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having friends when ur attractive is hard

Jasmine Rose

Oct 10, 2023
Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me
tales from stacy's basement
thats very true tho , even with males
tales from stacy's basement
thats very true tho , even with males
I would say that females tend to experience more jealousy than males. The competition in the manosphere is extremely brutal, but when we encounter someone better than us, we tend to respect them rather than becoming jealous.
Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me
true, it is hard to have a true friendship where you know your friends are jealous of your looks, in fact it is better to have equally good looking friends

shoulnt ignore the fact that if your friends are jealous it means the friendship is not good enough
i think women go through more extreme competition in nature, because they are always trying to get the best mate. they have to spend a lot of time and energy on offspring (9 months pregnant, then taking care of a child for 18 years is very draining). so mate selection(high standards for males) + competition (same sex) will be very extreme. it makes sense to be extreme to get the best genes

L friend tho, cant handle the stacy aura
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true, it is hard to have a true friendship where you know your friends are jealous of your looks, in fact it is better to have equally good looking friends

shoulnt ignore the fact that if your friends are jealous it means the friendship is not good enough
I did have equally pretty friends. She was one of the best looking girls at school, however she was older so puberty hit her first but now that im going through puberty I naturally surpassed her looks. I purposely chose good looking friends from the beginning so we can become prettier together and not compete with each other nd motivate each other to look better everyday and it proved me it doesn't matter if you have attractive friends they still compete with you on the low and get jealous when you become prettier
I did have equally pretty friends. She was one of the best looking girls at school, however she was older so puberty hit her first but now that im going through puberty I naturally surpassed her looks. I purposely chose good looking friends from the beginning so we can become prettier together and not compete with each other nd motivate each other to look better everyday and it proved me it doesn't matter if you have attractive friends they still compete with you on the low and get jealous when you become prettier
not strong enough friendship
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  • #8
I would say that females tend to experience more jealousy than males. The competition in the manosphere is extremely brutal, but when we encounter someone better than us, we tend to respect them rather than becoming jealous.
I feel like both genders experience equal jealousy but guys hide it better but overall yea
idk bout that
Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me
Yeah this is the biggest drawback with being really good looking, everyone seems to like you but ironically you have no deep friendships

And I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything but I’m pretty decent looking and I definitely notice some sly looks other guys give me

People of the same sex as you will usually be a little jealous
Yeah this is the biggest drawback with being really good looking, everyone seems to like you but ironically you have no deep friendships

And I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything but I’m pretty decent looking and I definitely notice some sly looks other guys give me

People of the same sex as you will usually be a little jealous
Like I’ll make friends with guys and later they’ll tell me “yeah tbh I thought you were kind of a dick before I met you”

I think everyone of all sexes can have underlying jealously but I think at least most well adjusted guys can dissipate any jealously they have for another guy after becoming friends, or at least push it far enough down so that it doesn’t matter
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Like I’ll make friends with guys and later they’ll tell me “yeah tbh I thought you were kind of a dick before I met you”

I think everyone of all sexes can have underlying jealously but I think at least most well adjusted guys can dissipate any jealously they have for another guy after becoming friends, or at least push it far enough down so that it doesn’t matter
Trust me guys be jealous of other guys. I remember giving a ugly boy a chance and going for personality (first and last time I only date hot men now) and due to that he was insecure and he told me that he gets ugly friends so he can be the best looking one on purpose. I thought that’s weird asf bc all his friends were the lowest of the lows in look, none of them were even average so since he was ugly he looked like a model next to them. He was like a MTN and his friends were 1/10s fat asf w acne while he was a gym boy . Lowkey I feel bad because he had a nice body and tried to look good but even after reaching potential he was ugly. The reason I won’t date boys below my league is because he wouldn’t let me go out without him and he would always get mad when guys stared at me in public (I was extremely loyal but he was still always mad at me )
Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me
getting odd vibes from this i cant even lie. Ain't no way ur friend dropped you cuz your prettier than her. More yo the story for sure
If so pretty why do you post here?
Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me

Recently I glowed up more and I have even more pretty privilege than I did but my closest friend dropped me because I looked prettier than her on her birthday and people kept complimenting me more than her so due to that she doesn't like me anymore and because her little cousin thats 9 year old said im prettier than the birthday girl and everyone in the room😭... Therefore, I realized even though I dont mean to I accidentally stole her bday spotlight so obviously I felt bad but regardless ever since she started trying to compete with me and spread rumors about me? She has a boyfriend and she also hates me even more now because when they didn't date her boyfriend used to always call me beautiful and one time he said I look like a bratz doll in front of her. Her boyfriends ugly asf so trust me I never even looked at her man but she always feels threatened I will try to talk to him even though I literally could not care less about her ugly boyfriend. I realized I cant be friends with insecure females at all because they are unconfident in themselves and start to hate me for things I cant control. On the other hand guys are always nice to me, but I dont want any guy friends because everytime I try to be only friends with them they always fall in love and its awkward . I only have one good female friend currently and cherish her with my whole heart and pray she doesn't backstab me like the other girls. Im literally antisocial now because I've never had one friend who didnt backstab me . I was always the nicest to my old best friend so I was hurt when she tried to spread rumors about me, I switched schools cuz everyone kept draining me
Just become ugly again? Every problem has a solution
cant we have good looking members ?
We can but usually good looking people in general especially women don’t end up posting on forums like this. They are usually preoccupied with other activities and facets of life
Which why I’m curious as to how they ended up here
Trust me guys be jealous of other guys. I remember giving a ugly boy a chance and going for personality (first and last time I only date hot men now) and due to that he was insecure and he told me that he gets ugly friends so he can be the best looking one on purpose. I thought that’s weird asf bc all his friends were the lowest of the lows in look, none of them were even average so since he was ugly he looked like a model next to them. He was like a MTN and his friends were 1/10s fat asf w acne while he was a gym boy . Lowkey I feel bad because he had a nice body and tried to look good but even after reaching potential he was ugly. The reason I won’t date boys below my league is because he wouldn’t let me go out without him and he would always get mad when guys stared at me in public (I was extremely loyal but he was still always mad at me )
u are correct, incels and normies will eventually distance apart as friends
