level sport, and used them as a control group. They then tested elite sprinters, power athletes, and elite endurance athletes, to see if there were any differences between them. They found that elite speed and power athletes were much more likely to have the C allele in the form of either the CC or CT genotype than the control group. Generally, elite speed power athletes don’t have the TT genotype, as it occurs roughly 3% of these individuals, compared to about 18% of control groups. In fact, in one study no sprint Olympians had the TT genotype. In contrast to this, the studies found that elite endurance athletes were much more likely to have the TT genotype than the control groups.


Using your ACTN3 genotype to make better decisions

So what does this mean for you? Your ACTN3 genotype can’t tell you whether you can be a world class sprinter or not, because there are cases of elite power athletes with the TT genotype. However, it can be used to indicate how you will respond to different training. What we know is that individuals with a C allele generally respond better to power training than individuals with the TT genotype. The reason for this is that the C allele allows you to grow type IIx muscle fibers from exercise. These muscles fibers respond really well to power and strength training, and tend to grow larger than other types of muscle. Another interesting study has shown people with the CC genotype have higher levels of testosterone than the TT genotype, with CT falling somewhere in the middle. Testosterone is an additional factor that determines how well someone can gain muscle, with more testosterone allowing more muscle mass to be built. This is part of the reason why men tend to grow muscle tissue more quickly than women, as men have much higher levels of testosterone than females.

In terms of training, research shows that those with a C allele generally see greater improvements in muscle strength and power following high intensity training, such as lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions. Having a TT genotype does not mean that you can’t get strong or grow your muscles, it means you just have to train in a way that suits your genetic profile a bit more. This will include doing weights for 12-15 repetitions, trying to take the muscle as close to failure as possible. Conversely, if you have the CC genotype, you should focus a bit more on lifting heavy weights for a lower number of repetitions, somewhere between 3 and 6. If you have the CT genotype, then a mix of both types of training should prove useful.


Injury risk

One study which looked at this was published in 2010. In this study, researchers got a group of people who were suffering from an Achilles tendon injury, and a group who weren’t. What they found was that, within a group of the people with an Achilles tendon injury, the TT genotype of GDF-5 was significantly “over-represented”, meaning that it was more common than both the CC and CT genotypes. Further analysis from this paper lead the researchers to conclude that those people with the TT genotype of GDF-5 were about twice as likely to develop Achilles tendinopathy than C allele carriers. It is based on research like this, and similar papers, that we report that the T allele of GDF-5 is associated with an increased tendon and ligament injury.

Injury risk

The COL5A1 gene encodes for a protein that is part of type V collagen, one of the main constituents of ligaments and tendons, alongside type I collagen, in which COL1A1, another of our genes that we will meet later, encodes for. What research tells us is that people will have different alleles at a specific point in this gene, which can increase or decrease their risk of injury. A study from 2009, for example, showed that those with the CC genotype of COL5A1 had a significantly decreased risk of developing Achilles tendonitis compared to carriers of the T allele. Similar results have been found in regards to anterior cruciate ligament (ACL – a ligament found in the knee) injuries, again with CC genotypes being under-represented in a group of people suffering for an ACL injury. It has also been found that those with the T allele generally have a lower range of motion, which typically means that they are less flexible. Added to this, research has shown that those with the TT genotype have stiffer tendons than those with the CC genotype, potentially contributing to this decreased range of motion. It is thought that the stiffer tendons and a decreased range of motion might potentially increase injury risk, which is why T allele carriers are at a slightly higher risk of an injury.


Bone health

We also look at GDF-5 from the perspective of bone health. Plenty of researchers have looked at this, and we will look at an example of one study from 2009. In this study, the scientists looked at over 6000 people, to see if there was any association between their GDF-5 genotype and their risk of developing osteoarthritis, a disease that affects joints, caused by the breakdown cartilage and bone, resulting in pain, and also their risk of suffering a bone fracture. They found that, in elderly women, those with the CC genotype of GDF-5 had just under a 40% less chance of developing osteoarthritis in their hands, and just over 30% less chance of developing it in their knees. They also had a 29% less chance of suffering from a fracture. This lead the researchers to conclude that CC genotypes were protected against both osteoarthritis and fracture risk.


Using your GDF-5 genotype to make better decisions

What does all this mean for you? If you have a T allele, you potentially have a higher injury risk, especially compared to those with the CC genotype – both in terms of tendon injury, but also bone injury. Whilst this sounds like bad news, it really isn’t – being aware of this allows you to be proactive in terms of injury prevention. This might take the form of regular massage, or injury prevention techniques such as eccentric loading exercises, which have been shown to be very effective at reducing the risk and severity of symptoms of tendon injuries, especially Achilles tendon injuries. From the perspective of bone injuries, regular exercise has been show to increase bone strength, so it might be a factor to motivate those at an increased risk of bone injury (such as the elderly) to exercise a bit more, as well as consume more nutrients that have been potentially associated with an increase in bone health (such as 800iu Vitamin D and 1000mg of calcium daily), and possibly avoiding high caffeine intakes, which can reduce bone mineral density, and therefore increase the risk of developing a fracture.

