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Dietmaxxing : A beginners guide

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Diet is the most important thing you can do if want to improve your looks.
High sources of nutrients
  • Fish roe (Eggs)
  • Liver
  • Salmon/Fish
  • Fruit
  • Pemmican
  • Mediterranean Diet
    • it's high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It usually includes a low intake of meat and dairy foods.
  • Okinawan Diet
    • The Okinawa diet gets back to basics. It emphasizes a diet rich in yellow, orange and green vegetables. While rice is ubiquitous with mealtime in Japan, they skimp on the grains and focus instead on the purple sweet potato. Meat (including pork), dairy and seafood are eaten in small amounts, and there’s an emphasis on soy and legumes.
      The entire diet is quite low in sugar and grains
  • Eat foods local to your culture
Tips to stay healthy
  • Cut down/Remove bread from your diet.
    • Eating supermarket bread/cheap bread will wreck your gut. Any bread that is left to ferment (like sourdough) is a safer alternative.
  • Participate in Fasting occasionally.
  • Get soup to get your nutrients
  • Buy food from your local farmers market.
  • Buy a water distiller
  • Research Supplements to achieve your goals.
  • Anti-Ageing drugs and nootropics
  • Limit Alcohol.
    • Red wine contains resvertol (anti-ageing)
    • Vodka has detoxing properties.
  • Make your own food. Don't eat out.
    • Make food in bulk and store food.
  • Remove processed foods
  • Consume vitamins in the food you eat rather than in multivitamin pill form.
  • Eat foods that are present in your ethnicites culture.
Daily vitamin & mineral intake guide
Water soluble vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)Symptoms include burning feet, weakness in extremities, rapid heart rate, swelling, anorexia, nausea, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems.None known.Sunflower seeds, asparagus, lettuce, mushrooms, black beans, navy beans, lentils, spinach, peas, pinto beans, lima beans, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, tuna, whole wheat, soybeans
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)Symptoms include cracks, fissures and sores at corner of mouth and lips, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, glossitis of tongue, anxiety, loss of appetite, and fatigue.Excess riboflavin may increase the risk of DNA strand breaks in the presence of chromium. High-dose riboflavin therapy will intensify urine color to a bright yellow (flavinuria) – but this is harmless.Almonds, soybeans/tempeh, mushrooms, spinach, whole wheat, yogurt, mackerel, eggs, liver
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)Symptoms include dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia, and stomatitis.Niacin from foods is not known to cause adverse effects. Supplemental nicotinic acid may cause flushing of skin, itching, impaired glucose tolerance and gastrointestinal upset. Intake of 750 mg per day for less than 3 months can cause liver cell damage. High dose nicotinamide can cause nausea and liver toxicity.Mushrooms, asparagus, peanuts, brown rice, corn, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, potato, lentil, barley, carrots, almonds, celery, turnips, peaches, chicken meat, tuna, salmon
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)Very unlikely. Only in severe malnutrition may one notice tingling of feet.Nausea, heartburn and diarrhea may be noticed with high dose supplements.Broccoli, lentils, split peas, avocado, whole wheat, mushrooms, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, eggs, squash, strawberries, liver
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)Symptoms include chelosis, glossitis, stomatitis, dermatitis (all similar to vitamin B2 deficiency), nervous system disorders, sleeplessness, confusion, nervousness, depression, irritability, interference with nerves that supply muscles and difficulties in movement of these muscles, and anemia. Prenatal deprivation results in mental retardation and blood disorders for the newborn.High doses of supplemental vitamin B6 may result in painful neurological symptoms.Whole wheat, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, potato, garbanzo beans, banana, trout, spinach, tomatoes, avocado, walnuts, peanut butter, tuna, salmon, lima beans, bell peppers, chicken meat
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)One may notice anemia (macrocytic/megaloblastic), sprue, Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, weakness, weight loss, cracking and redness of tongue and mouth, and diarrhea. In pregnancy there is a risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery.None from food. Keep in mind that vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency can both result in megaloblastic anemia. Large doses of folic acid given to an individual with an undiagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency could correct megaloblastic anemia without correcting the underlying vitamin B12 deficiency.Green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, black eyed peas, spinach, great northern beans, whole grains, baked beans, green peas, avocado, peanuts, lettuce, tomato juice, banana, papaya, organ meats
