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Guide girls n gays


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
how do girls become more like gays and how do gays become more like girls

utopia would commence if girls became more like gays and gays became more like girls
Gays have male gaze
seems like girls are extremely picky and prone to hypergamy

whereas gays are promiscuous and dtf any guy

and physically if gays were more like girls there would be more hot femboys in society
yeah i wanna see more genetically failed incels taking estrogen and ffs to become hot femboys
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  • #11
even chads suffer this, astrosky said he almost got broke up by his gf after his chad transition, from her taking birth control, i assume birth control provides a form of estrogen which is a hormone that is already abundant in women.
even chads suffer this, astrosky said he almost got broke up by his gf after his chad transition, from her taking birth control, i assume birth control provides a form of estrogen which is a hormone that is already abundant in women.
birth control has estrogen+ progestin or progestin only
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  • #15
progestin is the synthetic form
my guess is its pretty much the same as progesterone, and progesterone is normal and natural in women so chads will probably suffer this also
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  • #28
ok basically he turns feminine yeah thats what i thought
i looked into progesterone

progesterone turns girls into homos and guys into homos. strange. i thought it would either: make girls like girls more, and make guys like girls more or: make girls like guys more, and guys like guys more. instead it just makes people homos. Either: progesterone makes the preference subjective or: progesterone effects male biology very differently from female biology
you trolling
no, genetically failed incels shouldnt reproduce and nor are they likely to get a girlfriend, instead of spending time and money on surgeries and then having genetically broken kids, they should take estrogen and become feminine
no, genetically failed incels shouldnt reproduce and nor are they likely to get a girlfriend, instead of spending time and money on surgeries and then having genetically broken kids, they should take estrogen and become feminine
It’s the only way in 2k24

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