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Mar 3, 2024
So guys I have been bulking with “great food” I only eat eggs(6 a day) 1 l milk 30 gramm whey protein 450 g rice 10 nuts 50 oats 4-6 carot(depents on the size of them) 300 g chicken breast 200 g sweet potato a table spoon honey and 6 slice of homemade white bread and 3-4 banana also depends on the size of them and oranges apple stuff like that
My main question is can any of these cause acne bc since my bulk started I have developted acne on my back chest upper arm and on my face
i am lactose intolerant but i like milk.

rice has a lot of carbs but i like it. sweet potato has the most carbs
So guys I have been bulking with “great food” I only eat eggs(6 a day) 1 l milk 30 gramm whey protein 450 g rice 10 nuts 50 oats 4-6 carot(depents on the size of them) 300 g chicken breast 200 g sweet potato a table spoon honey and 6 slice of homemade white bread and 3-4 banana also depends on the size of them and oranges apple stuff like that
My main question is can any of these cause acne bc since my bulk started I have developted acne on my back chest upper arm and on my face
dont eat white bread ass for you. banana good
Its the milk, nuts and bread
Bulking is dumb anyway because lifting in itself is
So guys I have been bulking with “great food” I only eat eggs(6 a day) 1 l milk 30 gramm whey protein 450 g rice 10 nuts 50 oats 4-6 carot(depents on the size of them) 300 g chicken breast 200 g sweet potato a table spoon honey and 6 slice of homemade white bread and 3-4 banana also depends on the size of them and oranges apple stuff like that
My main question is can any of these cause acne bc since my bulk started I have developted acne on my back chest upper arm and on my face
between those foods the only ones which cause acne can be: milk, rice and the white bread

keep drinking the milk but replace
- rice -> brown rice
- white bread -> brown bread

You can suppress the acne by also adopting a skincare routine and make sure to consume omega3 and zinc foods
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between those foods the only ones which cause acne can be: milk, rice and the white bread

keep drinking the milk but replace
- rice -> brown rice
- white bread -> brown bread

You can suppress the acne by also adopting a skincare routine and make sure to consume omega3 and zinc foods
Tysm for your advice I will switch the rice and the bread and I already been taking omega 3 and zinc as a suplement
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