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Discussion female height


Well-known member
Section Moderator
Apr 23, 2024
the earth's core
Would you say taller females are more attractive or shorter females?What's the perfect height? 5'8? 5'2? I know some say shorter heights make males feel more dominant but how come most models are taller? wouldn't tallness show a better diet and naturally unconsciously be attractive?
depends on the guy , imo 5ft6-5ft5 is ideal
I’d say there’s a difference between what’s attractive in fashion and what’s attractive to the majority of the population

Agencies look for tall thin people regardless of their gender

irl the ideal height for a girl in the male gaze is usually 4-5 inches shorter than him
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I’d say there’s a difference between what’s attractive in fashion and what’s attractive to the majority of the population

Agencies look for tall thin people regardless of their gender

irl the ideal height for a girl in the male gaze is usually 4-5 inches shorter than him
yh im cooked im 5'8 and still growing ☠️,so would you say curvy-ier woman who are abut shorter then the guy is the male gaze?I'm a bit confused on what the male gaze is
Attraction is really mostly subjective, while there are certain things that we know to be widely appealing the truth is everyone has their own tastes

5’8 is a completely respectable height for a girl depending on how old you are I doubt you’ll grow much more
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Attraction is really mostly subjective, while there are certain things that we know to be widely appealing the truth is everyone has their own tastes

5’8 is a completely respectable height for a girl depending on how old you are I doubt you’ll grow much more
thank you tho all of my dads side r late bloomers and keep growing for a while (like 18 yrs old to 19 ish)
Any height tbh besides super short or super tall. Most guys like girls they are slightly taller than too. Super tall is bad because it can sometimes make the face looks bad due to high hgh and angle if you are looking up
Would you say taller females are more attractive or shorter females?What's the perfect height? 5'8? 5'2? I know some say shorter heights make males feel more dominant but how come most models are taller? wouldn't tallness show a better diet and naturally unconsciously be attractive?
Personally i think tall girls can only be attractive if they arent beanpoles, and to be so you need generally a good body and you need a very good face

Shorter girls are more femminine since shortness is somehow a sign of submission for the male

Tho there are very sexy tall women out there which i would place before any short girl
Would you say taller females are more attractive or shorter females?What's the perfect height? 5'8? 5'2? I know some say shorter heights make males feel more dominant but how come most models are taller? wouldn't tallness show a better diet and naturally unconsciously be attractive?
modelling is about clothes not appeal
Would you say taller females are more attractive or shorter females?What's the perfect height? 5'8? 5'2? I know some say shorter heights make males feel more dominant but how come most models are taller? wouldn't tallness show a better diet and naturally unconsciously be attractive?
Id say 5'9 5'11 is the ideal height for me
I want taller children
So if i marry a girl ever she will have to be taller or as tall as me , or maximum 2 inches shorter
I want a woman same height as me but it's a little hard considering average height for women in my country is 5ft1
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I want a woman same height as me but it's a little hard considering average height for women in my country is 5ft1
damnnn 5 ft 1 is crazy,i used to b rlly insecure of my height cause I tower over my friends (5 ft 9 )
damnnn 5 ft 1 is crazy,i used to b rlly insecure of my height cause I tower over my friends (5 ft 9 )
You are taller than most guys in my country. Male average height here is 5ft6 lol
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You are ethnic yourself right? I assume from avi you are of African descent
mixed descent (Guadeloupe and Somalia),Gaudeloupe is a Caribbean island but the ppl from there r also considered latino/a (trust me I go thru an identity crisis every other day ☠️)
I want a woman same height as me but it's a little hard considering average height for women in my country is 5ft1
Geomaxx to Nederlands bhai
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just wondering, would yall date a 10/10 but she a midget? :monkahmm:
idk y but in my city there is a lot of midgets,and they r pretty but there bodies seem compressed (idk how to explain),bare of them r moms or pregnant aswell
idk y but in my city there is a lot of midgets,and they r pretty but there bodies seem compressed (idk how to explain),bare of them r moms or pregnant aswell
agreed, usually shorter people's unequal proportions look worse than a tall person's unequal proportions
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