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Incel trait 43848347# feeling tired after fapping

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Chad faps several times a day plus fucking stacy multiple times in a row and he still has more free circulating test than any natural low tcel who's on nofap

everytime after i fap i can feel how my muscles become weak, stiff and Cold and how my heart rate instantly goes crazy only at the slightest activity, i cannot do 3 pushups without being totally exhausted
I fap before and after working out and still feel good tbh
i like to fap with something in my other hand because when i cum my grip strength increases by 1000 and i completely annihilate whatever im holding
I used to feel tired after I fapped when i started fapping, but later that tiredness all went. I don't feel tired anymore after fapping tbh.
However, for recovery periods in between, i need at least 15 mins, to get ready to fap again.
Chad faps several times a day plus f*****g stacy multiple times in a row and he still has more free circulating test than any natural low tcel who's on nofap

everytime after i fap i can feel how my muscles become weak, stiff and Cold and how my heart rate instantly goes crazy only at the slightest activity, i cannot do 3 pushups without being totally exhausted
eat royal honey if you feel tired after sex and masturbation
Chad faps several times a day plus f*****g stacy multiple times in a row and he still has more free circulating test than any natural low tcel who's on nofap

everytime after i fap i can feel how my muscles become weak, stiff and Cold and how my heart rate instantly goes crazy only at the slightest activity, i cannot do 3 pushups without being totally exhausted
Dont be paranoid about fap
when if first started fapping (around 13) my heart would like race everytime I finished but not anymore
Chad faps several times a day plus f*****g stacy multiple times in a row and he still has more free circulating test than any natural low tcel who's on nofap

everytime after i fap i can feel how my muscles become weak, stiff and Cold and how my heart rate instantly goes crazy only at the slightest activity, i cannot do 3 pushups without being totally exhausted
Most "chads" don't cum multiple times a day consistently.