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)Symptoms include pernicious anemia, neurological problems and sprue.None known from supplements or food. Only a small amount is absorbed via the oral route, thus the potential for toxicity is low.Fortified cereals, liver, trout, salmon, tuna, haddock, egg
Vitamin H (Biotin)Very rare in humans. Keep in mind that consuming raw egg whites over a long period of time can cause biotin deficiency. Egg whites contain the protein avidin, which binds to biotin and prevents its absorption.Not known to be toxic.Green leafy vegetables, most nuts, whole grain breads, avocado, raspberries, cauliflower, carrots, papaya, banana, salmon, eggs
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)Symptoms include bruising, gum infections, lethargy, dental cavities, tissue swelling, dry hair and skin, bleeding gums, dry eyes, hair loss, joint paint, pitting edema, anemia, delayed wound healing, and bone fragility. Long-term deficiency results in scurvy.Possible problems with very large vitamin C doses including kidney stones, rebound scurvy, increased oxidative stress, excess iron absorption, vitamin B12 deficiency, and erosion of dental enamel. Up to 10 grams/day is safe based on most data. 2 grams or more per day can cause diarrhea.Guava, bell pepper, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, papaya, broccoli, sweet potato, pineapple, cauliflower, kale, lemon juice, parsley
Fat souble vitamins
Vitamin A (Retinoids)One may notice difficulty seeing in dim light and rough/dry skin.Hypervitaminosis A is caused by consuming excessive amounts of preformed vitamin A, not the plant carotenoids. Preformed vitamin A is rapidly absorbed and slowly cleared from the body. Nausea, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, and dry skin can result. Excess intake while pregnant can cause birth defects.Carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables, squash, cantaloupe, bell pepper, Chinese cabbage, beef, eggs, peaches
Vitamin D (Calciferol, 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D)In children a vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets, deformed bones, retarded growth, and soft teeth. In adults a vitamin D deficiency can result in osteomalacia, softened bones, spontaneous fractures, and tooth decay. Those at risk for deficiency include infants, elderly, dark skinned individuals, those with minimal sun exposure, fat malabsorption syndromes, inflammatory bowel diseases, kidney failure, and seizure disorders.Hypervitaminosis D is not a result of sun exposure but from chronic supplementation. Excessive supplement use will elevate blood calcium levels and cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, excessive urination, itching, muscle weakness, joint pain and disorientation. Calcification of soft tissues can also occur.Sunlight, fortified foods, mushrooms, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, eggs
Vitamin E (tocopherol)Only noticed in those with severe malnutrition. However, suboptimal intake of vitamin E is relatively common.Minimal side effects have been noted in adults taking supplements in doses less than 2000 mg/day. There is a potential for impaired blood clotting. Infants are more vulnerable.Green leafy vegetables, almonds, sunflower seeds, olives, blueberries, most nuts, most seeds, tomatoes, avocado
Vitamin KTendency to bleed or hemorrhage and anemia.May interfere with glutathione. No known toxicity with high doses.Broccoli, green leafy vegetables, parsley, watercress, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green beans, green peas, carrots
macro minerals
CalciumLong-term inadequate intake can result in low bone mineral density, rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis.Will cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, thirst, increased urination, kidney stones and soft tissue calcification.Dairy, green leafy vegetables, legumes, tofu, molasses, sardines, okra, perch, trout, Chinese cabbage, rhubarb, sesame seeds
PhosphorusVery rare. Those at risk include premature infants, those who use antacids, alcoholics, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and refeeding syndrome.Very rare. May result in soft tissue calcificationLegumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, eggs, fish, buckwheat, seafood, corn, wild rice
PotassiumNot a result of insufficient dietary intake. Caused by protein wasting conditions. Diuretics can also cause excessive loss of potassium in the urine. Low blood potassium can result in cardiac arrest.Occurs when the intake of potassium exceeds the kidneys capacity for elimination. Found with kidney failure and potassium sparing diuretics. Oral doses greater than 18 grams can lead to toxicity. Symptoms include tingling of extremities and muscle weakness. High dose potassium supplements may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.Sweet potato, tomato, green leafy vegetables, carrots, prunes, beans, molasses, squash, fish, bananas, peaches, apricots, melon, potatoes, dates, raisins, mushrooms
