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Discussion How do I fix my asymmetrical face, and get rid of dimples to a certain extent.


Active member
May 27, 2024
My face is asymmetrical and I have some mad dimples I am Male and 17, wondering what methods I can use to correct facial asymmetry or if someone can recommend me videos to watch, willing to try most things. And I have dimples which I am pretty sure are caused by incorrect jaw development but I wonder if mewing and chewing will help with that. Also can someone explain to me the meaning of htn and mtn etc as I am very new to looksmaxxing and don’t fully comprehend the terminology being used.
I am 5”10, is there anyway to increase my height?
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  • #3
Pictures needed

You can gain 0.5-1.5 inches with posture
Bro I look so cooked though genuinely a 0/10 bro, I don’t even know how I got a girlfriend when I had one.
Also could you explain some of the terminology stuff?
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  • #4
Bro I know I am a 0/10 just if you can help that would be good. Also in first photo my hair is uneven growth on side so my head shape isn’t like that although it too is stuffed by my head front on is not that askew. Still I am cooked. Please help anyone


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  • #6
Can you explain what HTN means? Ok I’ll keep that in mind. Also I will post a general physique I am 5’10 and this is my physique. Also how to fix facial asymmetry and things. Also I know I have a lazy eye, how do I fix that as well because I am sure that could bring me up a tiny bit in facial attractiveness, I think I am about 17% bf at the moment, tryna lean down to 10-12%


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Can you explain what HTN means? Ok I’ll keep that in mind. Also I will post a general physique I am 5’10 and this is my physique. Also how to fix facial asymmetry and things. Also I know I have a lazy eye, how do I fix that as well because I am sure that could bring me up a tiny bit in facial attractiveness, I think I am about 17% bf at the moment, tryna lean down to 10-12%
HTN stands for High-Tier normie

You are basically above average looks, continue focusing on your physique, try a new hairstyle and you will be considered very attractive irl
Stop fishing for compliments u can get gfs and u look good u say u are 0/10 but u say that so people tell that ur not 0/10 ur a horrible person for doing such misery
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  • #9
Also I don’t know if hands come into play but that is my only really good feature for my size I have giant hands and feet tbh. Any recommendations on how to get those masculine hands, because although mine are large I think they look excessively feminine. Also I have stopped PMOE, YT, Videogames, TV, Social Media, Music entirely so my testosterone should increase and hopefully I become more manly.


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  • #10
Stop fishing for compliments u can get gfs and u look good u say u are 0/10 but u say that so people tell that ur not 0/10 ur a horrible person for doing such misery
Bro at school so many people told me my face is clapped and no way I pulled a girlfriend like a had, cause she was a sword fr.
Also I have stopped PMOE, YT, Videogames, TV, Social Media, Music entirely so my testosterone should increase and hopefully I become more manly.
Doing these things won't yield any benefit unless you have had an addiction in the first place.
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  • #12
HTN stands for High-Tier normie

You are basically above average looks, continue focusing on your physique, try a new hairstyle and you will be considered very attractive irl
What do I need to improve in regards to physique, what hairstyle do you think?
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  • #14
Doing these things won't yield any benefit unless you have had an addiction in the first place.
I had a severe addiction I haven’t been able to get past a week for the last 6 years, I feel my T is quite low, only just a week ago I got past a week, I was spending 8 hours while in high school on YT a day, was M at least once a day sometimes up to four bro, already after a week I genuinely feel my T spike. I am also taking creatine which could be helping. And I hope to finish an entire 2L of milk by the end of today to get some more calcium because I think I am deficient.
Bro at school so many people told me my face is clapped and no way I pulled a girlfriend like a had, cause she was a sword fr.
Don't listen to people who clearly don't know how to rate people they are stupid and will give misconceptions about urself
I had a severe addiction I haven’t been able to get past a week for the last 6 years, I feel my T is quite low, only just a week ago I got past a week, I was spending 8 hours while in high school on YT a day, was M at least once a day sometimes up to four bro, already after a week I genuinely feel my T spike. I am also taking creatine which could be helping. And I hope to finish an entire 2L of milk by the end of today to get some more calcium because I think I am deficient.
U r autistic
What do I need to improve in regards to physique, what hairstyle do you think?
Long slick back or any hairstyle that shows forehead.

Physique = Train hard, get good deep sleep every night, DO NOT use an alarm. Eat good wholefoods and make sure you are getting all your macro and mmicronutrient. Use Cronometer to track diet.

Supplements = Whey protein after workout, L-carnitine mega dosing because it is only 15% orally bio available, Creatine mono.
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  • #18
Gym and diet and sleep and steroids if u want but i don't recommend
I already go to the gym, I mainly focus on arms though and don’t know how to target other key muscles that make someone attractive, I am trying to do more compound movements as I heard they can get you to the lactic threshold which increase GH secretion so I can get more muscle and possible Heightmaxx if I have anything left in the tank.
I had a severe addiction I haven’t been able to get past a week for the last 6 years, I feel my T is quite low, only just a week ago I got past a week, I was spending 8 hours while in high school on YT a day, was M at least once a day sometimes up to four bro, already after a week I genuinely feel my T spike. I am also taking creatine which could be helping. And I hope to finish an entire 2L of milk by the end of today to get some more calcium because I think I am deficient.
Just take a supplement, milk has low calcium bio-availability so you'd be drinking a lot of wasted shit
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  • #21
Long slick back or any hairstyle that shows forehead.

Physique = Train hard, get good deep sleep every night, DO NOT use an alarm. Eat good wholefoods and make sure you are getting all your macro and mmicronutrient. Use Cronometer to track diet.

