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Midface reduction surgery


Jul 6, 2019
are there any surgeries to reduce the height of the maxilla to get that Leonardo DiCaprio—Thanos look and what have you?
are there any surgeries to reduce the height of the maxilla to get that Leonardo DiCaprio—Thanos look and what have you?
i think maxilla rotation surgery is the only way to shorten midface surgically. tbh just hard mew and chew for a while. and moneymaxx while you're at It. so that if It doesn't work you can surgerymaxx as a last resort. you're never too old to get a surgery after all
are there any surgeries to reduce the height of the maxilla to get that Leonardo DiCaprio—Thanos look and what have you?
How old are you?
are there any surgeries to reduce the height of the maxilla to get that Leonardo DiCaprio—Thanos look and what have you?

Theres a lefort 1 gummy smile, bonewise it shortens the maxilla but i dont know if the superficially soft tissue will also be shortned
Sweaty having a masculine compact midface and high FWHR is misogynistic

real men have feminine Long low FWHR faces with soft jawlines and litte facial bone definiton

here take a look, thats my husband at the Right, he has a Long horse face but i still love him

i love him so much that i even allow him to lick my feet after tyrone jizzed them on (only on his Birthday of Course)

he's such a great and brave Boy, dont listen to These misogynists here

I'm 15 (16 in two months time ✌)
Look into a palate expander or fagga. Also make sure you mew like hell from this age on..... any change is better than none
Is 16 still a growing age? A lot of people says that facial growth stop at 14
Oh no you can grow facially from 14. No doubt. But the older you get and the farther from puberty the harder it is to change/grow.
For oldcels surgeries like lefort 1-3 and genioplasty will help
Bones stop growing around 20 years old, it could be more or less it depends