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Normal person-maxxing


Ϫ Envied By Many, Mogged By None Ϫ
Dec 31, 2023
Order of Nihil
I’ve noticed something

I’m under the belief that while looks play a major part in your life, I think Incel’s are using their looks as possibly the biggest cope of all

“No one likes me! Grrrr.. It must be my looks!”

It’s not

I could lose count of the amount of extremely liked guys in my school who would all be rated 5 and sub 5

Looks do matter!
But they only really mainly matter in the sexual market
And while good-looking people are instinctually treated better by others, one’s personality can more than make up for that

If looks were all that mattered in social situations 99% of all humans would be jobless and in the exact same situation as most incels
But they’re not

Because they act and think like respectable humans

If you want to physically ascend then go for it, join the club
But if you also want to be genuinely liked you must look inward and ask yourself if maybe your looks aren’t the only problems here

This isn’t a diss on Incels, I understand that a lot are on the spectrum and find it hard to socialize like normal, but autism doesn’t stop you from being genuinely kind to others and unobjetifying to women

That all being said, looks can help tremendously in your life, especially the better looking you are, but that in no way means it’s all that matters
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  • #3
bro exactly, so many rude sped girls who are pretty think that they need to be treated better bc looks should halo you
would never date a stupid girl with shallow personality

My sister will continually preach that a guy can be not that good looking but if he’s got a good personality, the more she gets to know him the more she ends up being into him
Ok let me refute this take tbh. . Looks are part of the problem and people are more likely to be ostracized if they are ugly. The social hierarchy and looks hierarchy can be semi intertwined
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  • #5
Ok let me refute this take tbh. . Looks are part of the problem and people are more likely to be ostracized if they are ugly. The social hierarchy and looks hierarchy can be semi intertwined
But life isn’t a movie though, looks are important in social situations, but they’re not the nail in the coffin for how people view you, sure girls may not want to fuck you’re as much as Tyler, the 6’2 chad with a spade for a jawline, but I’ve seen first hand the guys that are funny and confident, are liked regardless of looks

And that being said those guys usually end up getting girlfriends eventually, and while it wasn’t as easy for them as it was for other better looking guys nonetheless being a decent person was what ended up getting them female recognition

Listen, it’s rough out there for guys who are sub 5s, but it’s even rougher for the sub 5s who use their looks as an excuse to be antisocial and prickly about life

That’s all I’m saying, looks do matter but that’s no excuse to be completely incompetent socially, which is I will admit the common denominator among incels
But life isn’t a movie though, looks are important in social situations, but they’re not the nail in the coffin for how people view you, sure girls may not want to f**k you’re as much as Tyler, the 6’2 chad with a spade for a jawline, but I’ve seen first hand the guys that are funny and confident, are liked regardless of looks

And that being said those guys usually end up getting girlfriends eventually, and while it wasn’t as easy for them as it was for other better looking guys nonetheless being a decent person was what ended up getting them female recognition

Listen, it’s rough out there for guys who are sub 5s, but it’s even rougher for the sub 5s who use their looks as an excuse to be antisocial and prickly about life

That’s all I’m saying, looks do matter but that’s no excuse to be completely incompetent socially, which is I will admit the common denominator among incels
ok thats a fair response ngl
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  • #8
>uses a bad looking dude as an example
That’s what I’m saying tho, yeah he’s bad looking but maybe if he didn’t use his looks like an excuse to be angry at the world he could have a genuine social life
Bro you can be good looking but be sucu a mental cel that you repel women becuase they think your mental illness is genetic.( some are) so it's a legit concern for women to avoid. Looks won't halo you out of some things in life. You adapt to it and improve it or never breed. That's a choice. If you never plan on having babies. None of this matters
Nice job just insulting me instead of disagreeing btw
So you are a loser?
I’ve noticed something

I’m under the belief that while looks play a major part in your life, I think Incel’s are using their looks as possibly the biggest cope of all

“No one likes me! Grrrr.. It must be my looks!”
View attachment 29471

It’s not

I could lose count of the amount of extremely liked guys in my school who would all be rated 5 and sub 5

Looks do matter!
But they only really mainly matter in the sexual market
And while good-looking people are instinctually treated better by others, one’s personality can more than make up for that

If looks were all that mattered in social situations 99% of all humans would be jobless and in the exact same situation as most incels
But they’re not

Because they act and think like respectable humans

If you want to physically ascend then go for it, join the club
But if you also want to be genuinely liked you must look inward and ask yourself if maybe your looks aren’t the only problems here

This isn’t a diss on Incels, I understand that a lot are on the spectrum and find it hard to socialize like normal, but autism doesn’t stop you from being genuinely kind to others and unobjetifying to women

That all being said, looks can help tremendously in your life, especially the better looking you are, but that in no way means it’s all that matters
Looks are just first impressions/ how people will treat you if they dont know you
personality = making friends and forming meaningful connections
I’ve noticed something

I’m under the belief that while looks play a major part in your life, I think Incel’s are using their looks as possibly the biggest cope of all

“No one likes me! Grrrr.. It must be my looks!”
View attachment 29471

It’s not

I could lose count of the amount of extremely liked guys in my school who would all be rated 5 and sub 5

Looks do matter!
But they only really mainly matter in the sexual market
And while good-looking people are instinctually treated better by others, one’s personality can more than make up for that

If looks were all that mattered in social situations 99% of all humans would be jobless and in the exact same situation as most incels
But they’re not

Because they act and think like respectable humans

If you want to physically ascend then go for it, join the club
But if you also want to be genuinely liked you must look inward and ask yourself if maybe your looks aren’t the only problems here

This isn’t a diss on Incels, I understand that a lot are on the spectrum and find it hard to socialize like normal, but autism doesn’t stop you from being genuinely kind to others and unobjetifying to women

That all being said, looks can help tremendously in your life, especially the better looking you are, but that in no way means it’s all that matters
facts i can remember the study but if you spend time in someone's presence and enjoy it often then you will see them more and more attractive

My sister will continually preach that a guy can be not that good looking but if he’s got a good personality, the more she gets to know him the more she ends up being into him
me with my last ex (im never giving a sub5 a chance again)
Looks do matter!
But they only really mainly matter in the sexual market
And while good-looking people are instinctually treated better by others, one’s personality can more than make up for that
Yeah my friend who's like MTN achieved 15 slays in 1 year.

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