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JFL Guide to all the towers in Bloons TD adventure time!

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  • #52
Every time you complete a Track on any Difficulty for the first time, you will receive a chest with several rewards: Coins, Gems, Shards, Upgrade Items, Wish Orbs, and XP. I will go over each of these things later in the Currencies section. Completing a Track again on a Difficulty you have already beaten it on will net you fewer rewards, typically just Coins and XP, and a reduced amount of those at that. Beating every Track of any Adventure on a specific Difficulty unlocks a special chest. These award higher amounts of the chest rewards and guarantee a Wish Orb of a specific rarity.
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  • #53
Every four hours, a new Bloon Beacon becomes available. Bloon Beacons are the form of dailies for BATTD; they challenge you to beat again a Track you have already completed. These offer better rewards than you would normally get from beating a Track again. Do not stress yourself out about completing these, but they do guarantee Upgrade Items, which are definitely valuable. Try and beat these as often as you can remember in a day.
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  • #54
As you gain levels, you will eventually be able to undertake Quests. Quests task you with completing a specific task, like “Win 10 games using only Hunter Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, Max, Ice King and Sai” or “Win 3 games at Impoppable difficulty.” Quests are ranked by relative difficulty: Bronze Quests are easy to complete but offer poor rewards while Diamond Quests take a long time to complete but offer the best rewards. I recommend always taking higher difficulty Quests; they are usually not too difficult, just tedious.
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  • #56
There are several Shops in BATTD. There’s the real money Store, which lets you pay real money for different Currencies and for paid Heroes. There will usually be some kind of sale or deal happening and they rotate. If you are interested in spending money on the game, know that the only things you cannot earn in-game are the three paid Heroes: Dungeon Finn, Tuxedo Jake, and Hunter Marceline. Of these three, Tuxedo Jake is considered the best (and, by some, the only worthwhile one).
f**k that armadillo bullshit though man who gives a shit about that
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  • #62
I lost my pics but I would have shown

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  • #66
Not talking about unbreaking +prot

Like I hate soul speed, the shift one

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  • #71
The other Shop is the Daily Equipment shop, which is located on the map just above the Fire Kingdom. Every day, the shop offers three random pieces of Equipment you can purchase for Gems.
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  • #74
Check this shop every day; it just might have a piece of Equipment you want or need.
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  • #75


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  • #76
Cash: Not really a currency per se, cash refers to the money you use to buy Heroes, Allies, and their Abilities while playing a Track.
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  • #77
Gems: Gems are used to purchase Equipment, which are placed on your Heroes to make them stronger. You can use Gems at the Daily Equipment shop or in Wish Orbs.
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  • #78
Coin: Coins are used to purchase Powers, which are one-time use abilities you can use at any time during a round. They do things like stun Bloons or restore lives. Don’t be afraid to use these! Powers are generally cheap and Coins come easily. Two strong early-game Powers are Gold Coin and Hugsplosion.
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  • #79
Shards: Shards can be used to synthesize Wish Orbs. Higher rarity Wish Orbs cost more Shards. You can earn Shards by completing Tracks or by destroying Equipment you don’t need anymore. Early on, I recommend you hoard your Shards until you can afford an Epic Wish Orb. Keep doing this until you get a Thought Cannon Wand, an Epic Wand Weapon that will allow you to farm Wish Orbs.
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  • #80
Upgrade Items: Your Heroes can also gain individual levels, called Stars. Increasing the number of Stars a Hero has increases its number of Equipment slots, unlocks new Abilities, and increases the potency of their Abilities. To increase a Hero’s star level, you need a certain number of their character-specific Upgrade Item. For example, Finn needs Finn Cakes to level up; Max needs Bananas. There is also a universal Upgrade Item called Cosmic Essence. Cosmic Essence is rarer to come by but can be spend on any Hero.
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  • #81
Wish Orbs: Wish Orbs give you Equipment, which is very important—the most important—thing to making your Heroes stronger. Wish Orbs will present to you three pieces of Equipment. You may pick one for free and choose to purchase either or both of the remaining two pieces for Gems. Equipment has rarity; in ascending order, they are Common (Gray), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Super Rare (Purple), and Epic (Orange). Wish Orbs also have rarity, the same grades that Equipment has. The rarity of the Wish Orb determines the average rarity of Equipment it offers. A Rare Wish Orb will generally offer you Rare Equipment, but it has a chance at offering you Uncommon and Super Rare Equipment also. Wish Orbs will never offer you equipment more than one grade above or below its rarity.
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  • #82
XP: Gaining XP contributes to YOUR Level. Every Level you gain increases your starting cash for each Track by $5, which early on is quite valuable. Also higher Levels increases the number of active Quests you can have at a time.
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  • #83

Game Structure​

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  • #84
Flow of the game in the beginning consists of completing Adventures to unlock Heroes and new Adventures. In the beginning, you should focus on completing Adventures that unlock new Heroes and then any other Adventure you have not yet completed. If you are having trouble unlocking a specific Hero, just complete other new Adventures or Adventures you have already completed but at a higher Difficulty. Eventually you will be strong enough to come back and complete the ones you were stuck on.
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  • #85
There are four Difficulties: Normal, Hard, Extreme, and Impoppable. Each of these Difficulties has a set number of rounds—30, 45, 60, and 75, respectively. Rounds are the same in each Difficulty: Round 25 will always consist of Camo Blue bloons. Notably difficult Rounds for each Difficulty setting are:
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  • #86

