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Story Capitalism makes me feel sick


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
I haven't masturbated in a week, maybe a month. I have low sex-drive, but I felt I needed some exercise, and to take a break from my daily work drudgery that drains me of energy. So I was planning to masturbate.

Long story short, to get to the point. I was browsing on new ways to masturbate, since I was tired of masturbating with my hands. The first site was a LGBT website. The LGBT website made me feel the least queasy and sick out of all the websites. Each website made me feel more and more sick, more and more queasy. As I browsed each website, I felt less and less cis. At the beginning, before browsing any websites, I was thinking about hot luscious dick. As I browsed more and more websites talking about masturbation, I started to become more and more queasy around the topic of penis and masturbation. And their corny penis references, such as calling it a "meat-stick", made me want to hurl.

I ended up changing my search terms to "the best masturbation toys". This also made me feel sick as well. Each toy seemed lame and made me want to be less and less cis. Could also be the smell. Can't stand my own smell.

The final nail in the straw though. One website of capitalism. Talking about masturbation. But on the side it is plastered by ads, some of the ads were articles about deaths from diseases. While article is casually talking about masturbation. Its disgusting and a complete lack of humanity. Society has a complete lack of humanity.

Last night I had a dream I was in a mansion filled with monsters. Some DC comic villians such as the Penguin and Joker. But the worst one in the mansion was a rich normie. He kept buying his normie gf millions of dollars worth of bling every hour, probably because of hypergamy, maybe because he was only MTN in looks and he didn't want her to cheat on him? And for some reason I felt that guy was the worst and all the monsters hated him.
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  • #3
fym you dont wanna be cis? like you want a pussy so that you can use toys and find new ways to masturbate?
Like even though I have a low sex drive, I started out wanting to masturbate, since I hadn't in a while. But the more I read these normie websites crudely talking about male masturbation, the more queasy I felt at having a penis, masturbating my penis, my male smell, being male, etc.
maybe just maybe your dopamine is f****d up
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  • #5
Oh and I forgot to mention one the big things of all this:

Only 1 search engine result of "how to remain clean while masturbating"

seems people don't view this as even vaguely important to anything
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  • #6
maybe just maybe your dopamine is f****d up
it probably is but i feel dopamine is a over-simplification

for example if you are in a videogame and the game only has 5 maps, if you play the same 5 maps over and over you will get bored. It seems more than a dopamine issue though, because even if you fix your dopamine, you will still have the issue of playing the same maps over and over.
Oh and I forgot to mention one the big things of all this:

Only 1 search engine result of "how to remain clean while masturbating"

seems people don't view this as even vaguely important to anything
Yeah, most people care more about the quick pleasure during jacking off than the way they look or smell
that guy is a monster in a way, he takes advantage of capitalism and gains money, just to give it all away to some girl. he is a monster in the way that he is self inflicting himself with all of this pressure. and then the girl cant leave him be she wants that money too, we have been ingrained to want money by society and capitalism. they both couldve focused on being happy but she believes her happiness is in temporary unnecessary items while he believes his happiness is not being lonely. in reality there are other more important things that can make them happy. both are monsters
Also sorry for taking forever to respond my WiFi on my pc wasnt working
I haven't masturbated in a week, maybe a month. I have low sex-drive, but I felt I needed some exercise, and to take a break from my daily work drudgery that drains me of energy. So I was planning to masturbate.

Long story short, to get to the point. I was browsing on new ways to masturbate, since I was tired of masturbating with my hands. The first site was a LGBT website. The LGBT website made me feel the least queasy and sick out of all the websites. Each website made me feel more and more sick, more and more queasy. As I browsed each website, I felt less and less cis. At the beginning, before browsing any websites, I was thinking about hot luscious dick. As I browsed more and more websites talking about masturbation, I started to become more and more queasy around the topic of penis and masturbation. And their corny penis references, such as calling it a "meat-stick", made me want to hurl.

I ended up changing my search terms to "the best masturbation toys". This also made me feel sick as well. Each toy seemed lame and made me want to be less and less cis. Could also be the smell. Can't stand my own smell.

