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Not rlly, improving looks is mostly a physical thing not rlly mentally. Idk what mirin hard means. Obviously it’s man made words, but there’s man made laws and man made things everywhere that’s why u can’t just go and kill anyone you see in the street, there’s good and bad and slurs aren’t good at all.
i infact can do that
but therses stupid rules and government slave knights
Dude u are so pissed for no reason, what does my advice have to do with this she was asking abt bras so I helped her?? Unless maybe you can go back to being a twink and share some of your tips with her
choripan is muscular
no problem! just google bmi calculator for healthy calculations, n remember ur young ur still growing so eat well and dont starve too much
What's with the toxic positivity?
why use such stupid terms
this mentally ill insecure brainwashed twink ass boneless bitch is calling me moid when i am more real than her future hormones
u just need time off internet and good animal food (cholesterol and micronutrients)
and it'll be better
ur body is perfectly fine u don't need to be anorexic to he attractive and big boobs<small boobs
just chill out no one was attacking YOU its just that all your takes are half assed and retarded
u just need time off internet and good animal food (cholesterol and micronutrients)
and it'll be better
ur body is perfectly fine u don't need to be anorexic to he attractive and big boobs<small boobs
just chill out no one was attacking YOU its just that all your takes are half assed and retarded
What fucking takes bro i put all my fucking effort and time into ts
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