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My dream was to date young girls aged 19 to 23! Is it already over? because in reality I'm already 34 years old

You're kidding yourself if you think you even had a shot. Your game's been over before it even had a chance to begin. With this UEE, that long ass philtrum, and that giant forehead you could project movies on, you might as well give up on any hope of scoring with a young woman. And seriously, lusting after 19-year-olds? That's f*****g weird. Try aiming for someone in your own age, though good luck finding anyone desperate enough to settle for you. Face it, at 34, you're already past your prime. Most people your age have long settled down, while you're here rotting on this forum.
if ur not rich then dont have pedo dreams, be realistic. why would hot young women want a 40 yr old? u look older than my dad thats so creepy. why admit ur a pedo online?
Men from age 12 to 100 want young hot woman ur just being mean cause he is ugly if this was chad u would have said be urself
You're kidding yourself if you think you even had a shot. Your game's been over before it even had a chance to begin. With this UEE, that long ass philtrum, and that giant forehead you could project movies on, you might as well give up on any hope of scoring with a young woman. And seriously, lusting after 19-year-olds? That's f*****g weird. Try aiming for someone in your own age, though good luck finding anyone desperate enough to settle for you. Face it, at 34, you're already past your prime. Most people your age have long settled down, while you're here rotting on this forum.
His philtrum is the last thing which matters

You shouldnt even have mentioned it
My dream was to date young girls aged 19 to 23! Is it already over? because in reality I'm already 34 years oldView attachment 29211
the wrong point is the dream, get a girlfriend of your age and dont focus on getting 20 yo hoes. You are 34 and should focus more on becomng a father
Leonardo Dicaprio was chad in his prime and now hes old and young girls dont want him unless they are getting paid to be a sugar baby
He still wantd young women but he doesn't get hate cause he used to he chad but hudson does cuz he is ugly
if ur not rich then dont have pedo dreams, be realistic. why would hot young women want a 40 yr old? u look older than my dad thats so creepy. why admit ur a pedo online?
19 to 23 is not pedo. Normally I'd get upset when people post stupid shit like this online but I'm going to go easy for you because I feel bad for your after reading that thread about your shitty best friend.

The only reason its "creepy" though is because he is sub-ltn in looks
His philtrum is the last thing which matters

You shouldnt even have mentioned it
I agree, his main flaws are his nose, upper eyelid exposure, unequal facial thirds, NCT, a short lower third and low FWHR. Long philtrum is still a failo tho
I agree, his main flaws are his nose, upper eyelid exposure, unequal facial thirds, NCT, a short lower third and low FWHR. Long philtrum is still a failo tho
luckily for him his philtrum doesnt really count much because he has a little lower third which doesnt make him look like frankestein
You're kidding yourself if you think you even had a shot. Your game's been over before it even had a chance to begin. With this UEE, that long ass philtrum, and that giant forehead you could project movies on, you might as well give up on any hope of scoring with a young woman. And seriously, lusting after 19-year-olds? That's f*****g weird. Try aiming for someone in your own age, though good luck finding anyone desperate enough to settle for you. Face it, at 34, you're already past your prime. Most people your age have long settled down, while you're here rotting on this forum.
theres 30-60 year olds on org lmao
if ur not rich then dont have pedo dreams, be realistic. why would hot young women want a 40 yr old? u look older than my dad thats so creepy. why admit ur a pedo online?
19-23 isnt pedo tho right? just kinda strange age gap
i think pedo is prepuberty kids
but defo strange age gap and unrealistic
maybe if his collagen wasn't bad he would have a shot tbh
i think pedo is prepuberty kids
but defo strange age gap and unrealistic
Nah hes a pedo see how her purposely said 19 to it was less controversial he would def get with a 16yr old if he could he looks desperate not even his fault just society thats why theres so many incels and pedos
if he had collagen he could prettyboy max regardless of nct and uee
ik this guy from other posts, he became extremely skinny for some reason, he has a bad mentality, and also his hairline is receding. he kept asking if he should give up, i feel like he wants us to say yes.
nct, uee, hairline, physique, skin, eyebags, can all be fixed, some requiring hardmax, but he doesnt seem to want to put in the effort. its either over for him or he gets 19 yos, seeing from his standpoint
ik this guy from other posts, he became extremely skinny for some reason, he has a bad mentality, and also his hairline is receding. he kept asking if he should give up, i feel like he wants us to say yes.
nct, uee, hairline, physique, skin, eyebags, can all be fixed, some requiring hardmax, but he doesnt seem to want to put in the effort. its either over for him or he gets 19 yos, seeing from his standpoint
oh that makes sense then damn. in that case if he is gonna be a b***h he should just ldar
he has potential just giving up thats interesting that you say that though
ik this guy from other posts, he became extremely skinny for some reason, he has a bad mentality, and also his hairline is receding. he kept asking if he should give up, i feel like he wants us to say yes.
nct, uee, hairline, physique, skin, eyebags, can all be fixed, some requiring hardmax, but he doesnt seem to want to put in the effort. its either over for him or he gets 19 yos, seeing from his standpoint
he just needs to get money anf get a hair transplant and surgery or just get money try fix ur life. its not 100% about looks its status aswell its not that over but 19 yr olds hes cooked for tha
he just needs to get money anf get a hair transplant and surgery or just get money try fix ur life. its not 100% about looks its status aswell its not that over but 19 yr olds hes cooked for tha
he might not be cooked physically tbh but mentally he definitely is
if ur not rich then dont have pedo dreams, be realistic. why would hot young women want a 40 yr old? u look older than my dad thats so creepy. why admit ur a pedo online?
>19 to 23

What has this world come to lmfao were reaching levels of agecuckoldry that shouldn't even be possible
Nah hes a pedo see how her purposely said 19 to it was less controversial he would def get with a 16yr old if he could he looks desperate not even his fault just society thats why theres so many incels and pedos
Pedo is sub 13 year olds
ik this guy from other posts, he became extremely skinny for some reason, he has a bad mentality, and also his hairline is receding. he kept asking if he should give up, i feel like he wants us to say yes.
nct, uee, hairline, physique, skin, eyebags, can all be fixed, some requiring hardmax, but he doesnt seem to want to put in the effort. its either over for him or he gets 19 yos, seeing from his standpoint
He wants hope he is in denial of the brutal truth if u can't give him don't take whatever hope he has left 😭😥😢

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