Ok, lets come to a conclusion:

If you dont have AT LEAST a CT polymorphism then you're absolutely fucked

TT Polymorphism is THE ABSOLUTE genetical structure of a modern soycuck

it's the Epitome of feminine physiology

Men are supposed to be hunters who waylay on animals for a fast, strong and explosive short but intense attack

Men Arent supposed to be the unexplosive relaxed herbivore cucks who are permanently moving at moderate pace

Thats the natural Task of the female, but those who bring Action and Dynamics into the game are the men

TT polycucks were the beta males within the tribes, the ones who prepared Food togheter with the females who were impregnated by chad who was Always on the hunt if he didnt just banged all the females within the tribe

But TT polycucks werent allowed to breed, there were just the ones who helped the females with their Tasks

some deluded normie might cope now with "Muh higher muscular Endurance"

BUT high muscular Endurance does NOT equal overal high Stamina

High overal Stamina is caused by a strong erythrocyte receptor Density and high haemoglobin Density, both Things which are directly related to testosterone and especially prenatal testosterone, since prenatal testosterone correlates with higher Oxygen intake

And because of that, People with the CC genotype will most likely even have the higher overal Stamina since they have higher testosterone and thus more also probably more prenatal testosterone

CC genotype guys will also have no Problem gaining more muscular Endurance, since it's easily possible to convert fast twitch into slow twitch muscles

BUT IT'S NOT possible to convert slow twitch into fast twitch muscles, science is still arguin whetever if it's even possible to Change your fast twitch muscles only up to 10%

TT Polycucks are forced to do light weight high reps to even gain a slight hypertrophy, gaining a hypertrophy through heavy strength Training is not possible for them, it will only results in bone injuries and even more stiffer tendons for TT polycucks

The worst Thing About this is that light weight high reps Training will result more in sarcoplasmic hypertrophy rather than in myofibrillar dense and functional hypertrophy

Here some articles About Myofribrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic

Here another article from Quora where a guy has promoted a graphic About the muscle Fiber differences between a powerlifter and a Bodybuilder

Bodybuilders are slow twitch dominant, thats why they look bloated and undefined despite having a even more lower bodyfat than a sprinter

Genetically gifted sprinter (black Sprinters basically) however look extremely chiseled and dense, their bodies look like they were made out of Stone

Their muscles are purely myofibrillar and thus hard asfuck

View attachment 8013

Just look at These ridiculous huge Frames....

View attachment 8014

Look as These ridiculous delts...

A normal guy would Need to blast a shit ton of roids to only get nearly as much muscles

And after that he wouldnt be able to move more than 20m without gassing out or dying because of a heart attack

while these guys have the Dream bodies of every misc Autist and they are still totally flexible, explosive and fast

View attachment 8015

View attachment 8019

They surely take some roids to enhance their Performance and their muscle growth

but NOT NEARLY as much as a deluded normie f****t who Needs to inject 500mg tren to only get a slight delt Definition

This is the Epitome of genetical superiority

Im totally Aware that These guys surely work very hard for their sprinting Career

But their Performance and their bodies ARE TOTALLY NOT simply only the result of "Muh hard and dedication"

They are a complete different specimen, they are genetically just far more privileged

You will never get a Body like that simply from a consistent Workout along with eating Eating chicken, Rice and Broccoli

Even not if you take roids

This is how your average low prenatal T, TT polycuck will look like after a Long time of muh hard work and dedication

View attachment 8016

View attachment 8017

Glycogenic, bloated and slow twitch dominant

It's not About bodyfat, black Sprinters dont even have a super low and dry bodyfat, they also have on average a much more thicker Skin, they even eat a lot of carbs and sugar for their Energy

It's their fast twitch myofibrillar dominant muscle Consistency which is simply far more dense and pure which why they look a hundred times more hard, chiseled and defined

But aside from the Looks, they are far more better in every Kind of Sports, whetever if it's Boxing, sprinting, Basketball, Football etc.

