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Eye to mouth angle, another brutal blackpill

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Eye to mouth angle is the measured angle from the middle of your lips to your pupils

eye angle.png

it's basically a combination of midface and interpupillary distance measuring and thus a more precise measuring

a high eye to mouth angle and thus a wide ESR (Eye seperation Ratio) is associated with dominance and masculinity, it's a generally WAY more dimorphic trait than close set eyes

eye distance.jpg

A low eye to mouth angle basically creates the fragile "longface cuck" look, it's a absolute fragile subhuman cuck trait which literally screams low Fighting success

cuck face.jpg

cuck face 3.jpg

In fact it's not only a unmasculine trait, it's actually a totally dysgenic trait created by a poor and degenerate Lifestyle and estrogenic poor genetics

People who have it also have a narrow wrong grown maxilla and a General cranofacial deformity

Thats why it's also used on creating Horror creatures in movies like mama or Steven kings It from 2017

It 2017.jpg


It also usually correlates with poor FWHR and a generally narrow skull

there are a lot guys who actually have a objectively short to average midface length, but their midface still Looks Long because their eyes are close set

and then there also guys who have a objectively Long midface, but their wide set eye make their midface look way Shorter and broader

This guy here has a shorter midface length as the guy underneath, but his midface face Looks way more longer and fragile because his eyes are way more close set

low eye angle.jpg
wide set eyes.jpg

(BTW mirin These eyes, they dont look particulary masculine but aesthetic ASFUCK, also WTF on that HUGE palpebral fissure length)

The only Thing which can save you from Looking like a cuck with close set eyes is a perfect wide hunter eyeshape and a Long palpebral fissure length aka horizontal Long eyes

Zayn malik for example has relatively close set eyes but GODTIER palpebral fissure and eyeshape which why it isnt really noticeable, he even has a relatively Long midface length

zayn malik.jpg

Also Actors like Brad pitt, or Ian somerhalder have close set eyes and a relatively high eye to mouth angle, but they all have a godtier eye area and other facial Features which why they look great

But if you're an average guy with average facial harmony and aesthetic, the more wider set your eyes the more better

Unfortunately theres Nothing you can do About it, you cant shorten your midface length, nor your interpupillary distance or your palpebral fissure length

If you have a eye to mouth angle along with horizontal narrow cuck eyes like the subhumans listed above then you were simply never meant to compete, it's literally one of the worst and most fragile Features a man can have

It's literally the opposite of healthy dimorphism, notice how the world ugliest People like Lizzy Velasquez have all dysgenic close set eyes and a low eye to mouth angle
Eye to mouth angle is the measured angle from the middle of your lips to your pupils

View attachment 5265

it's basically a combination of midface and interpupillary distance measuring and thus a more precise measuring

a high eye to mouth angle and thus a wide ESR (Eye seperation Ratio) is associated with dominance and masculinity, it's a generally WAY more dimorphic trait than close set eyes

View attachment 5266

A low eye to mouth angle basically creates the fragile "longface cuck" look, it's a absolute fragile subhuman cuck trait which literally screams low Fighting success

View attachment 5267

View attachment 5269

In fact it's not only a unmasculine trait, it's actually a totally dysgenic trait created by a poor and degenerate Lifestyle and estrogenic poor genetics

People who have it also have a narrow wrong grown maxilla and a General cranofacial deformity

Thats why it's also used on creating Horror creatures in movies like mama or Steven kings It from 2017

View attachment 5274

View attachment 5275

It also usually correlates with poor FWHR and a generally narrow skull

there are a lot guys who actually have a objectively short to average midface length, but their midface still Looks Long because their eyes are close set

and then there also guys who have a objectively Long midface, but their wide set eye make their midface look way Shorter and broader

This guy here has a shorter midface length as the guy underneath, but his midface face Looks way more longer and fragile because his eyes are way more close set

View attachment 5270
View attachment 5271

(BTW mirin These eyes, they dont look particulary masculine but aesthetic ASFUCK, also WTF on that HUGE palpebral fissure length)

The only Thing which can save you from Looking like a cuck with close set eyes is a perfect wide hunter eyeshape and a Long palpebral fissure length aka horizontal Long eyes

Zayn malik for example has relatively close set eyes but GODTIER palpebral fissure and eyeshape which why it isnt really noticeable, he even has a relatively Long midface length

View attachment 5276

Also Actors like Brad pitt, or Ian somerhalder have close set eyes and a relatively high eye to mouth angle, but they all have a godtier eye area and other facial Features which why they look great

But if you're an average guy with average facial harmony and aesthetic, the more wider set your eyes the more better

Unfortunately theres Nothing you can do About it, you cant shorten your midface length, nor your interpupillary distance or your palpebral fissure length

If you have a eye to mouth angle along with horizontal narrow cuck eyes like the subhumans listed above then you were simply never meant to compete, it's literally one of the worst and most fragile Features a man can have

It's literally the opposite of healthy dimorphism, notice how the world ugliest People like Lizzy Velasquez have all dysgenic close set eyes and a low eye to mouth angle
What if a person had a short philtrum but close set eyes? Come to think of it idek if there are ppl I've seen like that to what I remember...
Unfortunately theres Nothing you can do About it, you cant shorten your midface length, nor your interpupillary distance or your palpebral fissure length


Myofunctional therapy from orthotropics works. It increases interpupillary distance, by rearranging the orbital rims.
Take this lady's case as an example.

We can all agree that her orbital rims moved and widened her interpupillary distance.
She looks waaaayyyy more beautiful after the treatment.
My eye to mouth angle mogs O'pry's.
I have it between 51 - 52 degrees.
Another tick in the box.

