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"Muh gym is cope muh"

They lost bodyfat which revealed their aesthetic forward grown faces, I am low bodyfat yet my face looks like utter shit due to it being so incredibly recessed (<2 PSL).

Look at @Dr. Vozcuk [Unblocked] too, gymcelled yet face? Oh yeah, still a Truecel.
I dont believe you.
Unlike attention seeking "Mentalcels" I am not such a large f****t to engage in that behavior myself.

I have gotten used to seeing the front of my face in the bathroom mirror, but if I even dare to take a picture it gives me suicide thoughts, let alone of my profile which I did 1 year ago and which I'm NEVER doing again. That was truly heart breaking.
I have gotten used to seeing the front of my face in the bathroom mirror, but if I even dare to take a picture it gives me suicide thoughts, let alone of my profile which I did 1 year ago and which I'm NEVER doing again. That was truly heart breaking.
What flaws do you have?
Wait, wait, wait, woah, woah, woah... Holy shit Pickle Rick on a stick, OP, how long have you been in possession of this information? Are YOU telling ME that if someone is goodlooking and then gets fat, he becomes ugly, and if he loses the weight he becomes goodlooking again?

OP, have you taken a MENSA test? I... I think you might be a genius!

Can you please sign my tits? (I am morbidly obese)
Everything is recessed man, dunno what else to tell you. Cuck skull as well ofc, cuck eyes, round forehead and not square masculine, I am 5'7 too on top of all that. No wonder I'm not complaining about the gay thoughts I'm having, I have ZERO fkn chances with women.
Damn man if you’re not larping then that’s fuckin shit. What do you hope to achieve with looksmaxxing then? LTR Someone or be treated nicer by society?
The first one looks above average but he just lost bloat and bf, his face is more defined, but body is terrible.

The second one is truecel regardless of his efforts.
The first one looks above average but he just lost bloat and bf, his face is more defined, but body is terrible.

The second one is truecel regardless of his efforts.
Disagree. Second is a low tier normie at worst. A truecel can’t get laid this guy could slay chubbies or trucel women
Everything is recessed man, dunno what else to tell you. Cuck skull as well ofc, cuck eyes, round forehead and not square masculine, I am 5'7 too on top of all that. No wonder I'm not complaining about the gay thoughts I'm having, I have ZERO fkn chances with women.
tenor (3).gif
Wait, wait, wait, woah, woah, woah... Holy shit Pickle Rick on a stick, OP, how long have you been in possession of this information? Are YOU telling ME that if someone is goodlooking and then gets fat, he becomes ugly, and if he loses the weight he becomes goodlooking again?
It's not only about being fat, look at the first dude, even after losing weight he still looked bad because he was too skinny, after gaining muscle he became better looking.

but body is terrible
His body is not perfect but its definitely not terrible.
The second one is truecel regardless of his efforts.
He is white, not bald and has a decent physique, if he is not shorter than 5'9" he should be able to get ethnic women easily.

How does sex feel like tbh?
Looking for a petite INTJ Tomboy GF
Why do you think I would?
Because masturbation feels 10x better. The only things you can really find valuable about sex is either producing children or gaining female validation.
Because masturbation feels 10x better. The only things you can really find valuable about sex is either producing children or gaining female validation.
I have to admit the orgasm from a wank is more intense. But the validation part of sex/having a loving (However long that may last) partner is invaluable in my eyes.