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Im going to try this (Mouth Breathing)


Jul 5, 2019
I picked up this eyelash glue at the store and im going to try to temporarily stick my lips together while i sleep. Ive tried tape and it doesnt work properly. Any thoughts on this guys ive tried it on my hands and after a few minutes it came off with a little bit of pressure.

I picked up this eyelash glue at the store and im going to try to temporarily stick my lips together while i sleep. Ive tried tape and it doesnt work properly. Any thoughts on this guys ive tried it on my hands and after a few minutes it came off with a little bit of pressure.
why does tape not work for you? works fine for me
Ive tried it and my lips still open slightly. Theres thing called SleepQ+ But its been out of stock for months
that looks pretty interesting since its a gel

always thought glue would not be the best idea tbh

I personally use micropore tape and it works fine... just make sure you have no nasal issues if you try either of them
youre not going to do that shit for the rest of your life. dont sleep on your side and clench your molars together slightly, this should help
youre not going to do that shit for the rest of your life. dont sleep on your side and clench your molars together slightly, this should help

i have a deviated septum so probably gonna do it till i get surgery on NHS
Just tuck your duvet or a pillow below your chin so you can't open your mouth during sleep.