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Enemies i need help

It won’t raise above baseline though yea
My evidence isn’t solid enough though you are probably right, I just saw in random org test maxxing thread from November
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  • #61
My evidence isn’t solid enough though you are probably right, I just saw in random org test maxxing thread from November
I was doubting but i didn't say anything since u sounded so sure
Shrink balls to boost test? What kind of clown logic is this?

And everyone knows that heat makes people act more high t than usual
hot showers lower test right? My statement makes sense
hot showers lower test right? My statement makes sense
ive only seen research showing cold showers boost sperm production, not the same as t

this quote lists a study where cold water slightly reduces t:
A study from 1991 produced some concerning results when it compared the response of two environments on various endocrine systems, including total testosterone3. One group cycled at 90 watts for 20 minutes, and the other was immersed in cold water.

The exercise group saw positive responses in all hormones, including total testosterone, which increased by 20.8%. However, the cold water group actually saw a decrease of 10% in total testosterone levels. It should be noted that these were acute changes and not necessarily permanent."

then one study says cold air somewhat increases t
A study from 2017 examined the effect of cold exposure after exercise (sprint intervals). After completing 15 × 30 m sprints, participants either sat in a whole-body cryotherapy chamber or a room-temperature space as the control group. The cryotherapy conditions produced significantly higher testosterone levels at 2hr post-exercise (21%) and 24hr post-exercise (+28%)4.

We should note that the temperature for cryotherapy is significantly colder than what would be experienced when taking cold showers."

the another says cold water reduces t
However, another study from 2019 showed the opposite. After 11 resistance-trained men completed a weightlifting regime, they then either partook in active recovery or cold water immersion. The researchers found that the cold water immersion actually blunted testosterone levels5."
ive only seen research showing cold showers boost sperm production, not the same as t

this quote lists a study where cold water slightly reduces t:

then one study says cold air somewhat increases t

the another says cold water reduces t
11 men is extremely small study sample but most of these points are valid
Low t prolly

boost t
i used to feel rage, horrible anger issues. i discovered philosophy, passion for learning, and self improvement, so my mental state became better. i still feel irritation at people and things but i never act on it, i have self control, and i let those feelings fade. and sometimes, i just dont care enough to be angry. if someone disrespects me then i simply dont have the energy or time to care or roast them back, im just giving the person what they want, attention. i am not insecure and in 5 years i will not even remember this person. i suppose that is because of philosophy i am aware that some things simply dont matter, so i dont waste time on them. its more about not caring then not feeling it, so i take back my statement, i can feel rage but i dont prefer to and i usually dont care enough to do so
i used to feel rage, horrible anger issues. i discovered philosophy, passion for learning, and self improvement, so my mental state became better. i still feel irritation at people and things but i never act on it, i have self control, and i let those feelings fade. and sometimes, i just dont care enough to be angry. if someone disrespects me then i simply dont have the energy or time to care or roast them back, im just giving the person what they want, attention. i am not insecure and in 5 years i will not even remember this person. i suppose that is because of philosophy i am aware that some things simply dont matter, so i dont waste time on them. its more about not caring then not feeling it, so i take back my statement, i can feel rage but i dont prefer to and i usually dont care enough to do so
didn’t read but good for you
i used to feel rage, horrible anger issues. i discovered philosophy, passion for learning, and self improvement, so my mental state became better. i still feel irritation at people and things but i never act on it, i have self control, and i let those feelings fade. and sometimes, i just dont care enough to be angry. if someone disrespects me then i simply dont have the energy or time to care or roast them back, im just giving the person what they want, attention. i am not insecure and in 5 years i will not even remember this person. i suppose that is because of philosophy i am aware that some things simply dont matter, so i dont waste time on them. its more about not caring then not feeling it, so i take back my statement, i can feel rage but i dont prefer to and i usually dont care enough to do so
@howtomogg if youre willing to read it
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  • #78
i used to feel rage, horrible anger issues. i discovered philosophy, passion for learning, and self improvement, so my mental state became better. i still feel irritation at people and things but i never act on it, i have self control, and i let those feelings fade. and sometimes, i just dont care enough to be angry. if someone disrespects me then i simply dont have the energy or time to care or roast them back, im just giving the person what they want, attention. i am not insecure and in 5 years i will not even remember this person. i suppose that is because of philosophy i am aware that some things simply dont matter, so i dont waste time on them. its more about not caring then not feeling it, so i take back my statement, i can feel rage but i dont prefer to and i usually dont care enough to do so
Read everything but i said boost t to troll
Sperm are stored in balls test is just made and it goes in all the body also test> sperm if ur not trying to conceive a baby
I don’t know what to imagine if you took testosterone one day. If you already feel on the edge of going off now, taking T could make your anger even more likely. Then again, for some people, it balances them out, and anger becomes much less likely. It really depends on your temperament straight off the bat. Also, since you’re in India, testosterone is widely available in pharmacies and is the cheapest place to get it. India Mart has so many sellers it's unreal. However, I wouldn’t self-treat unless you get some blood work done first to establish a baseline.
I don’t know what to imagine if you took testosterone one day. If you already feel on the edge of going off now, taking T could make your anger even more likely. Then again, for some people, it balances them out, and anger becomes much less likely. It really depends on your temperament straight off the bat. Also, since you’re in India, testosterone is widely available in pharmacies and is the cheapest place to get it. India Mart has so many sellers it's unreal. However, I wouldn’t self-treat unless you get some blood work done first to establish a baseline.
BTW I am not an expert and everything I say comes from experience and my word should not be taken as fact. I am not a doctor. Do not use me as an example for what to do or what to take or what to feel UNLESS it resonates with you. As always milage may very from person to person and new research might counter act my claims. This is up to you in the end. Be careful. Research and inform yourself. Knowledge is power.

