- Joined
- Aug 20, 2019
- Messages
- 302
- Reputation
- 254
-Houseparty for NTmax!?
-Women do actually approach
(It's gonna be last reasonable looksmaxing decade for us)
-Most rational way to explain why to give up on womenhttps://***********/threads/why-you...nd-why-hypergamy-isnt-the-root-problem.28595/
-Dopamine reward system > IQDopamine reward system > IQ
On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to norm
-Why fin and minox fucks up your collagen?https://***********/threads/why-collagen-is-the-1-factor-for-attractiveness-in-both-genders.85983/
-Gen after 2010 will be screwed the mosthttps://***********/threads/generation-alpha-is-gonna-be-fucked.86204/#post-1489257
+(It's gonna be last reasonable looksmaxing decade for us)
-Written down lifemax journeyhttps://***********/threads/how-to-...e-daily-validation-in-a-5-step-program.85924/
-Introversion is badhttps://***********/threads/introverts-have-an-uphill-battle-in-life.86488/
-Why i'm against surgery (Personal oppinon said in this thread)https://***********/threads/that-feeling-when.89349
-Just be lowkey theoryhttps://***********/threads/how-and-why-you-should-gaslight-everyone-you-know-irl.83070/
-Smartphones changing skull shapehttps://***********/threads/smartphones-changing-skull-shape.84589/
-Best roid motivation
-Living wild at 17 (Story is kinda sad)
-Dickmaxing results
-2 years of gymecelinghttps://***********/threads/2-years-transformation.39849/
-IGF (insulin), as the best steroid
-Magnesium after gymeceling
-Training calves at home
-Gluteus training
-(Lesson) Don't just crush PR's and stroke your ego

IGF -Insulin like growth factor, the Mother of all growth hormones/steroids
IGF is a Fusion of testosterone, HGH and Insulin, it's the most essential and strongest growth Hormone in our Body, much stronger than HGH IGF does not only lead to muscle growth, but also the growth of total new muscle cells, the distribution of your IGF receptors determine your muscle belly...

-Genetics are everything[JFL] - Genetics vs "Muh hard work"
Ian Mccarthy Has a Instagram account with 5.000 followers where he mostly only Posts stuff About Supplements which potentially can Cure Depression, anxiety and other incel Symptoms and disorders like ADHD In his case it isnt a wonder why he only Posts stuff like that, his girlfriend left him...

-How to measure your bodyfat the true wayhttps://***********/threads/how-to-calculate-your-bodyfat-definitive-guide.59932/
-Neck trainingNeck Training Thread
Neck Brah Wrote:Its the most important feature of a physique, especially for facial asthetics. The rest of your physique is just icing on the cake Photochopped to have a bigger neck, look at how much

Booty-maxing 101 (COMPLETE Guide to building a Slayer's ASS)
archived 7 Oct 2019 19:17:38 UTC
*Ad & surveys
-How i made 200$
-Palate pullers idea, branch your bussineshttps://***********/threads/soon-you-can-buy-copeandropes-facepuller.64449/
-Simple e-whoring guide
Simplest eWhoring guide on the internet | Incels.co - Involuntary Celibate
Disclaimer that money might not come on the first day of you ewhoring, I myself earnt my first $20 only on 3rd of ewhoring and that got me into it, now I have mastered the LARPing skills that I needed and can easily make $30 per day and even $100 and in rare cases over $200, depends on how long...

-Moneymaxing guide (MewingBBC)https://***********/threads/themewingbbc-moneymax-megathread.57109/
*Ad & surveys
-How i made 200$
-Keep up with latest moneymaxxinghttps://***********/threads/what-are-new-moneymaxing-methods-and-trends.88922/
-Afrikancel Diet chart
-Estrogen in your diet
BISPHENOLS AND OTHER XENOESTROGENS BY GURR NICHOLAS Bisphenols are still not banned worldwide. There are multiple Bisphenols as well as other Xenoestrogens (Mentioned at the end), but the most well-studied one is Bisphenol A, and yet, it is still not banned. Bisphenol A is currently produced...

