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Need help eyemaxxing.


New member
Sep 15, 2023
Hello, I'm 21 6'1, athletic, I'm 185 I box, weight lift, I have a girlfriend, I'm in post secondary education but I was born with brown eyes, how do I eyemax to make them blue? is contacts the only solution or is there a surgery I can get to change the color?
there is surgery to change ur eye color permanently ( trust me It won't suit u) ..stick to ur brown eyes try thicker ur brows if it's not and grow ur lashes and get rid of puffiness and the dark circles..
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there is surgery to change ur eye color permanently ( trust me It won't suit u) ..stick to ur brown eyes try thicker ur brows if it's not and grow ur lashes and get rid of puffiness and the dark circles..
I have thick eyebrows and long lashes, are you sure blue eyes isn't the key to having all women want me?
I have thick eyebrows and long lashes, are you sure blue eyes isn't the key to having all women want me?
. my advice do not ever try it ..its not good +the green eye or blue its good for some ppl not yall ...the eye color is not the key to got girls...
I have thick eyebrows and long lashes, are you sure blue eyes isn't the key to having all women want me?
If you have blue eyes will reduce your chance of being incel by tenfold...

the problem is it requires contact lenses and I dislike wearing those

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