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Discussion Casual sex>relationships ?

i dont wanna slay foids i want a gf
even if i end up alone, maybe i will be ok, it is better than meaningless s ex
will u be happy if u slayed

in my imaginative simulation i was not so i prolly wouldn't be happy
will u be happy if u slayed

in my imaginative simulation i was not so i prolly wouldn't be happy
i would not be happy to slay
maybe i would try slaying but it wouldnt make me fullfilled
No doubt
didi u r more social and outgoing than me most likely
what do u think
are there pretty , smart, virgin,attractive(preferably lightskinned ) girls in india
who will date and marry someone like me

i have always preferred to be at home so I don't really know about the real outside world
didi u r more social and outgoing than me most likely
what do u think
are there pretty , smart, virgin,attractive(preferably lightskinned ) girls in india
who will date and marry someone like me

i have always preferred to be at home so I don't really know about the real outside world
n***a ain’t no Indian bitch who’s virgin smart and attractive who wants to marry a basement dweller arguing on the internet in some obscure forum
didi u r more social and outgoing than me most likely
what do u think
are there pretty , smart, virgin,attractive(preferably lightskinned ) girls in india
who will date and marry someone like me

i have always preferred to be at home so I don't really know about the real outside world
I do think there are girls of your liking out there
n***a ain’t no Indian bitch who’s virgin smart and attractive who wants to marry a basement dweller arguing on the internet in some obscure forum
i have potential to be above average in india thats why i asked

i kinda knew that too
i just wanted hope
Everyone is dealt different cards in life. Looking attractive is no excuse for cheating.
i know
its unforgivable
but what i was saying is that most of the average guys cant cheat even if they wanted to
I have never seen anythign of that sort
Maybe the ugly girl you saw was a ltb
have low smv compared to different females
but way higher than ltn or even mtn in some cases