The final nail in the straw though. One website of capitalism. Talking about masturbation. But on the side it is plastered by ads, some of the ads were articles about deaths from diseases. While article is casually talking about masturbation. Its disgusting and a complete lack of humanity. Society has a complete lack of humanity.

Last night I had a dream I was in a mansion filled with monsters. Some DC comic villians such as the Penguin and Joker. But the worst one in the mansion was a rich normie. He kept buying his normie gf millions of dollars worth of bling every hour, probably because of hypergamy, maybe because he was only MTN in looks and he didn't want her to cheat on him? And for some reason I felt that guy was the worst and all the monsters hated him.
stop using your phone, believe, it works
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  • #10
stop using your phone, believe, it works
i do not use phone much except occasionally such as once a month.

i believe phones enslave society. In the 90s all we needed is landline phones. Nowadays everyone is a pussy and say they need a phone in an emergency. Its like bro, if some guy mugs u in public u dont have time to call 911, u need to just run away or attack them. Only time i see a phone being absolutely essential is if u on a road in the middle of nowhere or something, and probably the phone wont work anyway. In civilization u can just walk to a nearby shop or something and tell them u are stranded and need to borrow their landline phone. If they are assholes that refuse, then u can just walk over to the shop next to them.

then the phones always spying on people n shit. just a form of surveillance capitalism.

some redditor said its selfish to want privacy, their account got deleted though lol. still i think its dystopian. Even if there are some positive aspects to not having privacy, i think its overall dystopian to normalize the loss of privacy in society. And everyone says we need to lose privacy in order to stop terrorism. But i dont think loss of phone privacy will reduce serious terrorism, i dont think al queda uses those type of phones but idk.
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  • #11
Yeah, most people care more about the quick pleasure during jacking off than the way they look or smell
me im all about smell. if i got that man smell i can barely jack off. i like romantic candle lit smells and stuff like that. and i have to fantasize im somebody else because i have a sub5 phenotype imo
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  • #12
that guy is a monster in a way, he takes advantage of capitalism and gains money, just to give it all away to some girl. he is a monster in the way that he is self inflicting himself with all of this pressure. and then the girl cant leave him be she wants that money too, we have been ingrained to want money by society and capitalism. they both couldve focused on being happy but she believes her happiness is in temporary unnecessary items while he believes his happiness is not being lonely. in reality there are other more important things that can make them happy. both are monsters
Also sorry for taking forever to respond my WiFi on my pc wasnt working
well money is power. balance. if u have 0 money u will be an incel. lockian economics, income must be matched with one's capacity to reproduce, if the minimum wage is such that it is too low then people will be incels and not afford to raise a family. i think this is done on purpose to reduce overpopulation. i dont agree with it but i do believe global warming is real and people who dont believe in global warming are science denying troglyodytes. I believe there are better and more humane methods to reduce overpopulation such as chemical castration. Bill gates did a 180 because he realized people in poverty reproduce more. And a lot of the power is with the females, while some of the elites just make people poor by giving low wages, ultimately the normie females are the ones that actually have the power to cause inceldom or not.
well money is power. balance. if u have 0 money u will be an incel. lockian economics, income must be matched with one's capacity to reproduce, if the minimum wage is such that it is too low then people will be incels and not afford to raise a family. i think this is done on purpose to reduce overpopulation. i dont agree with it but i do believe global warming is real and people who dont believe in global warming are science denying troglyodytes. I believe there are better and more humane methods to reduce overpopulation such as chemical castration. Bill gates did a 180 because he realized people in poverty reproduce more. And a lot of the power is with the females, while some of the elites just make people poor by giving low wages, ultimately the normie females are the ones that actually have the power to cause inceldom or not.
yup. its unfortunate that we have to live in a society where we need to cheat to become rich. doublecross your friends, stop focusing on family and other things in your life, and hurt others with the goal of gaining money and power.
and yes, people in higher poverty tend to reproduce more. in poorer countries like those in africa and asia there is a high rate of birth. it is also explained biologically. in nature, when there is a high mortality rate or difficulty surviving well in a high pressure environment, there will tend to be more progeny produced. the graph showing ages in those environments looks like a pyramid, with the bottom layer being the biggest, the babies born. while in more stable environments, the graph is more regular, there are about the same amount of adults as kids. in richer countries like denmark you can see this. Approximately 240 babies are born each and every minute in lower income countries, compared to 25 per minute in those with higher incomes.

