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Dietmaxxing : A beginners guide

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Animal organs is OP. But you need anti oxidants (such as some plant foods)
Yeah and I'm not arguing against that either I eat tons of veggies and sometimes fruit. But these retards have no idea on how plant protein etc is consumed. The guy needs to eat buckets of fruit to even get the same calorie surplus I'd get from eggs or meat etc
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lol dude, search up fruitarian or raw vegans and tell me if these people have acne or dry, damaged hair. in fact, they have clear, glowing skin with shiny hair. Fruits are the most important food group than any other food group. Don’t confuse sucrose (concentrated sugar) to fructose (fruit sugar).
Fruits are not the most important, they contain very little protein/vitamins compared to animal organs etc
u can get protein from coconut meat, nuts, and peanut butter. i’ve literally been on this diet for 2 years already. i’ve been gaining weight. calorie surplus + weightlifting = muscle gain. it’s not as optimal as steak and chicken, like the gains are slower. but i ain’t about to ruin my kidneys from protein overdose just for faster gains.
You are literally living off of sugar rushes peanut butter too is full of sugar
I agree. Liver and meat and fish and eggs are good. High fat. Low carbs is the way
Legit bro. Carbs make me feel very tired because of crashes and bloated too. I heard you're into raw milk?

dude, of course ur gonna loose weight like that if ur in a calorie deficit or fasting. im always in calorie surplus, so im always gaining weight especially since im weightlifting. There are vegan weighlifters btw incase y’all didn’t know.
Yeah most vegans don't know jackshit about calories. A good example of a VEGAN weightlifter is Clarence Kennedy.
Legit bro. Carbs make me feel very tired because of crashes and bloated too. I heard you're into raw milk?
That's because you're eating simple carbohydrates.
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High sources of nutrients
Pick one

Get soup to get your nutrients
Yes goyim dissolve all of those anti-nutrients straight into a healthy drink

Buy a water distiller
Low IQ it will not do anything to help with the crap in tap water. You need various chemicals and/or complex methods that are something a little more than just boiling water to get rid of shit like Estrogen in the water (which should be of great concern)

Make your own food. Don't eat out.
Cope again, nothing wrong with eating out, food is just as good

Red wine contains resvertol (anti-ageing)
Resveratrol cannot be absorbed into the blood sorry f*g

Vodka has detoxing properties.
If by detox you mean the trifecta of pissing, puking and shitting, yes

Remove processed foods
The more processed the better. Muh natural = better is incredibly low IQ

That's because you're eating simple carbohydrates.
Amazing fact #4,134: If you crash after eating carbohydrates, you have insulin resistance.

I know this might sound weird but after all of the glucose gets converted into glycogen and sent into places like the muscles (which should have plenty of space for the glycogen since you lift weights, as you should) your insulin goes down and whenever you need energy you begin to break down the existing glycogen for energy trough cortisol and adrenaline. If there is no glycogen, you will break down muscle fibers and convert them into glucose trough Gluconeogenesis.

Complex carbohydrates are absolute trash and they are useless, you are better off with ultra purified sugar as an energy source. Don't even try to deny this, you have no points to make.
Pick one

Yes goyim dissolve all of those anti-nutrients straight into a healthy drink

Low IQ it will not do anything to help with the crap in tap water. You need various chemicals and/or complex methods that are something a little more than just boiling water to get rid of shit like Estrogen in the water (which should be of great concern)

Cope again, nothing wrong with eating out, food is just as good

Resveratrol cannot be absorbed into the blood sorry f*g

If by detox you mean the trifecta of pissing, puking and shitting, yes

The more processed the better. Muh natural = better is incredibly low IQ

Amazing fact #4,134: If you crash after eating carbohydrates, you have insulin resistance.

I know this might sound weird but after all of the glucose gets converted into glycogen and sent into places like the muscles (which should have plenty of space for the glycogen since you lift weights, as you should) your insulin goes down and whenever you need energy you begin to break down the existing glycogen for energy trough cortisol and adrenaline. If there is no glycogen, you will break down muscle fibers and convert them into glucose trough Gluconeogenesis.

Complex carbohydrates are absolute trash and they are useless, you are better off with ultra purified sugar as an energy source. Don't even try to deny this, you have no points to make.
Holy shit, it's over for them jfl no one was right hahaha

Diet is the most important thing you can do if want to improve your looks.
High sources of nutrients
  • Fish roe (Eggs)
  • Liver
  • Salmon/Fish
  • Fruit
  • Pemmican
  • Mediterranean Diet
    • it's high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish, and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It usually includes a low intake of meat and dairy foods.
  • Okinawan Diet
    • The Okinawa diet gets back to basics. It emphasizes a diet rich in yellow, orange and green vegetables. While rice is ubiquitous with mealtime in Japan, they skimp on the grains and focus instead on the purple sweet potato. Meat (including pork), dairy and seafood are eaten in small amounts, and there’s an emphasis on soy and legumes.
      The entire diet is quite low in sugar and grains
  • Eat foods local to your culture
Tips to stay healthy
  • Cut down/Remove bread from your diet.
    • Eating supermarket bread/cheap bread will wreck your gut. Any bread that is left to ferment (like sourdough) is a safer alternative.
  • Participate in Fasting occasionally.
  • Get soup to get your nutrients
  • Buy food from your local farmers market.
  • Buy a water distiller
  • Research Supplements to achieve your goals.
  • Anti-Ageing drugs and nootropics
  • Limit Alcohol.
    • Red wine contains resvertol (anti-ageing)
    • Vodka has detoxing properties.
  • Make your own food. Don't eat out.
    • Make food in bulk and store food.
  • Remove processed foods
  • Consume vitamins in the food you eat rather than in multivitamin pill form.
  • Eat foods that are present in your ethnicites culture.

can i eat salt? and how much should i eat, and also what do you think about eggs? how many should i eat