Supplements = Whey protein after workout, L-carnitine mega dosing because it is only 15% orally bio available, Creatine mono.
I think my hair goes into curls if it gets too long I have never tried letting it grow really. Okay thanks for advice with physique. I already take creatine monohydrate and have researched a fair bit on Adenosine Tri Phosphate and Adenosine Di Phosphate, I feel improvement in visuospatial abilities when I take creatine, also for an increase in mental spatial abilities do you think lions mane is good? I plan on beginning Chaos Training to increase GH rapidly. Does L - citrulline have an effect on VO2 Max as well, as I think I read a while back that it did in a pubmed study on mice but I am unsure.
What is whole foods? Why not use an alarm?
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  • #22
Just take a supplement, milk has low calcium bio-availability so you'd be drinking a lot of wasted shit
Ok, also another question, I saw that fertilised eggs have follastatin, which inhibits myostatin, and well you can see what inhibiting myostatin does to Belgian blue cows. Do you know of any other foods that I can find easier than fertilised eggs as I have no clue where to buy them.


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Ok, also another question, I saw that fertilised eggs have follastatin, which inhibits myostatin, and well you can see what inhibiting myostatin does to Belgian blue cows. Do you know of any other foods that I can find easier than fertilised eggs as I have no clue where to buy them.
You wont get follistatin from food to get any signifacnt change.
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  • #24
thanks, how can I get rid of facial fat and become leaner, any specific foods or fasting?
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  • #26
Just east less or use PED's

You can try intermittent fasting but do your own research
Bro it isn’t like I’m on the verge of taking PED, is there any way to illicit a natural effect similar to what that would have without my testicles shrinking.
Bro it isn’t like I’m on the verge of taking PED, is there any way to illicit a natural effect similar to what that would have without my testicles shrinking.
High protein diet and cardio is all I can recommend then

HIIT cardio + intermittent fasting + high protein diet with L-carnitine supplementation and Creatine mono
My face is asymmetrical and I have some mad dimples I am Male and 17, wondering what methods I can use to correct facial asymmetry or if someone can recommend me videos to watch, willing to try most things. And I have dimples which I am pretty sure are caused by incorrect jaw development but I wonder if mewing and chewing will help with that. Also can someone explain to me the meaning of htn and mtn etc as I am very new to looksmaxxing and don’t fully comprehend the terminology being used.
I am 5”10, is there anyway to increase my height?
For the asymmetry sleep on your back

Mtn htn etc are meaning of a rating system

Ltn (low tier normie)
hit the gym
youre still growing + fix posture you will reach 6 ft at least
dimples are genetic boyo, not much to do with jaw development
grow lashes

people at your school are blind bullies you are not a 0 unless you are severely autistic and believe everything they say
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  • #32
hit the gym
youre still growing + fix posture you will reach 6 ft at least
dimples are genetic boyo, not much to do with jaw development
grow lashes

people at your school are blind bullies you are not a 0 unless you are severely autistic and believe everything they say
Other than growing lashes what else can I do to improve, should I mew and chew.
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  • #33
For the asymmetry sleep on your back

Mtn htn etc are meaning of a rating system

Ltn (low tier normie)
Will sleeping on my back actually fix it and how long would it take, also do you know if I can get more hunter eyes in some way?
My face is asymmetrical and I have some mad dimples I am Male and 17, wondering what methods I can use to correct facial asymmetry or if someone can recommend me videos to watch, willing to try most things. And I have dimples which I am pretty sure are caused by incorrect jaw development but I wonder if mewing and chewing will help with that. Also can someone explain to me the meaning of htn and mtn etc as I am very new to looksmaxxing and don’t fully comprehend the terminology being used.
I am 5”10, is there anyway to increase my height?
Dimples are an attractive feature, and aren’t caused by jaw development

They’re hereditary and you have them from birth
Thanks bro, any other suggestions?
You have really clear skin and what seems like a decent frame

I’d def classify you as low htn

Use an spf sunscreen and a gel based moisturiser, avoid most other skin care products, the more products you use the more likely you are to clog up your skin and get pimples

Grow out that hair and keep hitting the gum, to get lean just mainly focus on hydrating and being conscious of how much fat and carbs you’re eating, especially avoid processed foods like chips, candy, soda, fast food, etc
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  • #38
You have really clear skin and what seems like a decent frame

I’d def classify you as low htn

Use an spf sunscreen and a gel based moisturiser, avoid most other skin care products, the more products you use the more likely you are to clog up your skin and get pimples

Grow out that hair and keep hitting the gum, to get lean just mainly focus on hydrating and being conscious of how much fat and carbs you’re eating, especially avoid processed foods like chips, candy, soda, fast food, etc
So I have some sun damage? What will a gel based moisturiser do for me? What can I do specifically facial wise to get a more attractive face other than trying to fix asymmetry, also any recommendations other than sleeping on my back to fix facial asymmetry.

Hitting the gym did you mean? Is gum also an option for better facial features? I already don’t eat unhealthy things really so any other things I can do to lean down. What other aesthetic things either with frame or face can I improve upon and how would I do that as well?
Needs more texture
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  • #42
Shorter in back longer on top
Ok thank you, any other suggestions specifically for face and frame? I am trying to heightmaxx, also does being teller give you a higher rating? Like if I were 6’ with my current face would I be like a mid htn or a high htn or something?
Ok what products would you recommend for chewing? Also how to mew properly? Any other suggestions for me to ascend?
for chewing i would recommend gum. there is a mewing thread somewhere here one sec
Ok thank you, any other suggestions specifically for face and frame? I am trying to heightmaxx, also does being teller give you a higher rating? Like if I were 6’ with my current face would I be like a mid htn or a high htn or something?
What country are you in

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