Myofunctional therapy from orthotropics works. It increases interpupillary distance, by rearranging the orbital rims.
Take this lady's case as an example.

We can all agree that her orbital rims moved and widened her interpupillary distance.
She looks waaaayyyy more beautiful after the treatment.

Yeah i forgot to Mention that, some users of sites like the great work report increase of interpupillary distance from maxilla expanding

although the amount of Expansion you can achieve is very limited, it also wont work for anyone just like mewing doesnt work for anyone

some People have too thick nasal bridges and generally a lesser capability of remodelling bones with their fluactating Calcium Levels

Also: on the after Picture her outer eyelashes are way more pronounced which creates the Illusion of more wide set eyes, the amount of truly interpupillary distance she gained is EXTREMELY small

A lot of women use this trick to hide their small interpupillary distance, and it does work, growing your laterally eyelashes along with squinting might help to cover a small interpupillary distance

If you have a truly low eye to mouth angle and significant close set eyes then it will stay like that for the rest of your life, Maybe you will be able to achieve a slightly Sub milimeter increase through maxilla Expansion and hard mewing through several years but thats it
Yeah i forgot to Mention that, some users of sites like the great work report increase of interpupillary distance from maxilla expanding

although the amount of Expansion you can achieve is very limited, it also wont work for anyone just like mewing doesnt work for anyone
some People have too thick nasal bridges and generally a lesser capability of remodelling bones with their fluactating Calcium Levels

Also: on the after Picture her outer eyelashes are way more pronounced which creates the Illusion of more wide set eyes, the amount of truly interpupillary distance she gained is EXTREMELY small

If you have a truly low eye to mouth angle and significant close set eyes then it will stay like that for the rest of your life, Maybe you will be able to achieve a slightly Sub milimeter increase through maxilla Expansion and hard mewing through several years but thats it
No worries.
Bro so what is the verdict? What is the ideal eye to mouth angle range?
Yeah i forgot to Mention that, some users of sites like the great work report increase of interpupillary distance from maxilla expanding

although the amount of Expansion you can achieve is very limited, it also wont work for anyone just like mewing doesnt work for anyone

some People have too thick nasal bridges and generally a lesser capability of remodelling bones with their fluactating Calcium Levels

Also: on the after Picture her outer eyelashes are way more pronounced which creates the Illusion of more wide set eyes, the amount of truly interpupillary distance she gained is EXTREMELY small

A lot of women use this trick to hide their small interpupillary distance, and it does work, growing your laterally eyelashes along with squinting might help to cover a small interpupillary distance

If you have a truly low eye to mouth angle and significant close set eyes then it will stay like that for the rest of your life, Maybe you will be able to achieve a slightly Sub milimeter increase through maxilla Expansion and hard mewing through several years but thats it
High iQ
No worries.
Bro so what is the verdict? What is the ideal eye to mouth angle range?

There are guys who look good with a relatively low eye to mouth angle or even vice versa

Lets say you have average FWHR and average facial bone Protrusion and Forward growth along with average facial harmony

in this case, a higher than average eye to mouth angle is ideal

there was a even a study which suggests that a eye to mouth angle cant be too high
Eye to mouth angle is the measured angle from the middle of your lips to your pupils

View attachment 5265

it's basically a combination of midface and interpupillary distance measuring and thus a more precise measuring

a high eye to mouth angle and thus a wide ESR (Eye seperation Ratio) is associated with dominance and masculinity, it's a generally WAY more dimorphic trait than close set eyes

View attachment 5266

A low eye to mouth angle basically creates the fragile "longface cuck" look, it's a absolute fragile subhuman cuck trait which literally screams low Fighting success

View attachment 5267

View attachment 5269

In fact it's not only a unmasculine trait, it's actually a totally dysgenic trait created by a poor and degenerate Lifestyle and estrogenic poor genetics

People who have it also have a narrow wrong grown maxilla and a General cranofacial deformity

Thats why it's also used on creating Horror creatures in movies like mama or Steven kings It from 2017

View attachment 5274

View attachment 5275

It also usually correlates with poor FWHR and a generally narrow skull

there are a lot guys who actually have a objectively short to average midface length, but their midface still Looks Long because their eyes are close set

and then there also guys who have a objectively Long midface, but their wide set eye make their midface look way Shorter and broader

This guy here has a shorter midface length as the guy underneath, but his midface face Looks way more longer and fragile because his eyes are way more close set

View attachment 5270
View attachment 5271

(BTW mirin These eyes, they dont look particulary masculine but aesthetic ASFUCK, also WTF on that HUGE palpebral fissure length)

The only Thing which can save you from Looking like a cuck with close set eyes is a perfect wide hunter eyeshape and a Long palpebral fissure length aka horizontal Long eyes

Zayn malik for example has relatively close set eyes but GODTIER palpebral fissure and eyeshape which why it isnt really noticeable, he even has a relatively Long midface length

View attachment 5276

Also Actors like Brad pitt, or Ian somerhalder have close set eyes and a relatively high eye to mouth angle, but they all have a godtier eye area and other facial Features which why they look great

But if you're an average guy with average facial harmony and aesthetic, the more wider set your eyes the more better

Unfortunately theres Nothing you can do About it, you cant shorten your midface length, nor your interpupillary distance or your palpebral fissure length

If you have a eye to mouth angle along with horizontal narrow cuck eyes like the subhumans listed above then you were simply never meant to compete, it's literally one of the worst and most fragile Features a man can have

It's literally the opposite of healthy dimorphism, notice how the world ugliest People like Lizzy Velasquez have all dysgenic close set eyes and a low eye to mouth angle

Wow actually a good thread. So true. Brutal.
This is Autism.

Such Dimorphism, such Masculinity.


Anime girls are Men.