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How to mew with an overbite


Jul 6, 2019
I have a really fucked up overbite, but don't worry, I found out how to mew with one; Idk if it will cure it, but I have high hopes it will tbh.

what to do is, learn to mew with your mouth open first:
I actually found it easier to mew with my mouth open than shut.

and then after you learn the basics of doing that, bring your jaw to neutral position; I do this by opening my mouth then letting it swing back into the position it wants to go, or I shut my mouth, then let go with ease and whatnot—I don't think it should be hard to do.

and that's it; after awhile, lower jaw didn't look like an undermine, EVEN with my mouth fully shut;
Can you take a pic of your teeth together and where the tip of your tongue is.
Your gonna make that deep bite worse by having your tongue that low.
nag, I usually have it RIGHT on top; I only took it like that to demonstrate that I can fit my tongue through the gap of the teeth and whatnot. I keep my tongue to the roof of the mouth, all of it, and rest my jaw to it's neutral position. I don't keep my teeth together like I do in the photo, I was just trying to demonstrate how awful the bite is.
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nag, I usually have it RIGHT on top; I only took it like that to demonstrate that I can fit my tongue through the gap of the teeth and whatnot. I keep my tongue to the roof of the mouth, all of it, and rest my jaw to it's neutral position. I don't keep my teeth together like I do in the photo, I was just trying to demonstrate how awful the bite is.
ohhh ok
I rest my teeth like this, or something like this—teeth's not touching btw:
Bro this is my bite (i still look subhuman due to my front teeth, side profile, assymetrical palate, shit eye area etc) But i’m sure im going through a maxillary upswing rn.
rest with back teeth touching or you maxilla will experience a maxillary downswing.
even if my tongue is pushing against the entire palate, including the back?
Made an account just to comment on this as I have the exact same issue as you. I myself even realized that the jaw juts itself when I position my tongue with the teeth set apart, although there is no strain, it is all comfortable which is a good sign. (P.S I even have the same fucking small tooth gap in between the front teeth that was made by mewing)

Although the Mews suggest to have the back teeth in contact, planning to do so with my deepbite for a whole month and report any differences, look terrible while doing so but fuck it, what's the point if when chewing you're always gonna look subhuman, you can't jut and chew.

Lastly, I have to say that I did achieve forward growth with the teeth set apart like yours, it's just the bite remained the same no matter how much the palate expanded, hell who knows maybe I would of achieve faster results by having the molars touching.
@God let's fucking get rid of this overbite of ours once and for all, and escape subhumanity
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let's fucking get rid of this overbite of ours once and for all, and escape subhumanity
I might just go ahead and get an orthodontist to fix it. just don't ask the orthocunt to pull your teeth back; make it clear you want it pulled FORWARD.