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Nearly 80 approaches and one date, hard fail. Need advice on my face?


Nobody cares. Work harder.
Mar 6, 2024
5'6 with a bumpy, wide nose. Some weak feature like the periorbital hollowing are obvious but seem ridiculously hard to fix. But it seems like there are other features messing with my face that I can't pinpoint.

Long face?
Odd shaped lips?
Recessed upper maxilla?
Incorrect eye-width-to-height ratio?
Or eyes are too almond-shaped?
Also, I'm strongly considering limb-lengthening surgery of about 6 inches in India which would take 8 months to recover from. Thoughts on this?

Eyebrows seem too thick and too close together but this is just my judgement.


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if you improve your jaw , debloat your face and get rhino , you will ascend
your jaw is too round it makes you look feminine, upper half of your face is good. do you work out?
5'6 with a bumpy, wide nose. Some weak feature like the periorbital hollowing are obvious but seem ridiculously hard to fix. But it seems like there are other features messing with my face that I can't pinpoint.

Long face?
Odd shaped lips?
Recessed upper maxilla?
Incorrect eye-width-to-height ratio?
Or eyes are too almond-shaped?
Also, I'm strongly considering limb-lengthening surgery of about 6 inches in India which would take 8 months to recover from. Thoughts on this?

Eyebrows seem too thick and too close together but this is just my judgement.
You should get Hunter eyes
you are attractive i would say. this may be an issue of personality, or maybe height does matter that much
your not bad looking, in a room of 10 you would probably be in the upper half
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  • #9
Been rejected by a hundred women and can’t control my emotions afterwards.
5'6 with a bumpy, wide nose. Some weak feature like the periorbital hollowing are obvious but seem ridiculously hard to fix. But it seems like there are other features messing with my face that I can't pinpoint.

Long face?
Odd shaped lips?
Recessed upper maxilla?
Incorrect eye-width-to-height ratio?
Or eyes are too almond-shaped?
Also, I'm strongly considering limb-lengthening surgery of about 6 inches in India which would take 8 months to recover from. Thoughts on this?

Eyebrows seem too thick and too close together but this is just my judgement.
Grow your hair both beard and head. beard long, hair medium length. Your upper face will carry you the rest of the way 💯
5'6 with a bumpy, wide nose. Some weak feature like the periorbital hollowing are obvious but seem ridiculously hard to fix. But it seems like there are other features messing with my face that I can't pinpoint.

Long face?
Odd shaped lips?
Recessed upper maxilla?
Incorrect eye-width-to-height ratio?
Or eyes are too almond-shaped?
Also, I'm strongly considering limb-lengthening surgery of about 6 inches in India which would take 8 months to recover from. Thoughts on this?

Eyebrows seem too thick and too close together but this is just my judgement.
people still approach women in 2024? jfl
the people who rejected u are biased against ethnics. u dont look bad. maybe a 6

ur main issue is saggy eye area, ur skin has a lot of stretchmarks there and looks discolored
the people who rejected u are biased against ethnics. u dont look bad. maybe a 6

ur main issue is saggy eye area, ur skin has a lot of stretchmarks there and looks discolored
not a 6, but definitely has potential
he is also 5'6 which is a factor, and looks like a sleepy college students who has been grinding for a week
5'6 with a bumpy, wide nose. Some weak feature like the periorbital hollowing are obvious but seem ridiculously hard to fix. But it seems like there are other features messing with my face that I can't pinpoint.

Long face?
Odd shaped lips?
Recessed upper maxilla?
Incorrect eye-width-to-height ratio?
Or eyes are too almond-shaped?
Also, I'm strongly considering limb-lengthening surgery of about 6 inches in India which would take 8 months to recover from. Thoughts on this?

Eyebrows seem too thick and too close together but this is just my judgement.
You kinda look tired, try to fix the dark eye circles and debloat your face and you're gonna be ok, idk what else to say
tbh it probably has to do w the height cuz ur pretty good looking otherwise. U can get height insoles for pretty cheap online that will make u 5’8 ish. If ur rlly desperate u can do the height extension surgery which will give u 3-4 inches (w 2 inch insoles you’ll be 6 ft). It’s expensive tho and recovery is rlly long.
