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i hate the fact that


david laid worshipper
Jul 24, 2024
i can’t speak normally to people for some reason, its so hard to think of topics and keep conversations flowing. i also have a very nerdy and monotone sounding voice that people call ‘npc-like.’ if i tried talking more girly it would just sound weird as fuck, so i’m very embarrassed speaking around guys because of the way i sound:peepoleave:
i can’t speak normally to people for some reason, its so hard to think of topics and keep conversations flowing. i also have a very nerdy and monotone sounding voice that people call ‘npc-like.’ if i tried talking more girly it would just sound weird as fuck, so i’m very embarrassed speaking around guys because of the way i sound:peepoleave:
Same here, I suck at conversing with people. And the site of moids makes me nervous asf .
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  • #6
Same here, I suck at conversing with people. And the site of moids makes me nervous asf .
agreed, i get very nervous around guys these days. when i was a sophomore in hs i was more open to going up and speaking to them + asking for socials, i was wearing revealing and fitting clothes back then too. looking back idk how i did it. now i feel like i must reach a certain level of looks and physique to really speak to men or even look at them.
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  • #8
agreed, i get very nervous around guys these days. when i was a sophomore in hs i was more open to going up and speaking to them + asking for socials, i was wearing revealing and fitting clothes back then too. looking back idk how i did it. now i feel like i must reach a certain level of looks and physique to really speak to men or even look at them.
damn it’s crazy to think back on, i was a normal girl. i remember my guy friends told my best friend one time that i was pretty but i just started becoming more and more insecure, more and more angry, and more and more crazy for validation. so much that it made me extremely unappealing and annoying. i miss when i didn’t care. i’ve driven lots of people away due to how horrible my insecurities had gotten. it must be nice to be a normie girl that loves herself.
damn it’s crazy to think back on, i was a normal girl. i remember my guy friends told my best friend one time that i was pretty but i just started becoming more and more insecure, more and more angry, and more and more crazy for validation. so much that it made me extremely unappealing and annoying. i miss when i didn’t care. i’ve driven lots of people away due to how horrible my insecurities had gotten. it must be nice to be a normie girl that loves herself.
Fake femcel
Probably you have approbation but you ignore it unconsciously
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  • #11
Fake femcel
Probably you have approbation but you ignore it unconsciously
i am not a femcel, definitely not
but i don’t get approached by guys, am rejected, am ghosted, etc. i only go for mtn too… one of them i texted “hi” to never even opened my message. brutal.
the second one just stopped replying to my messages.
right now i’m trying to get this gym guy i like, but i don’t even know if he even likes me. it’s hard to tell if he just sees me as a friend or as a potential girlfriend. i don’t know if he will ghost me soon or not.
i am not a femcel, definitely not
but i don’t get approached by guys, am rejected, am ghosted, etc. i only go for mtn too… one of them i texted “hi” to never even opened my message. brutal.
the second one just stopped replying to my messages.
right now i’m trying to get this gym guy i like, but i don’t even know if he even likes me. it’s hard to tell if he just sees me as a friend or as a potential girlfriend. i don’t know if he will ghost me soon or not.
Prob personality problem
Nerdygirlmaxx? Glasses and wool clothing? Could work.
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  • #13
Prob personality problem
Nerdygirlmaxx? Glasses and wool clothing? Could work.
maybe true but
the first guy shortly after had his dick sucked by some really pretty girl known for her big boobs (she has no personality😕) and the second dude tried with some chubby asian girl (she had annoying personality). i think second guy was just an asian chaser in general tho so not too mad about it.
maybe true but
the first guy shortly after had his dick sucked by some really pretty girl known for her big boobs (she has no personality😕) and the second dude tried with some chubby asian girl (she had annoying personality). i think second guy was just an asian chaser in general tho so not too mad about it.
U got boobmogged.
Anyways what the fuck n***a why you crying over a promiscuous n***a he probably realized you weren't promiscuous and left its easy to tell because basically all promiscuous people make out after their first 3 words
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  • #17
Anyways what the fuck n***a why you crying over a promiscuous n***a he probably realized you weren't promiscuous and left its easy to tell because basically all promiscuous people make out after their first 3 words
nah you right honestly. i will find a gentleman and not a promiscuous man with dick that has been slorped on by many women.
maybe true but
the first guy shortly after had his dick sucked by some really pretty girl known for her big boobs (she has no personality😕) and the second dude tried with some chubby asian girl (she had annoying personality). i think second guy was just an asian chaser in general tho so not too mad about it.
personality is unimportant for women she sounds awesome
nah you right honestly. i will find a gentleman and not a promiscuous man with dick that has been slorped on by many women.
Also less revealing clothes = less attention confirms theory that it's not how you look like it's how approachable you look like.
If you were like the others you could have their success. However, I don't think you are htn like some people here said, I think you are high mtn. So you are in a moment of your looks don't equal to success. It would be the same for htn males.
Not sure of how it would be the measure between approachabiliy-appeal-facial rating but you seem to have problem with rhe first two. Could be the voice and also the "hiding" attitude
maybe true but
the first guy shortly after had his dick sucked by some really pretty girl known for her big boobs (she has no personality😕) and the second dude tried with some chubby asian girl (she had annoying personality). i think second guy was just an asian chaser in general tho so not too mad about it.
Damn and then incels say oh moids live life on hard mode when you are literally mtb- htb and still get ghosted by mtns.
i can’t speak normally to people for some reason, its so hard to think of topics and keep conversations flowing. i also have a very nerdy and monotone sounding voice that people call ‘npc-like.’ if i tried talking more girly it would just sound weird as fuck, so i’m very embarrassed speaking around guys because of the way i sound:peepoleave:
Now I want to hear your voice.
damn it’s crazy to think back on, i was a normal girl. i remember my guy friends told my best friend one time that i was pretty but i just started becoming more and more insecure, more and more angry, and more and more crazy for validation. so much that it made me extremely unappealing and annoying. i miss when i didn’t care. i’ve driven lots of people away due to how horrible my insecurities had gotten. it must be nice to be a normie girl that loves herself.
If you can break yourself down into pieces, you can rebuild your mentality from the ground up. That’s how I see it. You talked yourself into insecurity, so now talk yourself back into confidence. And it’s absolutely possible.
Personally i wouldn't give af if a girl was bad at conversing as long as i find her attractive. So you getting no dick is probably due to your looks.
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  • #35
Personally i wouldn't give af if a girl was bad at conversing as long as i find her attractive. So you getting no dick is probably due to your looks.
yeah true

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