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billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
the other day i hung out with a bunch of my freinds and had alot of fun, and was barely on .com I didn’t think about blackpill and wasnt consumed by the fog. I’m considering self ban because even though ive known ab the bp forever its turned into an insane obsession. Today i found out a guy liked me, he doesnt care about my ressessed chin, uue, flat maxxila, or high set eyebrows. he orobably doesnt even think about that. I’m not saying the blackpill is bullshit i just think im a little bit chronically online and have rotted in a pit of self pity for so long its stopped me from doing anything valuable . all i do is rot and scroll this forum.
the other day i hung out with a bunch of my freinds and had alot of fun, and was barely on .com I didn’t think about blackpill and wasnt consumed by the fog. I’m considering self ban because even though ive known ab the bp forever its turned into an insane obsession. Today i found out a guy liked me, he doesnt care about my ressessed chin, uue, flat maxxila, or high set eyebrows. he orobably doesnt even think about that. I’m not saying the blackpill is bullshit i just think im a little bit chronically online and have rotted in a pit of self pity for so long its stopped me from doing anything valuable . all i do is rot and scroll this forum.
do it, enjoy life b (y)
@glamourpursuer at least she rotted here imagine org if this feels bad. (org feels amazing sometimes but sometimes horrible guess thats bp in general)
the other day i hung out with a bunch of my freinds and had alot of fun, and was barely on .com I didn’t think about blackpill and wasnt consumed by the fog. I’m considering self ban because even though ive known ab the bp forever its turned into an insane obsession. Today i found out a guy liked me, he doesnt care about my ressessed chin, uue, flat maxxila, or high set eyebrows. he orobably doesnt even think about that. I’m not saying the blackpill is bullshit i just think im a little bit chronically online and have rotted in a pit of self pity for so long its stopped me from doing anything valuable . all i do is rot and scroll this forum.
you want me to ban?

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