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1/ I think you have mental health issues and some kind of body dysmorphia, because 175cm for 58kg is a healthy weight for women. I think you have body insecurities and you're too harsh on yourself. I recommend you to talk to a therapist, ask your parents

2/ You said you have irregular periods so imo it comes from your diet. You didn't eat enough or only junk food...
For proper ovaries function you should have an animal based diet with enough Vitamin D, protein and fat like whole eggs, meat, organs like liver, sardines, cooking in beef tallow, healthy carbs like potatoes and a lot of of vegetables and fruits for micro-nutrients.

3/ You're 15yo. Don't be harsh on yourself. Don't try to bulk or doing aggressive cut. Go to the gym, do your workouts and if you want to burn more calories you can do cardio like a running or some bike 1 or 2 hours per week, doing skipping rope, kettlebell swings etc
1/ I think you have mental health issues and some kind of body dysmorphia, because 175cm for 58kg is a healthy weight for women. I think you have body insecurities and you're too harsh on yourself. I recommend you to talk to a therapist, ask your parents

2/ You said you have irregular periods so imo it comes from your diet. You didn't eat enough or only junk food...
For proper ovaries function you should have an animal based diet with enough Vitamin D, protein and fat like whole eggs, meat, organs like liver, sardines, cooking in beef tallow, healthy carbs like potatoes and a lot of of vegetables and fruits for micro-nutrients.

3/ You're 15yo. Don't be harsh on yourself. Don't try to bulk or doing aggressive cut. Go to the gym, do your workouts and if you want to burn more calories you can do cardio like a running or some bike 1 or 2 hours per week, doing skipping rope, kettlebell swings etc
Oh thank you darling, you're clearly the only REAL man in this place. MwahπŸ’‹
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Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί

My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start. There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway. I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advisedβ€”grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.

Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?
You aren't even overweight I'm shorter than u and weigh more and I'm not even overweight you're skinny don't hyperfocus on it too much
1/ I think you have mental health issues and some kind of body dysmorphia, because 175cm for 58kg is a healthy weight for women. I think you have body insecurities and you're too harsh on yourself. I recommend you to talk to a therapist, ask your parents

2/ You said you have irregular periods so imo it comes from your diet. You didn't eat enough or only junk food...
For proper ovaries function you should have an animal based diet with enough Vitamin D, protein and fat like whole eggs, meat, organs like liver, sardines, cooking in beef tallow, healthy carbs like potatoes and a lot of of vegetables and fruits for micro-nutrients.

3/ You're 15yo. Don't be harsh on yourself. Don't try to bulk or doing aggressive cut. Go to the gym, do your workouts and if you want to burn more calories you can do cardio like a running or some bike 1 or 2 hours per week, doing skipping rope, kettlebell swings etc
this is a good response
Diet is giga important
this is a good response
Diet is giga important
If only this was said in the first place, but that jobless AIDS infected ethnic twink wanted to do the most.
OP is very cool person who definitely doesnt hate my guts

Idk what the problem is here but the pityfishing part is so wrong it’s like you guys have never met an insecure teenage girl it’s so clear she has eating issues n to call this pityfishing is literally js disregarding n undermining her issue
it’s clear pityfishing tho. she can literally step on the scale, go to a bmi website, or ask a person IN REALITY and all signs will show she isn’t MORBIDLY OBESE. holy shit, it’s pityfishing.
it’s clear pityfishing tho. she can literally step on the scale, go to a bmi website, or ask a person IN REALITY and all signs will show she isn’t MORBIDLY OBESE. holy shit, it’s pityfishing.
it’s really not. I was in her position a few years ago, I thought bmi 17 was fat but each to their own ig
it’s really not. I was in her position a few years ago, I thought bmi 17 was fat but each to their own ig
alright, you can FEEL fat obviously but calling urself morbidly obese when your bmi and weight states otherwise is pity fishing😭 she needs to take this to an ed forum or something
alright, you can FEEL fat obviously but calling urself morbidly obese when your bmi and weight states otherwise is pity fishing😭 she needs to take this to an ed forum or something
it’s clear pityfishing tho. she can literally step on the scale, go to a bmi website, or ask a person IN REALITY and all signs will show she isn’t MORBIDLY OBESE. holy shit, it’s pityfishing.
Body dysmorphia and hormones imbalance
It was the "norm" around a lot of women when i was 15-16yo
it’s really not. I was in her position a few years ago, I thought bmi 17 was fat but each to their own ig
Thinking this is natural selection tbh
People with eating disorders shouldn't get helped, it's literally the most dumb problem you could have. And the only people that has it are rich white women
Thinking this is natural selection tbh
People with eating disorders shouldn't get helped, it's literally the most dumb problem you could have. And the only people that has it are rich white women
What r u even on 😭😭 I’m Arab and literally almost every girl I know had/ has eating issues 😭
Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί

My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start. There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway. I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advisedβ€”grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.

Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?
Bro forget looksmaxxing. Just try living to 22.
Thinking this is natural selection tbh
People with eating disorders shouldn't get helped, it's literally the most dumb problem you could have. And the only people that has it are rich white women
I slept damn near a whole 9 hours and this nga is still here lord 😹😹😹 omg get a job or friends even.
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