females are defo in control of the population and gene pool, except for high rates of r**e in certain countries.
global warming is real, but it is not as pressing of an issue as other stuff imo
me im all about smell. if i got that man smell i can barely jack off. i like romantic candle lit smells and stuff like that. and i have to fantasize im somebody else because i have a sub5 phenotype imo
same. i always fantasize my future where i have a stacy wife and im a chad. if i imagine the way i am rn in the future it makes me depressed and its nearly impossible for me to imagine it any further. it is kind of my motivation
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  • #15
yup. its unfortunate that we have to live in a society where we need to cheat to become rich. doublecross your friends, stop focusing on family and other things in your life, and hurt others with the goal of gaining money and power.
its toxic hustle culture and people shilling their scams to everyone

and yes, people in higher poverty tend to reproduce more. in poorer countries like those in africa and asia there is a high rate of birth. it is also explained biologically. in nature, when there is a high mortality rate or difficulty surviving well in a high pressure environment, there will tend to be more progeny produced. the graph showing ages in those environments looks like a pyramid, with the bottom layer being the biggest, the babies born. while in more stable environments, the graph is more regular, there are about the same amount of adults as kids. in richer countries like denmark you can see this. Approximately 240 babies are born each and every minute in lower income countries, compared to 25 per minute in those with higher incomes.
yes so i think it becomes clearer.

it is not poverty which increases the odds of reproduction, but living in a wild and uncivilized territority. the more advanced a civilization the more inceldom it begots. So, having more income relative to those around you in your local region, would actually decrease the odds of inceldom probably.

The size of the region would effect the results, for instance if you were the richest person in a poor city you would not be incel, but if your state was rich overall, and you were rich compared to someone else in a poor city, but your city had people richer than you, then you might be an incel. So the data would have the context of a city, but not of a state.

This is not an absolute fact, but the result of genetics, culture and hypergamy. With a different culture (such as more males becoming lesbians,) there wouldn't be inceldom as much.

global warming is real, but it is not as pressing of an issue as other stuff imo
global warming will be more serious by 2050 if things do not turn around quick. and absolutely it is a pressing issue because you may not see much of the effects immediately, but it will be difficult to change later, and your actions in the present will affect the future. Already I witness many large effects, for example this recent winter I walk outside in a t-shirt on many days.

most people are idiots. For example most homes have black, brown or grey roofs even though it is predicted that switching to white roofs will delay global warming by 10 years. Dark roofs also heat up cities, causing more AC to be used, (in addition to the AC already being used to counter the direct heating from black roofs) and AC is the biggest cause of global warming. this is just one example of human idiocy in regards to global warming. there is a general human idiocy
global warming will be more serious by 2050 if things do not turn around quick. and absolutely it is a pressing issue because you may not see much of the effects immediately, but it will be difficult to change later, and your actions in the present will affect the future. Already I witness many large effects, for example this recent winter I walk outside in a t-shirt on many days.

most people are idiots. For example most homes have black roofs even though it is predicted that switching to white roofs will delay global warming by 10 years. Black roofs also heat up cities, causing more AC to be used, (in addition to the AC already being used to counter the direct heating from black roofs) and AC is the biggest cause of global warming. this is just one example of human idiocy in regards to global warming. there is a general human idiocy
ACs are only bad if they use fossil fuels or leaks HFCs, however not all ACs are this way (although usually are so bad)
global warming admittdedly causes extreme weather conditions, which is very bad. agriculture and certain regions where people live will be affected
then also temp change is bad for ecosystems

but: we ourselves are not the major contributor to global warming, it is corporations and rich people. i could turn vegan and live in a shack in the woods, but it does not change the fact that billions of people are unable to do so and rely on stuff that causes global warming

also global warming creates environmental pressure; this could be the overpopulation event people have been waiting for, and new genetic mutations. already, in coral reefs, a coral has evolved to withstand higher temps due to the selective pressure. now other organisms can evolve and adapt. global warming has happened in the evolutionary past and affected organisms evolutionary habits. in the very past there was a time where there were no polar ice caps, only rainforests. i think that it is not the heating that is the issue, but the other effects like UV rays spilling in, and also pollution that we cause. I hate polution. I hate polution more than global warming. The air, dirt, and water is dirty, ecosystems are disrupted. We live in waste. Chopping trees, destroying other environments for human purpose is also bad, and contributes to global warming.

