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Motivate yourself to run!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo
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I just ran 9.08km at 0300 in the morning. It took me 35 mins which is slow af but i feel like I've done something with my life. Running at night is 100x better you're completely alone which means complete focus. However you have to make sure you're not running in a bad neighbourhood if you decide to run at night. The trick to running is that you need to turn it into meditation and a habit because you'll experience a runners high after a week f running.

Try and beat me post your time and distance ITT
I used to run a lot ngl, but I've been biking more recently. It's pretty much the same but I just do it longer as biking is less energy intensive.
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JFL at elevating cortisol, prolactin and lowering T

Also, runners high is just adrenaline. the beta endorphin released does not enter the brain sorry boyo go ER
JFL at elevating cortisol, prolactin and lowering T

Also, runners high is just adrenaline. the beta endorphin released does not enter the brain sorry boyo go ER
The lowered T is temporary it literally happens for every type of exercise after a workout. Running increases HGH which is arguably more important than keeping t levels high.
The lowered T is temporary it literally happens for every type of exercise after a workout. Running increases HGH which is arguably more important than keeping t levels high.
its actually even worse for anaerobic exercise. you get a T increase while working out, but after continuously working out, your T levels will go down and only go up when lifting

and the increase in HGH is small and lasts very little

just ldar everything is lowering our T
its actually even worse for anaerobic exercise. you get a T increase while working out, but after continuously working out, your T levels will go down and only go up when lifting

and the increase in HGH is small and lasts very little

just ldar everything is lowering our T
That sucks i'll need to research into it more.
bro why are jews bad? i don't get it
the jews are in control of all media and government agencies goyim

theyve been brainwashing us for years and have planted false diet information and estrogen in everything to turn us into submissive beta males since they know women cant do shit and if men are weak they can control us and we cant rebel

look into the estradiol and fluoride in the water supplies in the US
the jews are in control of all media and government agencies goyim

theyve been brainwashing us for years and have planted false diet information and estrogen in everything to turn us into submissive beta males since they know women cant do shit and if men are weak they can control us and we cant rebel

look into the estradiol and fluoride in the water supplies in the US
Im a UK boyo we have even worse. I've always thought that this type of sytuff is due to political corruption and wilful ignorance.