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Milkshake introduction.

Banana milkshake

New member
May 27, 2024
Hey pals, Indian here, 16 y/o, 5"7 (I'm cooked), 60 kgs.

I started my looksmaxxing journey by in the mid January after learning about mewing and stuff. Though, it has only been softmaxxing, I've noticed changes in my looks. My main goals are to lose fat, get clear skin and a defined bone structure.

I learnt about this forum while searching for a looksmaxxing community and thought I'd give it a shot. I'm here for good advice and to interact with looksmaxxers. Let's see where this takes me.

And how would you rate my 4 month progress?

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Lose wight and start working out

In the future you can consider surgery like rhinoplasty to fix nose tip.
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Lose wight and start working out

In the future you can consider surgery like rhinoplasty to fix nose tip.
Yeah, that nose tip bothers me a lot as well. And it's tilted on the top of it.
Hey pals, Indian here, 16 y/o, 5"7 (I'm cooked), 60 kgs.

I started my looksmaxxing journey by in the mid January after learning about about mewing and stuff. Though, it has only been softmaxxing, I've noticed changes in my looks. My main goals are to lose fat, get clear skin and a defined bone structure.

I learnt about this forum while searching for a looksmaxxing community and thought I'd give it a shot. I'm here for good advice and to interact with looksmaxxers. Let's see where this takes me.

And how would you rate my 4 month progress?

Peace.View attachment 30805
View attachment 30804
doing good for 4 months bro, welcome
Thanks for the advice dawg.
Btw, I've heard that drinking too much water bloats your face. How true is it in your opinion?
It’s just water retention. Water is important to drink in order to drink exercise you will most likely be able to drink a correct amount because your body will tell you