Both global warming and pollution is bad but pollution imo is worse and also partially impacts global warming and its symptoms. So I am more worried about what causes global warming than actual global warming itself.
over for your brain
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  • #19
absolutely, you had misaligned development and your brain is irreversibly f****d, just like people who have random fetishes from the first sexual thing that happened to them, read the human zoo, by Desmond Morris
can u give an essay summarized in ur own words? Cause im probably not going to read the book

The capitalist jews have casted spell on u
absolutely, you had misaligned development and your brain is irreversibly f****d, just like people who have random fetishes from the first sexual thing that happened to them, read the human zoo, by Desmond Morris
I am not reading any of that Ngl
I think you responded to the wrong person boyo
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  • #23
ACs are only bad if they use fossil fuels or leaks HFCs, however not all ACs are this way (although usually are so bad)
correct. In theory, a fusion powered AC would be fine

but: we ourselves are not the major contributor to global warming, it is corporations and rich people. i could turn vegan and live in a shack in the woods, but it does not change the fact that billions of people are unable to do so and rely on stuff that causes global warming
its people. industrial society. the system.

rich people are only guilty insofar as if they were part of some kind of conspiracy to censor free energy or fusion. Not rich people in of themselves. poor people are more populous thus cause more pollution overall

also global warming creates environmental pressure; this could be the overpopulation event people have been waiting for, and new genetic mutations.
not sure what this means

already, in coral reefs, a coral has evolved to withstand higher temps due to the selective pressure. now other organisms can evolve and adapt.
coral reefs going extinct, penguins are dying en-masse, ice caps melting, 75% of the worlds species going extinct, this is cope.

global warming has happened in the evolutionary past and affected organisms evolutionary habits.
yep when an asteroid collided into the dinosaurs. and look where that got em

in the very past there was a time where there were no polar ice caps, only rainforests. i think that it is not the heating that is the issue, but the other effects like UV rays spilling in, and also pollution that we cause. I hate polution. I hate polution more than global warming. The air, dirt, and water is dirty, ecosystems are disrupted. We live in waste. Chopping trees, destroying other environments for human purpose is also bad, and contributes to global warming.
yep thats valid. the right to clean air should be a right of all lifeforms
Both global warming and pollution is bad but pollution imo is worse and also partially impacts global warming and its symptoms. So I am more worried about what causes global warming than actual global warming itself.
pollution causes low quality of life while global warming causes armaggedon
These threads aren't even funny and they have long paragraphs everywhere amd some weird message they are pointless but u sometimes say high iq shit in them and thats the only good thing about em
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  • #25
These threads aren't even funny and they have long paragraphs everywhere amd some weird message they are pointless but u sometimes say high iq shit in them and thats the only good thing about em
Says the guy that watches propoganda for 5 seconds then instantly assumes "its da joos" and changes to hitler avi
These threads aren't even funny and they have long paragraphs everywhere amd some weird message they are pointless but u sometimes say high iq shit in them and thats the only good thing about em
They aren’t supposed to be funny I think
i think so

and what i meant was the swastika was from jainism and aryanism was from india and jainism was from india
Swastika isn't from jainism

And the Aryans brought swastika in India and aryanism is made by aryans from europe and india
Swastika isn't from jainism

