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how should teeth rest when mewing


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2019
i still don't get it. i THINK i have good occlusion, but then again my side profile looks weird, and everytime someone brings correct teeth position up i get confused because it's completely different from what i do. possibly provide images plz
@Neo @AstroSky
Not everything is cope, but mewing is.
i'll give it the benefit of the doubt. its principle is indisputably correct, so that alone makes me want to give it a try and see if it works. worst case scenario : you will have hassled yourself with this for nothing
they should be touching but not clenched. there will be a bit of force after you push your tongue upwards but you shouldnt put any more yourself (not like its a big deal if you do but thats what kike jew says)

now suck my mog

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should the tips be touching or should the lower teeth be behind the upper teeth ?
should the tips be touching or should the lower teeth be behind the upper teeth ?
youre asking if you should force them to be straight?

the molars should be touching, doesnt matter if when your mouth is closed normally you have a bit of an overbite
i still don't get it. i THINK i have good occlusion, but then again my side profile looks weird, and everytime someone brings correct teeth position up i get confused because it's completely different from what i do. possibly provide images plz
@Neo @AstroSky
All I want to know is why neo is being tagged in these questions??? Since when did he become the mew master jfl!