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maybe u can fuck off my thread
love is not real
also in my utopia u will be enslaved
and if ai bots become a thing
not much men will really date actual females
no need for enslaving
if we have sexbots then we must have robots to do manual labor
humans are bad at labor either way
also its not fair to women
its a 50/50 chance you are born a woman it is not something people control, why should they be forced to live a certain way or not exist at all just because they were born like this?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #111
no need for enslaving
if we have sexbots then we must have robots to do manual labor
humans are bad at labor either way
also its not fair to women
its a 50/50 chance you are born a woman it is not something people control, why should they be forced to live a certain way or not exist at all just because they were born like this?
because they're shitty people and stupid
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  • #113
if i were born female cuz of chance, would u think im shitty and stupid?
if u would be a shitty person and stupid
which most likely would happen as most females are

but if u were not then i would like u very much but i would be scared of u and would talk to you way less and hate u if u gave me warnings
if u would be a shitty person and stupid
which most likely would happen as most females are

but if u were not then i would like u very much but i would be scared of u and would talk to you way less and hate u if u gave me warnings
i would not hate you if you were female
or dislike you in any way
we are all human beings
and yes there exists biological differences. but we are still all humans and we have feelings and our idea and passions and justifications for our world view
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  • #115
i would not hate you if you were female
or dislike you in any way
we are all human beings
and yes there exists biological differences. but we are still all humans and we have feelings and our idea and passions and justifications for our world view
u would give off federal agent vibes

i would not talk to u of i was a female i would hate u cuz females are shitty( not all but many)
ust think of me as a mixture of monalbelle , wassup5 , femcel ,rainbowdash, jasmine rose (i would be all these females combined and would hate u)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #116
i would not hate you if you were female
or dislike you in any way
we are all human beings
and yes there exists biological differences. but we are still all humans and we have feelings and our idea and passions and justifications for our world view
females are shitty people and males are too (but most males aren't and most females are)
u would give off federal agent vibes

i would not talk to u of i was a female i would hate u cuz females are shitty( not all but many)
ust think of me as a mixture of monalbelle , wassup5 , femcel ,rainbowdash, jasmine rose (i would be all these females combined and would hate u)
so you would be self hating femcel?
females are shitty people and males are too (but most males aren't and most females are)
i think both are shitty in their own ways, but neither is better
first we need sexbots with highly advanced AIs who can love us and cure our loneliness like Chi from the great anime chobits View attachment 41296

then we need to learn to extract eggcells at birth from females who will be brought into this world only to get their eggs extracted and then they will be terminated or experimented on

then we need to invent artificial wombs

and at last we should enslave all women and kill who resists

-RAJ GHRANDHICK (real genius and messiah)

Just study and pass on a test that gives a high income job and you will be good in a maximum of 10 years for the rest of your life.
While that don't happen, stay away from people.

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