And the Aryans brought swastika in India and aryanism is made by aryans from europe and india
They brought swastika and stuffed thier cultures and swastika into Indians and hinduism (all of Europe and Asia suffered this too)
yep when an asteroid collided into the dinosaurs. and look where that got em
not talking about asteroids causing global warming, prior to them there was heating and ice caps melted and there were jungles and dinos in antarctica. the asteroids caused a layer of smoke to develop and that caused a lot of lifew to die, such as how today we have poor air quality. but asteroids are also defo a threat that nobody really cares about :c, the current solution is evacuation but if a car breaks down on the road all the other cars behind will be trapped. and we still have issues detecting them in the first place. but global warming does not cause smoky air, it is the other way around, the gases cause global warming.
conclusion: bad, air quality and asteroid detection is important, treating air quality will improve global warming and finding a way to stop asteroids from hitting earth may also help (most solutions proposed at the moment are highly theoretical and wont work)
sorry i dont know what that means
not sure what this means

coral reefs going extinct, penguins are dying en-masse, ice caps melting, 75% of the worlds species going extinct, this is cope.
just saying that some organisms are evolving in response to these changes. but overall message is that it is not good and disruptive. however harmony should be reached eventually if we dont reverse global warming but instead keep it steady. in hotter conditions humans could also start evolving to be taller, but this is more difficult due to constant gene flow. (Gene flow- movement of individuals to spread allelic diversity from one place to another; in the past different phenotypes developed because travel was harder, now we have better transportation and it is more difficult for adaptations to occur.)
so many humans will poorly adapt and die off, likely in response to extreme weather conditions such as higher hurricane rates, starvation, and those in lower income countries. then overpopulation is kinda resolved although this is brutal. -this is just an implication of global warming that i am talking about on humans lol
also habitat destruction kills a lot of species. and lack of trees and other disruptions of ecosystems, as well as the destruction itself, partly causes global warming. and then global warming further impacts those ecosystems.
conclusion: mostly bad, but if we stablize everything should be fine. so stop habitat destruction, poaching, etc.

everything else is valid
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  • #38
not talking about asteroids causing global warming, prior to them there was heating and ice caps melted and there were jungles and dinos in antarctica. the asteroids caused a layer of smoke to develop and that caused a lot of lifew to die, such as how today we have poor air quality. but asteroids are also defo a threat that nobody really cares about :c, the current solution is evacuation but if a car breaks down on the road all the other cars behind will be trapped. and we still have issues detecting them in the first place. but global warming does not cause smoky air, it is the other way around, the gases cause global warming.
conclusion: bad, air quality and asteroid detection is important, treating air quality will improve global warming and finding a way to stop asteroids from hitting earth may also help (most solutions proposed at the moment are highly theoretical and wont work)

sorry i dont know what that means

just saying that some organisms are evolving in response to these changes. but overall message is that it is not good and disruptive. however harmony should be reached eventually if we dont reverse global warming but instead keep it steady. in hotter conditions humans could also start evolving to be taller, but this is more difficult due to constant gene flow. (Gene flow- movement of individuals to spread allelic diversity from one place to another; in the past different phenotypes developed because travel was harder, now we have better transportation and it is more difficult for adaptations to occur.)
so many humans will poorly adapt and die off, likely in response to extreme weather conditions such as higher hurricane rates, starvation, and those in lower income countries. then overpopulation is kinda resolved although this is brutal. -this is just an implication of global warming that i am talking about on humans lol
also habitat destruction kills a lot of species. and lack of trees and other disruptions of ecosystems, as well as the destruction itself, partly causes global warming. and then global warming further impacts those ecosystems.
conclusion: mostly bad, but if we stablize everything should be fine. so stop habitat destruction, poaching, etc.

everything else is valid
evolution is slow and there is not enough time for there to be evolution

A runaway greenhouse effect is probably the only way climate change impacts could directly cause human extinction, according to Luke Kemp, a research associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. This effect happens when a planet is caught in an unstoppable, positive feedback loop of warming and absorbs more heat than it loses, until the planet's oceans evaporate and it can no longer sustain life.

Fortunately, the runaway greenhouse effect is not a plausible climate change scenario on Earth. For the effect to occur, a planet needs carbon dioxide levels of a couple of thousand parts per million (Earth has a little over 400 parts per million) or a huge release of methane, and there isn't evidence for that at this time, Brian Kahn, a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told NASA in 2018. "
what if they are wrong, big oopsie

what if there is a flaw in their theory then runaway greenhouse effect happens anyway?
evolution is slow and there is not enough time for there to be evolution

what if they are wrong, big oopsie

what if there is a flaw in their theory then runaway greenhouse effect happens anyway?
even if it doesnt happen, people should regulate clean energy and protect the environment

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