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Discussion how is your looks rating scale?

the next o'pry

Active member
Jul 15, 2019
well mine is
1 and 2 are people who are deformed really hard to find a legit 1-2 is as uncommon as finding a legit 8-9
3-4 are people who have 1 or more features that really failos them (really big noses, small skull, receded maxilla etc.)
5 are low aesthetics. nothing special facewise
6 are decent looking guys (most above average guys)
7 are good looking guys (guys who are aesthetic but one or two features away from being a model)
8 are male models (not all the male models signed to the agencies are 8s just to point that out)
9 are top male models (basically a small crop of the male population are top tier, lachowski, gandy, o'pry,etc.)
10 are personal preferences (for example opr'y is a 10 to me but he might be a 7-9 to others)

so this my looks rating scale
do you agree or disagree with mine? what is your looks rating scale? tell me in the comments
I am about to create a standard looks rating scale.
My scale will be based on every minor factor and it's collective effectiveness in determining a face's attractiveness.
I made a notification type thread for what I am about to do a couple of days ago. Check that out.
I'll be posting it soon.
According to your scale, I am a 6/10.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
I am about to create a standard looks rating scale.
My scale will be based on every minor factor and it's collective effectiveness in determining a face's attractiveness.
I made a notification type thread for what I am about to do a couple of days ago. Check that out.
I'll be posting it soon.
great, if you want me to collaborate with you or need some help send a message i'll definitely help you because that's a great idea
OKC had the best one, 5 point system

2-Below Average
4-Above Average

10 point system is too much, so much so that people usually just lump 8-10 together or come up with retarded shit like the PSL system where a 10 doesn't exist
I rate basic psl, plus personality included. I think you should not behave gay and anxious in order to fuck her, no no bro, not even for a chadelit !
