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Info how much fiber do you need daily (hint: a lot)

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youre not going to debunk my response to your low IQ comments?

i personally am not for a carnivore diet unless you have serious food sensitivities or really want to clear up your skin but until you have something more solid to back up your claims other than common vegan bullshit imma promote it as much as i can

what you should avoid though is fruits and veggies. 0 nutritional value
hes bumming astrokike


youre not going to debunk my response to your low IQ comments?

i personally am not for a carnivore diet unless you have serious food sensitivities or really want to clear up your skin but until you have something more solid to back up your claims other than common vegan bullshit imma promote it as much as i can

what you should avoid though is fruits and veggies. 0 nutritional value
You know i'm a slow typer. I'm was in my middle of verifiing a study.

Anyway eat the food geographically available to what your ancestors could of ate.
food doesnt just go in the blood stream and stay in the same form it was before you ate it you fucking ape. it gets broken down in your whole GI system. you can get uremic acidosis from the proteins if your fucking kidneys are already shot you idiot

you can also get lactic acidosis from your (((sugars)))

Glutathione, Methionine, Cysteine, Taurine? You low iq ape n****r

your (((antioxidant rich))) plants are also full of fucking phytoestrogens. they either attach to the receptors and agonize them or attach and do nothing, inducing more aromatization of T

the anti-oxidants from meat are as much as you need. if you megadose antioxidants because you think that will help you have a walnut brain

EDIT: not to mention a lot of vitamins have antioxidant effect and you can get them all from meat JFL

i have no idea about this but its probably vegan propaganda because ive not heard of this from anywhere else before

Constant exposure to highly acidic foods then cause renal acidosis, you must be agreeing with me then.

(Anti-oxidants aren't provided in a Carnivore diet ) I'll take this claim back.

It's somewhat debatable that phytoestrogens are potent enough to be harmful to humans unless in soy-based sources.

I can't access any good studies proving my point about the masai people getting heart attacks so i'll retract that claim too.
well I am slav,they ate shit ton of meat and vegetables(everyone is bald here)
Constant exposure to highly acidic foods then cause renal acidosis, you must be agreeing with me then.

(Anti-oxidants aren't provided in a Carnivore diet ) I'll take this claim back.

It's somewhat debatable that phytoestrogens are potent enough to be harmful to humans unless in soy-based sources.

I can't access any good studies proving my point about the masai people getting heart attacks so i'll retract that claim too.
btw,why were you banned from
Constant exposure to highly acidic foods then cause renal acidosis, you must be agreeing with me then.
no bro

broken kidneys lead to that acidosis, not (((acidic foods))) lead to broken kidneys

also over
btw,why were you banned from

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