A TT polycuck will spend his whole youth working on his vertical leap of 14 inches, during that time he will break his bones and rip his tendons several times because of his fragile feminine fragility

And when he realizes that his vertical leap Limit is 20 Inches (which is totally average) he will quit Sports and a join a Aerobic exercise club for Seniors since that's also the only place where he wont get bullied by the chads and tyrones

tyrone and chad however will already create new records at the age of 17

….genetical superiority

One of the most brutal Things (as i alread quoted) is that every third asian guy is basically a total athletical failure

30% of the asian Population have the TT polymorphism

This along with short stature, short limbs, low test and prenatal T and voila you have a stereotypical unathletic asian nerd who Copes with the fact that if he studies hard enough he will have enough Money which will eventually attract women

in the meanwhile tyrone and chad who are already the captains of their Sport Teams at the age of 17 will fuck every prime Cheerleader JB

Stereotypes exist for a reason, the game was alreaddy rigged from the beginning for asians

if you're not a 0,0001% elite Tier south korean 6'4 wide framed gigachang then dont bother becoming a athlete

It will only lead to frustration

but to be fair, even for White guys it does not look very much better, every fifth european guy has the TT genotype

We all already knew that Looks are genetic

But even Things like athleticism are totally genetic, and this article is the absolute proof

No matter if in Sports, Career, sex/Dating life

Hard work and dedication is a totally useless waste of time if you dont have the genetical Privilege for it

It's a game in which you were simply never meant to compete

My advice for unathletic, low T, TT genotype incels:

Workout at home, or go to a more quiet gym without much Young People

Stop wasting time Looking on the bodies or Performance of other more privileged guys, it's a waste of time

Workout for your Health and wellbeing, dont waste time looking in the Mirror, you wont look aesthetic, you wont impress anyone with your Performance or physique

Just Focus on your Health, or Maybe on small Goals for yourself

Additional info: From a nutritional Point, People with TT polymorphism are able to Digest Carbs and Saturated fats more effectively without gaining weight or without developing diabetes, but they are more sensitive to cardiovascular damages through salt consumption, those with CT or CC polymorphism are much more able to Digest Protein without any damages to the liver or kidneys

I did the DNA test I have CC
I look low T though. I lose weight with great difficulty and I can’t gain lean muscle that well.

Biggest low T trait I have is really narrow forearms And really narrow jaw

Another thing is I can increase strength easily, I got to 30kg dumb bells for reps on bench press while looking like a twig

"The genetic testing determined that Coleman has high levels of ACTN3 – a gene “most associated with an individual’s ability to develop strength and power” particularly prevalent in Olympic level sprinters"

"Ronnie possesses a variant in this gene making the muscles more resistant to damage (11 times greater muscular endurance compared to low volume responders) and upregulating the anabolic signalling pathways as a result of resistance training, including increasing testosterone. The gene variation also assists in better muscle recovery and supercompensation enabling for far greater volume and training frequency to be employed."

"Coleman’s famously high carb intake can be attributed to variant in his genetics for insulin functioning. He has ideal variants in 3 out of the 4 genes tested for this putting him in the highest 5-10% of subjects tested for insulin function. He was also tested for the highest “thermogenic” variant for UC2 (uncoupling proteins) enabling trainees to burn off excess energy as heat instead of using it to make ATP."

Basically his genes make him much stronger, his muscles are way more resistant to damage, he recovers a lot faster, burns fat much more efficiently, and his body is way better at using calories and carbs for energy and building muscle/strength instead of storing them as fat.
A long time ago a trainer told me I have a lot of type 2 muscle fibers. I come from an athletic family. I honestly live up to the stereotype of Irish just being white negros. Long arms, smallish head, high fast twitch muscle, short torso long legs, small joints but large full muscle bellies, big PP, super athletic even after years of couch potato-ing

"On average, women did about 10 push-ups and men managed about 14. But the people who were born preterm typically did about one less push-up than their full-term peers."


"Preterm birth has been linked with higher long-term risks of several health problems, including heart, lung, neurological and mental disorders,"

So not only do I have to work way harder than the average guy to build up strength, muscle, and endurance, but I can't even roid hard without heavily killing my health.
high iq thread but its not much use to me, i do not know if i have that DNA or not, i dont trust any DNA website they probably sell ur dna codes to sketchy third party megacorporations

"On average, women did about 10 push-ups and men managed about 14. But the people who were born preterm typically did about one less push-up than their full-term peers."


"Preterm birth has been linked with higher long-term risks of several health problems, including heart, lung, neurological and mental disorders,"

So not only do I have to work way harder than the average guy to build up strength, muscle, and endurance, but I can't even roid hard without heavily killing my health.
I am a mullet half Asian who have more medals in sports then most people will ever have in their entire life. And the majority of my victories were against people taller, stronger and a bit older then me. It is harder, put possible..., we can be the 1% sometimes...
high iq thread but its not much use to me, i do not know if i have that DNA or not, i dont trust any DNA website they probably sell ur dna codes to sketchy third party megacorporations
Yeah same there’s not easy ways to test