MagnesiumVery rare due to abundance of magnesium in foods. Those with gastrointestinal disorders, kidney disorders, and alcoholism are at risk.None identified from foods. Excessive consumption of magnesium containing supplements may result in diarrhea (magnesium is a known laxative), impaired kidney function, low blood pressure, muscle weakness, and cardiac arrest.Legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, avocado
Salt (sodium chloride): Does not result from low dietary intake. Low blood sodium typically results from increased fluid retention. One may notice nausea, vomiting, headache, cramps, fatigue, and disorientation.Excessive intake can lean to increased fluid volume, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. High blood sodium usually results from excessive water loss.Any processed foods, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables
mirco minerals
ZincSymptoms include growth retardation, lowered immune statue, skeletal abnormalities, delay in sexual maturation, poor wound healing, taste changes, night blindness and hair loss. Those at risk for deficiency include the elderly, alcoholics, those with malabsorption, vegans, and those with severe diarrhea.Symptoms that result are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Long-term consumption of excessive zinc can result in copper deficiency.Mushrooms, spinach, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, green peas, baked beans, cashews, peas, whole grains, flounder, oats, oysters, chicken meat
CopperRelatively uncommon. Clinical sign is hypochromic anemia unresponsive to iron therapy. Neutropenia and leucopenia may also result. Hypopigmentation of skin and hair is also noticed. Those at risk for deficiency include premature infants, infants fed only cow’s milk formula, those with malabsorption syndromes, excessive zinc consumption and antacid use.Rare. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Long-term exposure to lower doses of copper can result in liver damage.Mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, barley, soybeans, tempeh, sunflower seeds, navy beans, garbanzo beans, cashews, molasses, liver
ChromiumSymptoms include impaired glucose tolerance and elevated circulating insulinGenerally limited to industrial exposure. Long-term supplement use may increase DNA damage. Rare cases of kidney failure have also been documented.Lettuce, onions, tomatoes, whole grains, potatoes, mushrooms, oats, prunes, nuts, brewer’s yeast
FluorideIncreased risk of dental caries.Children can develop mottled tooth enamel. Swallowing toothpaste with fluoride is typically the cause of this problem. Symptoms include nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting.Water, tea, fish
IodineImpairs growth and neurological development. Deficiency can also result in the decreased production of thyroid hormones and hypertrophy of the thyroid.Rare and occurs in doses of many grams. Symptoms include burning mouth, throat and stomach. Fever and diarrhea can also result.Sea vegetables, iodized salt, eggs, strawberries, asparagus, green leafy vegetables
SeleniumCan cause limited glutathione activity. More severe symptoms are juvenile cardiomyopathy and chondrodystrophy.Multiple symptoms including dermatologic lesions, hair and nail brittleness, gastrointestinal disturbances, skin rash, fatigue, and nervous system abnormalities.Brazil nuts, mushrooms, barley, salmon, whole grains, walnuts, eggs
ManganeseNot typically observed in humans.Generally from industrial exposure.Green leafy vegetables, berries, pineapple, lettuce, tempeh, oats, soybeans, spelt, brown rice, garbanzo beans
MolybdenumNever been observed in healthy people.More likely than deficiency. Still very rare.Legumes, whole grains
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Things NPCs Say – Daily Stormer
You should also add on how you prepare the food. For example, to maintain most of the nutrients in broccoli it would be best to steam them. Also essential and non essential amino acids.
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You should also add on how you cook the food. For example, to maintain most of the nutrients in broccoli it would be best to steam them.
It's easy to boil veg. I'm not sure about the best methods for each food groups. Although it's best to cook steak rare.
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lol dude, search up fruitarian or raw vegans and tell me if these people have acne or dry, damaged hair. in fact, they have clear, glowing skin with shiny hair. Fruits are the most important food group than any other food group. Don’t confuse sucrose (concentrated sugar) to fructose (fruit sugar).
lol dude, search up fruitarian or raw vegans and tell me if these people have acne or dry, damaged hair. in fact, they have clear, glowing skin with shiny hair. Fruits are the most important food group than any other food group. Don’t confuse sucrose (concentrated sugar) to fructose (fruit sugar).
Veganism is a form of body dismorphia.
(Compare the difference)
Work Makes You Free - the lie of Auschwitz Birkenau ...

