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News it's over for glycogen cels

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Deleted member 304

i fucking ate like 500g of carbs

fucking nothing. no bloat or anything, i still dont have as much energy as i used to have in the gym


i take ash, berberine, O3, D3, over AF

i fucking start sweating and pissing a few minutes after I start eating

i fucking ate like 500g of carbs

fucking nothing. no bloat or anything, i still dont have as much energy as i used to have in the gym


i take ash, berberine, O3, D3, over AF

i fucking start sweating and pissing a few minutes after I start eating

I have no problem with energy xd
btw u should at least be exercising as a vegan

eating high fructose kills ATP in liver and you need to activate AMPK trough exercise to minimize the damage
When ppl hear that I am vegan,they think that I am a weak cunt xd
you could be much stronger if you stopped eating like a f****t that also happened to get a vasectomy and jump on estrogen hormone replacement while having a soy IV drip next to his body 24/7
I was deadlifting 160 kg year ago(eating meat,eggs,fruit,bread),and now in april I deadlifted 205kg on vegan diet.It all comes to kcal intake(ofc if micro and macronutrients are good)
I was deadlifting 160 kg year ago(eating meat,eggs,fruit,bread),and now in april I deadlifted 205kg on vegan diet.It all comes to kcal intake(ofc if micro and macronutrients are good)
Do you get bloated on the diet?
I was deadlifting 160 kg year ago(eating meat,eggs,fruit,bread),and now in april I deadlifted 205kg on vegan diet.It all comes to kcal intake(ofc if micro and macronutrients are good)
it doesnt come down to klcal intake, not even a little bit

in the body, protein carbs and fats server different purposes, thats why we have them and we dont just have calories. we re not cars

you will break a bone deadlifting one day and you'll be looking back to now seeing how retarded you were. that's what happens to all ex-vegans
That happens to retarded vegans
theres no way to be smart about it because you dont have the flexibility

you can be smart about flexible dieting, but when you restrict such an important part of nutritition, theres not much wiggle room (none at all tbh) maybe protein shakes
1564435945840.png1564435956966.pngas long as I have no side effects and as long as science exists,I will not stop.Year passed,I feel the same
View attachment 1499View attachment 1500as long as I have no side effects and as long as science exists,I will not stop.Year passed,I feel the same
science is against you boyo

youve been dodging every single callout me and sikkunt made. only reason i didnt push on it is because if you dont know you dont know, i just want you to realize that

we re tryina help you see the way boyo because we re br0s...
1564436492588.png1564436498694.png1564436505870.pngok bros,this is what I ate today.Got plenty of sun,so I am not worried about D3.I am about to have protein meal and that's about it.I will end up with 150grams of protein(which could be higher but I am to lazy to prepare better food).Also I like to eat junk shit
View attachment 1504View attachment 1505View attachment 1506ok bros,this is what I ate today.Got plenty of sun,so I am not worried about D3.I am about to have protein meal and that's about it.I will end up with 150grams of protein(which could be higher but I am to lazy to prepare better food).Also I like to eat junk shit
bro we already told you about anti-nutrients

look into oxalates, phytates, lectins

also plants dont have omega 3, they have ALA which has a conversion rate to DHA/EPA of 5-10%
I know about them,I think it's debunked already
ok then tell me whats debunked about them because theyre not some magical chemicals

you know that zinc doesnt come in pills as zinc, right? its zinc oxide, zinc whatever i dont know how many forms there are, but its zinc chelated to another molecule. thats exactly what oxalates do. they bind to the minerals you ingest and reduces bioavailability greatly. about kidney stones and shit, idk, but thats not the point rn

also you forgot to include what i said about omega 3. ALA is not omega 3, you can get max around 10% actual omega 3 from it if even
ok then tell me whats debunked about them because theyre not some magical chemicals

you know that zinc doesnt come in pills as zinc, right? its zinc oxide, zinc whatever i dont know how many forms there are, but its zinc chelated to another molecule. thats exactly what oxalates do. they bind to the minerals you ingest and reduces bioavailability greatly. about kidney stones and shit, idk, but thats not the point rn

also you forgot to include what i said about omega 3. ALA is not omega 3, you can get max around 10% actual omega 3 from it if even
There are 11 types of omega 3,the big three are EPA, DHA and ALA.Who says that ALA is not omega 3?Send me a link.Alsko cooking plants reduce the amount of anti nutrients
There are 11 types of omega 3,the big three are EPA, DHA and ALA.Who says that ALA is not omega 3?Send me a link.Alsko cooking plants reduce the amount of anti nutrients
its omega 3 but it has none of the effects of DHA/EPA or LA. it does have some functions outside of being converted into DHA/EPA but none are useful particularly for humans and its not the effects you expect from traditional omega 3

the other problem is that the omega 6 in plants is actual omega 6 that has inflammatory effects and there's no omega 3 to (((allegedly, not proven))) counter the effects of that. really not great

also ur right when you cook you remove around 50% of oxalates in vegetables. idk about the other anti-nutrients personally, cant comment

you seem to be looking for holes in your diet to make it look not as bad when all it takes to make it even better is just to start eating animal foods
I am jsut here to prove that it is easy to get all nutrients
Bro I know it feels nice to see how you supposedly get all nutrients on paper, but your cells most likely don't utilize them even if your blood levels are ok.
Just look at how degenerated the Vegan youtubers are mentally and physically, and yes I know most are raw cunts but the WFPBD ones are also degenerating.
Bro I know it feels nice to see how you supposedly get all nutrients on paper, but your cells most likely don't utilize them even if your blood levels are ok.
Just look at how degenerated the Vegan youtubers are mentally and physically, and yes I know most are raw cunts but the WFPBD ones are also degenerating.
fucking john mcdougal bro

tbh but I don't watch that dick-riding twink. He also looks subhuman with his dogshit eye area
it was timestamped to a video of mcdougall in an interview yes hes a r****d subhuman but it is what it is
Bro I know it feels nice to see how you supposedly get all nutrients on paper, but your cells most likely don't utilize them even if your blood levels are ok.
Just look at how degenerated the Vegan youtubers are mentally and physically, and yes I know most are raw cunts but the WFPBD ones are also degenerating.
What about vegeterians?
it was timestamped to a video of mcdougall in an interview yes hes a r****d subhuman but it is what it is
oh ye sorry din click, ye he crazy as hell, some say he was drunk and shit.