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  • #54
not low t, all they do is deliver backshots endlessly
quite high t if you ask me, endless sperm and endless ejaculation. they are pumped with test and they are forced into gyms to be big and strong
>pumped with test
>endless sperm

retareded foid
also perma fucking makes u insensitive and low t
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #66
men will get stacy live bots and replace women also
we let u live cause we need u
practically males run and rule the world
u all r stupid to think that we will not get rid of our biggest weakness when we get the chance
Create a helmet that transports you to a virtual reality, with a machine connected to your body to simulate the sensations of intercourse and touch linked to the video it plays. For women, we’ll design a robot that pulls hair with one hand, chokes with the other, and only knows one motion, varying in speed and intensity. Problem solved! Now, where’s my Nobel Prize for ending the incel crisis?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #73
Create a helmet that transports you to a virtual reality, with a machine connected to your body to simulate the sensations of intercourse and touch linked to the video it plays. For women, we’ll design a robot that pulls hair with one hand, chokes with the other, and only knows one motion, varying in speed and intensity. Problem solved! Now, where’s my Nobel Prize for ending the incel crisis?
my method better
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  • #83
biggest weakness=populates the world
yes we will extract ur eggs and kill and put them in an artificial womb

i mentioned this in thread
as soon as u r not necessary u should be removed cause u all are terrible creaturez
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  • #95
In my reality you won't even reproduce ,so why should I care?
in reality many men have stopped and given up on dating and its increasing
in a couple decades world will be like blade runner 2049 where men will like ais more than real women
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  • #98
Nahhh you can have your plastic I'll have the real thing thank you .LOVE MOGS
we don't even want sex
if they just have the perfect personality and a good face like the girl from blade runner
most of us who are sentient and not close minded will choose them over real women

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