  • Round 25: First instance of Camo Bloons. Make sure to have a character that can pop Camo. Early on, these will be Max (with Enhanced Range Ability), PB (with Super Intelligence Ability), and Sai.
  • Round 28: First instance of Lead Bloons. Make sure to have a character that can pop Lead. Early on, these will be Max (with Hot Tips Ability) and Jake (with Mace Hand Ability).
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  • #87

  • Round 42: First MOAB (Mother of All Bloons). These are blimps with high health that carry more Bloons inside them. They are very difficult to take down if you aren’t prepared. Characters that will help in defeating one are Finn (with MOAB Ripper and Flying Kick Abilities), Max (with Weak Spots and Bullseye Abilities), and Sai (with Bloonsatomy Ability).
  • Round 45: Five MOABs in this round. It’s not easy, but if you have fully upgraded Finn, Max, and Sai, this should be doable.
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  • #88

  • Round 53: First instance of a BFB (Brutal Floating Behemoth, officially). These are even bigger blimps that will spawn MOABs when popped. Having characters strong against MOABs will help here, including previously mentioned ones and also C4 Charlie and FP.
  • Round 55: Huge rush of Yellow Bloons. Have characters with high pierce and attack speed. Characters like C4 Charlie, FP, Max, and Marceline should be great here.
  • Round 60: First instance of a ZOMG (Zeppelin of Mighty Gargantuaness). These are very big blimps that will spawn BFBs when popped. In addition to having characters that can handle BFBs, Supermonkey will also be a great asset.
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  • #89

  • Round 69: First instance of a DDT (Dark Dirigible Titan). DDTs are MOAB-class Bloons that sprint across the Track at very high speeds and possess Lead, Black, and Camo properties. When popped, they also spawn several Bloons. These guys are really tough. Having PB with Super Intelligence or C4 Charlie with Signal Flare will help strip their Camo property so Supermonkey can attack it. In addition, Sai with the Marked for Death Ability may apply a shadow onto the DDT, increasing the damage it takes from everyone. Max, FP, Supermonkey, and if there is water Commander Cassie will be your best hopes here. DDTs also appear in Rounds 71, 73, and 75 and are just as tough there.
  • Round 75: First instance of a BAD (Big Airship of Doom). The biggest MOAB-class Bloon, BADs spawn ZOMGs and DDTs when popped. You just have to hit these guys with all you’ve got. If you’re having trouble with defeating BADs, it’s possible you need to switch up your strategy. Look at the General Strategy section, in particular the Economy subsection, to see if you can pick up any tips.
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  • #90
If you find yourself stuck on a particular Track, unable to unlock a Hero, don’t panic. If you try a couple times and you aren’t even close, you probably aren’t ready for it yet. Just put it down for now and go do other Adventures to unlock more Heroes and open more Wish Orbs, hopefully with better loot. If you find yourself really close, but still having trouble beating it, consider using Powers or check the General Strategy section for some tips.
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  • #91
The early game phase lasts until you have unlocked all Heroes and can beat Extreme mode easily. From here, the goal is just to complete all Adventures up to Impoppable mode to upgrade your Heroes with Star levels and Equipment. If you want to be able to grind Wish Orbs, save all Shards you collect for Epic Wish Orbs and hunt for the Thought Cannon Wand, an Epic Weapon that is going to make grinding for better Equipment magnitudes faster.
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  • #92
In the End Game, you are just cleaning up all Adventures on Impoppable and grinding Wish Orbs for late game Equipment. This phase of the game is extremely easy.
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  • #93

General Strategy​

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  • #94
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  • #95
Placement of your characters is very key to success. Before you start any Track, follow the green guideline arrow as it charts the path Bloons will take for the exit. Look for bends where you can place your characters for particularly great coverage. Remember, the more length of track that a character covers, the more damage it is going to do. Some Tracks have multiple paths, with multiple entrances or multiple exits or both. If there is any point of convergence, that is where you want to place your characters. Placing your Max at one of two entrances where it can only reach half the Bloons that will come out, for example, reduces Max’s potential poppage by half. If you are struggling to beat back the swarm of Bloons, pause to reconsider if you are picking the best placement possible.
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  • #96
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  • #97
Killzones are very effective in BATTD. A killzone is a concentrated area where you have placed all of your characters. Generally speaking, there is no downside to having all of your firepower focused on one specific section of the track rather than being spread out, so long as every Bloon has to come through that specific section. Not every track is conducive to building killzones, and you’ll find that these tracks are among the hardest BATTD has to offer.
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  • #98
There is a specific kind of special Bloon that a killzone does struggle with, the Zombie Bloon. Zombie Bloons leave a gravestone when popped and spawn in the same place as a normal Bloon in the next round. If you pop a bunch of Zombie Bloons in your killzone, you might find yourself overwhelmed when they spawn and immediately escape the killzone next round. On the specific Tracks that have Zombie Bloons, consider having an ancillary killzone after your main one for slightly weaker characters to clean up any strays that escape your main killzone.
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  • #99
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  • #100
Economy is an important concept in BATTD and tower defense games in general. Say you are having trouble with Round 55. There are just too many Bloons and you can’t defeat them all, no matter what you try. Why don’t you simply place down a Supermonkey with the Sun God upgrade? Sun God melts all Bloons after all. Well, the obvious answer is because you can’t afford it! Therein lies the core of BATTD balance system. Powerful towers exist, but they are gated from you by their price. By controlling how much cash you have access to at each round, BATTD limits what options you have so you cannot simply steamroll earlier rounds with end-game characters. This is the concept of Economy.

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