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My new gymecel routine

I've been paying autistic levels of attention to working out, i'm starting serious since this Dec

I found my before (Where i also flex lats aka push scapula outwards to appear wide)

Also, people do noticed my width, and muscles in general, because i'm lean and wear s size shirts to get muscles showing, males are generally speaking jealous, they joke how i take something to look good, while you can clearly see the jealousy breaking through cellings (Keep in mind i'm still average, just look better than before)

Idk for females, female acquitance once asked me, i mean compared my height and shoulder width to her boyfriend. (I shouldermogged him), in a world full of chadlites, you need to outmog everyone to get noticed by girls
You train at home, right?
He has a g**k as a girlfriend... Not much of an achievement if I say so myself.
He is sleeping with girls like this at 5'5
While you keep rotting on this forum and jacking off to other members of the forum(Nick gurr)
Rkelly... I understand you need to cope with the fact that you're 5 foot 6 yourself, but try not deluding yourself any further for your own benefit.
Im not deluding myself or anyone else. Stop assuming. It makes an ass of u an me