If a personal example is of any merit

This is me before taking trt and me after being on it for 3.8 years. Aging has happened since then but my frame is drastically different. My mood is mostly calm most of my days and I no longer feel anxiety in any situation. I can handle even the most stressful situations and still sleep like a baby at night and laugh it off. Having healthy Testosterone levels is 100% a good thing. ( in my opinion) MTXX_MR20240517_231105643.jpgIMG_20240515_153537_483.jpg
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  • #83
BTW I am not an expert and everything I say comes from experience and my word should not be taken as fact. I am not a doctor. Do not use me as an example for what to do or what to take or what to feel UNLESS it resonates with you. As always milage may very from person to person and new research might counter act my claims. This is up to you in the end. Be careful. Research and inform yourself. Knowledge is power.

If a personal example is of any merit

This is me before taking trt and me after being on it for 3.8 years. Aging has happened since then but my frame is drastically different. My mood is mostly calm most of my days and I no longer feel anxiety in any situation. I can handle even the most stressful situations and still sleep like a baby at night and laugh it off. Having healthy Testosterone levels is 100% a good thing. ( in my opinion) View attachment 29986View attachment 29987
U looked good before 2
I will give @AstroSky , @Rkelly ,@softlysoftly , @RamRanchCowboy ER fuel so they go ER on each other (verbally) and i will enjoy the fire show from far

@AstroSky is like so pathetic his whole identity is tied to a post to rep ratio on one of the most obscure sites on the internet and he is so tied to it that he went crying to the administrator about it like a sissy. like mate you are 28 years old and your biggest concern is post to rep on an obscure internet platform how pathetic and sad and vain are you?
Its not an insult u just descended facially and ascended ur body which made u ogre


I very much disagree and I'm certain 90% OF people would agree. But your opinion is accepted as you might be interested in other other aesthetics than I am. I'm pretty keen on facial asthetics. I was boneless before. Not ugly. But I didn't stand out. Now I do. This isn't a brag. It's just how my life is. Everywhere I go put me in a room among many. I got aura and have the bones to make most look boneless. I go to the gym and I see so many with extremely poor facial form and asthetics. I don't compare as it's OK. I'm not trying to MOG either. I like to MOG my old self.

Which objectively among many who told me from their viewpoints ( and many people love to tell me their perspective among the 1000s) say I look better now.

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