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My mewing transformation 6 months (i think good results)


New member
Jun 7, 2021
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months





I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
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You started at sixteen. Your face is still growing. Keep coping
I had results in 2 weeks, if there are other autistic people like you I will post proof tonight
my palate has widened I do not cope
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
day and night difference... anyone who says otherwise is coping...
The difference is noticeable, but is this due to skeletal changes? I doubt it. I don't think the maxilla can move that much. Decreasing bf while hypertrophying certain facial muscles can produce this effect.
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
Damn bro your glowup crazy keep doing it ur only 17 too so it's gonna keep growing
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
looks good bro
Bro ur like a 9/10 in every pic if you're an incel just stop with the mewing because what we need is social change! Instead of people raising the bar making it harder for everybody else and increasing hypergamy. If ur still an incel then its probably a location or societal issue
I don't think it's bcz mewing .u grow up so ur face gets developed and become better .
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
How ur nose can get longer?
Bro ur like a 9/10 in every pic if you're an incel just stop with the mewing because what we need is social change! Instead of people raising the bar making it harder for everybody else and increasing hypergamy.
Telling him to stop focusing on looks is quite illlogical. Consider this if he stops and pushes for social change it will be considered "Coping" or bluepill. Hypergamy will come crashing down as birth rates go down the drain. + being incel is also a form of "Coping" The only thing we can do is look better. Dont hate the player hate the game.
Telling him to stop focusing on looks is quite illlogical. Consider this if he stops and pushes for social change it will be considered "Coping" or bluepill. Hypergamy will come crashing down as birth rates go down the drain. + being incel is also a form of "Coping" The only thing we can do is look better. Dont hate the player hate the game.
What? Pushing for change is blackpill. Bluepills don't even admit there is a problem with society. And hypergamy crashing down is a good thing.
What? Pushing for change is blackpill. Bluepills don't even admit there is a problem with society. And hypergamy crashing down is a good thing.
There is some truth to what your saying. But pushing for social change is a bad idea. We must educate men and let the hypergamy crash down by itself. There is nothing else we can do. Good luck.
There is some truth to what your saying. But pushing for social change is a bad idea. We must educate men and let the hypergamy crash down by itself.
Normies are blackpill JFL. Bluepillers probably know about blackpill but don't want it mainstream, if blackpill was mainstream then a lot of males would become hikkomorri and capitalism would collapse.

If you look at mainstream streamers and gamers, a lot of them use blackpill terminology, if u login to online games a lot of the gamers use blackpill terminology.
There is nothing else we can do. Good luck.
There are literally tons of things you can do. You can pay engineers to research ways of how to influence pregnancies so that women are more likely to give birth to female offspring. You could find out ways to make boys gay using chemicals in the environment and foods, because the more gays there are, the less "males" there are in heterosexual male dating competition. Also, it is not testosterone or estrogen that makes people gay or straight, it is some other hormones I forgot what they are called. Another thing you could do is increasing the amount of MTFs, this would reduce the amount of cishet male competition as well as increase the amount of options. Not all men are into mtfs, but some are and this would reduce cishet competition. And you can increase the amount of bread circuses by giving people realistic fembots instead of expecting crappy sexdolls to somehow stabilize society.

There are also other things like increasing the amount of chad plastic surgeries, but that doesn't really fix the problem it might actually just slightly increase hypergamy actually, most people wouldn't be able to afford plastic surgery anyway and girls might just get more picky about their chads.
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
Good changes. Just wait till your 5 years in hahaha
Bro ur like a 9/10 in every pic if you're an incel just stop with the mewing because what we need is social change! Instead of people raising the bar making it harder for everybody else and increasing hypergamy. If ur still an incel then its probably a location or societal issue
Skill issue
Nothing can debunk mewing. Mewing deniers are optimal posture deniers.
He says in the video to prioritize losing bodyfat first which is good and more important tbh. Obviously posture is important but if there is fat u won’t see the jaw
Before to previous
Amazing how these mewing before and after pics are never in the same angle

Wait, holy shit, this is fucking PINNED
Just delete this forum at this point
Before to previous
Amazing how these mewing before and after pics are never in the same angle

Wait, holy shit, this is f*****g PINNED
Just delete this forum at this point
Pretty much anything is pinned on here
Hello everyone I am new to this forum I use a translator to speak so if there are some incomprehensible sentences / words it is normal

I am 17 years old having recently discovered looksmax so I started the mewing here are the results of 6 months

View attachment 21213

View attachment 21214

View attachment 21215

View attachment 21216

I let my hair grow, improve my skin, eyebrow and neck training

It's been only 6 months and I think I already have correct results, I am rather confident for the future:
- my cheekbones project from + to + forward and widen, my fwhr increases, my eye area is correct, my jaw continues to widen
and many other improvements

I think I look normie my goal would be to be chadlite according to you is that possible?
I look much better in real life than in the picture now

What do you think ?
If you are not short nor austistic, then you dont really need looksmaxxing anymore
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