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Guide girls n gays

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  • #53
no, genetically failed incels shouldnt reproduce and nor are they likely to get a girlfriend, instead of spending time and money on surgeries and then having genetically broken kids, they should take estrogen and become feminine
also this will reduce overpopulation and pollution
no, genetically failed incels shouldnt reproduce and nor are they likely to get a girlfriend, instead of spending time and money on surgeries and then having genetically broken kids, they should take estrogen and become feminine
genetic engineering? eugenics? if you answer no to both of them then go jerk off my niga
Population will crash before incels die out though. Pollution will reach its cap because our generation will most likely live to 90-100
Still everyone will be alive humans will become discomforted and find out a way to destroy earth more and survive
He means he can’t have children because he has to get girl first
got it, then fight that shit (obvious I know)
I get why people get into that place but it has become much worse and I can guess why
yeah bro just freeze a f**k ton of people, we defo have cryosleep perfected bro
this guy should become president
why you all so serious here, too serious
im behaving like its org? niga i asked what do you mean by incel and you said im stupid
Involuntary celibate basically no one loves u and u can't get in a relationship or get loved

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