Veganism is a form of body dismorphia.
(Compare the difference)
Work Makes You Free - the lie of Auschwitz Birkenau ...

dude, of course ur gonna loose weight like that if ur in a calorie deficit or fasting. im always in calorie surplus, so im always gaining weight especially since im weightlifting. There are vegan weighlifters btw incase y’all didn’t know.

dude, of course ur gonna loose weight like that if ur in a calorie deficit or fasting. im always in calorie surplus, so im always gaining weight especially since im weightlifting.
To the point of starvation? Veganism is a low protein diet. Your gonna have to start roiding.
To the point of starvation? Veganism is a low protein diet. Your gonna have to start roiding.

u can get protein from coconut meat, nuts, and peanut butter. i’ve literally been on this diet for 2 years already. i’ve been gaining weight. calorie surplus + weightlifting = muscle gain. it’s not as optimal as steak and chicken, like the gains are slower. but i ain’t about to ruin my kidneys from protein overdose just for faster gains.
u can get protein from coconut meat, nuts, and peanut butter. i’ve literally been on this diet for 2 years already. i’ve been gaining weight. calorie surplus + weightlifting = muscle gain. it’s not as optimal as steak and chicken, like the gains are slower. but i ain’t about to ruin my kidneys from protein overdose just for faster gains.
How much fruit/sugar do you eat?
How much fruit/sugar do you eat?
as much as possible, i don’t do the fasting thing like some of these vegans/fruitarians. my diet will be atleast 50% fruits. then veggies and then nuts. i don’t touch animal meats, dairy, bread. this stuff is acidic. i stick with alkaline foods. my body just reacts better to it, like my skin, digestion, bowel movements, body odor. i had to do a lot of experimenting with all kinds of diets to know that veganism/fruitarism is better for overall health. but i dont fast.
as much as possible, i don’t do the fasting thing like some of these vegans/fruitarians. my diet will be atleast 50% fruits. then veggies and then nuts. i don’t touch animal meats, dairy, bread. this stuff is acidic. i stick with alkaline foods. my body just reacts better to it, like my skin, digestion, bowel movements, body odor. i had to do a lot of experimenting with all kinds of diets to know that veganism/fruitarism is better for overall health. but i dont fast.

A high fruit diet is a sign that your addicted to the sugar for an energy boost. Try something like
It's all about moderation. I would recommend for you to research into fermented foods but I've heard you can contract candida from a high akaline diet. What's your experience?

As an omnivore, I find fasting highly beneficial.

The real problem eating meat is that people are eating too much low quality meet. If
A high fruit diet is a sign that your addicted to the sugar for an energy boost. Try something like
It's all about moderation. I would recommend for you to research into fermented foods but I've heard you can contract candida from a high akaline diet. What's your experience?

As an omnivore, I find fasting highly beneficial.

