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little rant on self improvement in gen


New member
Aug 9, 2023
I understand that it is always positive to have a good health conscious outlook on life and to feel better in your body. Hitting the gym will always improve your quality of life and how you live, and to each your own with whatever people want to do.

However what happened to letting go and doing dumb shit and having fun especially when you are young 20s (not teenage years). I think being young letting go and doing stuff you regret is the quickest way to learn and grow up. if your not meeting new people and always trying to find a new social circle expand your ideas and range what is the point?

this is a personal thing I just don't like the whole constant self improvement stuff it feels like chasing a dragon.
I think it just depends on your priorities man

If you want to have fun then go for it but understand what you’re sacrificing

If you don’t want to sacrifice that stuff then tough luck, hit the gym

Same thing as if you understand that if you eat a lot you’ll be fat, but you’d rather eat whatever you want then that’s fine

Spend your life only doing things you want to genuinely do
if your not meeting new people and always trying to find a new social circle expand your ideas and range what is the point?
part of self improvement is developing a social circle imo although sometimes people leave that part out.

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