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alright, you can FEEL fat obviously but calling urself morbidly obese when your bmi and weight states otherwise is pity fishing😭 she needs to take this to an ed forum or something
Yes what ur saying is true, but the only reason this big old argument happened was because chorichock was being rude as hell for no reason when clearly he mentions how smart he is yet he can’t see that she’s obviously body dysmorphic and he’s just feeding into it even more
Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί

My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start. There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway. I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advisedβ€”grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.

Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?

its jover jfl, ruined puberty, incel. i think you shall just ldar tbh @97baHater @Clone look at this shit
Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί
idk how old u r but u cant go under 50kg if u wanna be healthy
u can aim at 49kg, youll be slightly unhealthy (again idk ur age) but dont go less youll become infertile
Aight i'll aim for higher i'm 15 btw but yh if its dangerous fuck it
Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί

My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start. There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway. I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advisedβ€”grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.

Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?

start a new diet with slightly cooked and lighty seasoned food consisting of meat organs milk
ideally don't boil the milk drink it raw and stay in caloric deficit and u would look good πŸ‘πŸ»
Lord, help me. So, basically, I haven’t worked out in 3 months, and my life has been a mess. I don’t know how much I weigh, but I’m guessing it’s around 58kg (I’m 172cm or something, I don’t even know anymore). Anyway, I’m basically just huge and fat and nasty now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ₯Ί

My whole softmaxxing plan is ruined because I don’t even know where to start. There’s no point in debloating my face if my body is big anyway. I’m just stuck on what to do. At first, I decided I’d do a lean bulk as some people advisedβ€”grow my glutes and then corset train for an even smaller waist.

But now people are telling me to do an aggressive cut, get skinny, then lean bulk to grow my ass and then corset train. I just don’t know what to do anymore, and I feel like I’m going to ruin my body. My boobs STILL haven’t grown, and I don’t want to lose them completely by doing an aggressive cut.

Also, I just don’t know what kind of diet to follow. I just need a diet that’ll help maximize my development. OMG, being a girl is torture. What weight is ideal for someone my height and weight anyway?

don't ever exercise
and also boobs are overrated
they just have to exist doesn't matter if thier small
don't take birth control u dumbfucking roidcel r****d
u are feeling like shit cause of it
op u look like u have lived a very hard life it took a toll on u and gave u mental illnesses
ur also heavily brainwashed by media
id be cautious if i were and wouldn't touch internet and would consume rarely cooked cows
Stfu if u don’t have anything nice to say to someone who is struggling don’t say it this is in the female lookmaxxing section for a reason she’s not here for u
like females ever give good advice here
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