-Testosterone info
-Fixing gyno fat distributionhttps://***********/threads/fixing-gynoid-estrogenic-fat-distribution.15441/
-DHT and skinhttps://***********/threads/the-connection-between-androgens-and-collagen.81116/#post-1410226
-Rosemary ruined my androgenshttps://***********/threads/this-spice-has-killed-my-androgen-receptors.78760/
-Homemade facepuller (CopeAndRope)
-Gene editing
-Red light therapy workshttps://***********/threads/redlight-therapy-is-legit-everyone-gtfih.24622/
-Incline sleeping for nasal obstructionhttps://***********/threads/incline...-on-an-angled-surface-for-better-sleep.83451/
-Autism cure and candidahttps://***********/threads/cure-for-autism-found-nsfw-citations-provided-end-of-autism.2037/
-Complete & quick looksmaxinghttps://***********/threads/gtfih-the-complete-looks-maxing-guide-for-the-4-7-guy.28578/
-Constant reminder to MEW
Mewing Appliance - A Device to Improve Your Facial Appearance
An unattractive face is a lingering disadvantage. The Mewing Appliance is a device that helps you mew to improve your facial appearance.

-MSE and MSDO for just 3000€https://***********/threads/andreishchev-does-mse-and-msdo-at-the-same-time-for-3000eur.85325/
-Hair transplant for just 1000€https://***********/threads/hair-transplant-for-1000-euros.89357/#post-1537752
-Avoid Latisse for all costhttps://***********/threads/why-you-should-never-use-latisse.47147/
-Dermapen for poorcelshttps://***********/threads/chinese-derminator.90110/
-Another facepuller, bow downhttps://***********/threads/how-to-...ce-puller-or-for-face-bow.91372/#post-1569570
-Looks aren't just genetics, it's enviroment and habits also
-Prenatal Thttps://***********/threads/its-all-about-the-womb-long-attention-span-only.244/
-How to get asian women (Spam dnrd in comments)https://***********/threads/best-ways-to-get-asian-women-guide.16296/#post-308933
-Nude morph threat
-Thailand raised it's standards
-Face morph site-Thailand raised it's standards
-Fuck Instagramhttps://***********/threads/normiegram-is-pure-suifuel.88740/
-Just how effective DHT gel is;https://***********/threads/woman-uses-dht-gel-and-grows-a-penis.79814/
-Fapping materialhttps://***********/threads/perving-on-fitness-girls.89369/#post-1537892
-It's over in italyhttps://***********/threads/in-italy-its-over.89074/
-And also in Australiahttps://***********/threads/austral...e-girls-who-have-the-highest-standards.86166/
Incel rates soaring in Chadstralia | Incels.co - Involuntary Celibate
https://www.bandt.com.au/almost-half-of-aussies-aged-18-to-24-havent-had-sex-with-tech-social-media-to-blame/ 40% of Aussies between 18 and 24 haven't had sex, so probably 60% for men since the 40% includes women. It's over for kangaroocels.

-THE TALK EVERY MAN NEEDS TO HEARhttps://***********/threads/how-to-become-a-man-and-free-yourself-from-society.91427/
-Facepulling if you are in hurry
-Incel birthday be like (Sad truth actually, i laughed cause i can relate)
-r**e - Sword with 2 edges
WIFERINO GOT IMPREGNATERINO FROM TYRONERINO WHILE I HAD A VASECTOMYRINO gotta lick all the cumstains from the Floor tomorrow :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

-Best moggers of looksmaxhttps://***********/threads/the-best-looking-members-of-this-forum.89081/
-I was mogged so badly[Soy] - Yesterday i was mogged so badly...
Im 6'5 with a 24 Inch bideltoid and a 10 Inch penis and a Deep voice but i was mogged to oblivion by an Indian 4'11 balding janitor with a micropenis who had a exceptional personality, he teached all the Guys in the club About how sexistic an misogynistic our modern r**e culture is, he also said...

-Stupidity thinking that women dont have a high sex drive
Incel (or soyboy) trait 240420424# Thinking that women dont have a high sex drive
Ive saw it written so often in r/foreveralone, r/redpill etc. that getting laid is so hard because women dont have a sex drive as high as on men women have a gigantic sex drive, they are subconsciously thinking About dick 24/7, JUST NOT with a average guy which why women appear as asexual for...

-Just lose weight brohttps://***********/threads/just-lose-weight-for-your-jawline-bro.89651/
-Retarded grandmahttps://***********/threads/my-gran...open-serious-problem.46628/page-2#post-837021