The real problem eating meat is that people are eating too much low quality meet. If
all i can say for me personally, is that i have more energy. clearer skin. my skin stops producing so much oils when i stick to majority fruits w/ some veggies and nuts. there are pros and cons to every diet. but meats just has soooo many cons compared to veganism. like blockage of the lympathic system. kidney failure. acne. build up of mucus. swollen joints. swollen lymph nodes. higher risk of cancer/diseases. u are capable of digesting parasities/bacteria from these meats, even when cooked. it dehrydates u because it requires more water to process it in the stomach. where as fruits are hydrating in it of its self. i would even go as far as to say that fruit water/watermelon water is purer and healthier than tap/bottled water. i mean i could go on and on about the negative affects of meat both personally and scientifically.
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all i can say for me personally, is that i have more energy. clearer skin. my skin stops producing so much oils when i stick to majority fruits w/ some veggies and nuts. there are pros and cons to every diet. but meats just has soooo many cons compared to veganism. like blockage of the lympathic system. kidney failure. acne. build up of mucus. swollen joints. higher risk of cancer/diseases. u are capable of digesting parasities/bacteria from these meats, even when cooked. it dehrydates u because it requires more water to process it in the stomach. where as fruits are hydrating in it of its self. i would even go as far as to say that fruit water/watermelon water is purer and healthier than tap/bottled water. i mean i could go on and on about the negative affects of meat both personally and scientifically.
what's matters is eating the diet that is available to your ethnicity. I find that oriental/middle Asians are more adapted to plant based whilst northern europeans are more adapted to a high meat diet.
Well post brah, you think you should do a DNA test to make the best diet. But I'm South American, I do not have a clear ethnicity.
Thanks, also i wanna touch on alkalization, after all you should consider that in nutrition, but not something you should 'care' like it's obsession, just drink water on a daily, and reduce meat/low alkaline food a bit
And yeah, this is not hate, but you should include more stuff, like garlic is powerful source of selenium and zinc, and it's not included. but doing ok man, i will look up to you
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Thanks, also i wanna touch on alkalization, after all you should consider that in nutrition, but not something you should 'care' like it's obsession, just drink water on a daily, and reduce meat/low alkaline food a bit
View attachment 74
And yeah, this is not hate, but you should include more stuff, like garlic is powerful source of selenium and zinc, and it's not included. but doing ok man, i will look up to you
Garlic a superfood tbh
im a muslim so ive been fasting for almost a decade and it works.

some foods that work for me are dark chockate, goats milk, cbd stuff, dates, carrots
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It increases HGH Hormone, which makes you taller
Isn't always the case, i've been fasting my entire life for like 10 hours everyday (Because of poverty), and i am 5'7, if you are skinny, and still developing, i don't recommend fasting at all, if you are underweight, it can stunt your growth
Isn't always the case, i've been fasting my entire life for like 10 hours everyday (Because of poverty), and i am 5'7, if you are skinny, and still developing, i don't recommend fasting at all, if you are underweight, it can stunt your growth

weird, im 6,4, maybe genetics still play a role.
Isn't always the case, i've been fasting my entire life for like 10 hours everyday (Because of poverty), and i am 5'7, if you are skinny, and still developing, i don't recommend fasting at all, if you are underweight, it can stunt your growth
I'm talking eating one meal 6000 calorie meal a say
Meat, animal organs/fats, eggs, fish/sea
lol dude, search up fruitarian or raw vegans and tell me if these people have acne or dry, damaged hair. in fact, they have clear, glowing skin with shiny hair. Fruits are the most important food group than any other food group. Don’t confuse sucrose (concentrated sugar) to fructose (fruit sugar).
LMAO. Shitty reasoning but even then almost all fruitarian youtubers have shit dry skin and they look like holocaust survivors bodywise. You are following an unnatural diet

dude, of course ur gonna loose weight like that if ur in a calorie deficit or fasting. im always in calorie surplus, so im always gaining weight especially since im weightlifting. There are vegan weighlifters btw incase y’all didn’t know.
Yeah you have to eat an insane amount of fruit to get the same calorie surplus I'd get from meat, seafood and fish, milk, eggs etc
Meat, animal organs/fats, eggs, fish/sea

LMAO. Shitty reasoning but even then almost all fruitarian youtubers have shit dry skin and they look like holocaust survivors bodywise. You are following an unnatural diet
Animal organs is OP. But you need anti oxidants (such as some plant foods)