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Theory Observation of an autistic incel


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil

you see in this video the horrendous methods the autist used to try to impress the girl :
stealing her items ====> creating a problem so he can be a hero
breaking her pencils as a " prank"
you can see also how much he is excited by interacting with the girl this is known as "women are wonderful effect" a typical behavior of Simps
i wonder what happened to him , i am sure he got rejected but he should've got into a serious problem no ?

I want to ask any autistic dude here is this the case for all of you ? is it always so awkward ?
I think I can be very awkward a lot of the time, but never to this guy's level. I know women wouldn't want me to steal or break their things.
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I think I can be very awkward a lot of the time, but never to this guy's level. I know women wouldn't want me to steal or break their things.
are you autistic ? if yes , is it true that autistic people have more intrusive thoughts ?
are you autistic ? if yes , is it true that autistic people have more intrusive thoughts ?
I'm autistic and I think it depends, a lot of us also have OCD which causes intense intrusive thoughts. Maybe there's already been proper research done on the link between autism and intrusive thoughts, I'd look at scholarly articles if I were you.
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I don't believe the person in the video is a "typical" case of autism. I've never met, nor heard of of any autists like that.

Autistic males need to be force feminized. In the Young Sheldon TV show, the only time Sheldon ever acts like a normal human being is when he transitions to girl. According to the literature, estrogen cures OCD. So transitioning to female seems like the most rational choice for autistic males.

HealthyGamerGG (he is a psychiatrist) made a video on autism and gender. I never did watch the video, but my belief is that autistic people are a third-gender, different from male or female gender. This is because, autistic females seem like extreme tomboys, but autistic males are not very masculine, but are masculine in terms of being robotic.
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I don't think becoming a female and losing your stoic abilities will be a good idea for an autistic male .
I think the cure to autism is forced social exposure
I don't believe the person in the video is a "typical" case of autism. I've never met, nor heard of of any autists like that.

Autistic males need to be force feminized. In the Young Sheldon TV show, the only time Sheldon ever acts like a normal human being is when he transitions to girl. According to the literature, estrogen cures OCD. So transitioning to female seems like the most rational choice for autistic males.

HealthyGamerGG (he is a psychiatrist) made a video on autism and gender. I never did watch the video, but my belief is that autistic people are a third-gender, different from male or female gender. This is because, autistic females seem like extreme tomboys, but autistic males are not very masculine, but are masculine in terms of being robotic.

No, transgenderism is pure evil and satanic, do not support transgenderism, its evil satanic.
I don't think becoming a female and losing your stoic abilities will be a good idea for an autistic male .
I think the cure to autism is forced social exposure
Autists already have forced social exposure by going to school, it didn't help them any.

Autists are not stoic they are just robotic. For instance in the first episode of Big Bang theory sheldon cannot stoically accept the girl having a messy room.
No, transgenderism is pure evil and satanic, do not support transgenderism, its evil satanic.
shit-take. I mean being mtf is about reducing Androgens, and androgens caused a lot of harm throughout history, males have warred and pillaged for centuries, the only reason modern men are more civilized is because of low t and more resources. Androgens literally cause certain sins such as envy wrath and lust
shit-take. I mean being mtf is about reducing Androgens, and androgens caused a lot of harm throughout history, males have warred and pillaged for centuries, the only reason modern men are more civilized is because of low t and more resources. Androgens literally cause certain sins such as envy wrath and lust

Transgenderism is a grave sin according to Christianity
Im obviously also against homosexuality, premarital sex, prostitution, abortion, artificial contraception, porn, masturbation, you name it. Everything that is sinful. There are many more sinful things.
Yeah i believe in the old testament also, most things still apply even now.
"Therefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full measure to the king, that he might be the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter for a wife."
"Therefore David arose and went, he and his men, and slew of the Philistines two hundred men; and David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full measure to the king, that he might be the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him Michal his daughter for a wife."

Test of Obidience to God.

you see in this video the horrendous methods the autist used to try to impress the girl :
stealing her items ====> creating a problem so he can be a hero
breaking her pencils as a " prank"
you can see also how much he is excited by interacting with the girl this is known as "women are wonderful effect" a typical behavior of Simps
i wonder what happened to him , i am sure he got rejected but he should've got into a serious problem no ?

I want to ask any autistic dude here is this the case for all of you ? is it always so awkward ?
i never have done this.
Im obviously also against homosexuality, premarital sex, prostitution, abortion, artificial contraception, porn, masturbation, you name it. Everything that is sinful. There are many more sinful things.
Do whatever you want but personally I don’t really care, I believe there’s a God but imo if I was God I don’t really think I’d care what some insignificant speck on a tiny blue marble in my grand universe would be doing, besides homosexuality and similar things have been proven to be genetic I’m pretty sure so is God setting them up to fail?? I think when humans began changing what the Bible was saying (and trust me, they’ve done it for a LONG time) they added the idea that things such as homosexuality and sexuality in general were sinful because when people are open sexually they’re happier, and Catholicism gets its patrons (and it’s money) from unsure and unhappy individuals who will do anything to quiet the dark hum of the uncertainty of death; while there’s definitely value in modern religion, I personally think it’s important to make the distinction that the touch of humanity has tainted the good book and we need to seperate human trifling and the ideals we should strive towards to achieve a morally good life

you see in this video the horrendous methods the autist used to try to impress the girl :
stealing her items ====> creating a problem so he can be a hero
breaking her pencils as a " prank"
you can see also how much he is excited by interacting with the girl this is known as "women are wonderful effect" a typical behavior of Simps
i wonder what happened to him , i am sure he got rejected but he should've got into a serious problem no ?

I want to ask any autistic dude here is this the case for all of you ? is it always so awkward ?
Thats just an excited kid, he does not have experience talking to women
Do whatever you want but personally I don’t really care, I believe there’s a God but imo if I was God I don’t really think I’d care what some insignificant speck on a tiny blue marble in my grand universe would be doing, besides homosexuality and similar things have been proven to be genetic I’m pretty sure so is God setting them up to fail?? I think when humans began changing what the Bible was saying (and trust me, they’ve done it for a LONG time) they added the idea that things such as homosexuality and sexuality in general were sinful because when people are open sexually they’re happier, and Catholicism gets its patrons (and it’s money) from unsure and unhappy individuals who will do anything to quiet the dark hum of the uncertainty of death; while there’s definitely value in modern religion, I personally think it’s important to make the distinction that the touch of humanity has tainted the good book and we need to seperate human trifling and the ideals we should strive towards to achieve a morally good life
orthodox jews are homophobic and they created the old testament

probably some of the stories are made up while others (such as brutal barbarian culture) is true

unsure if noahs ark is true or fake. 2 theories...
theory 1: there was a flood but it only flooded a small area of the earth where the bible was. noah built a boat out of wood, animals did not go extinct since only a small area of earth was flooded.
theory 2: the whole planet was flooded because of a pole shift. the boat was an alien spaceship and this explains how the animals survived and the carnivores survived.
both theories prove the bible exaggerates stories and is are not literal stories.

the other theory is the fundamentalist theory the "god theory" that god magically intervened with animals genetics and carnivores and magically fixed the issues, but for some reason god refuses to show themselves in modern times.
orthodox jews are homophobic and they created the old testament

probably some of the stories are made up while others (such as brutal barbarian culture) is true

unsure if noahs ark is true or fake. 2 theories...
theory 1: there was a flood but it only flooded a small area of the earth where the bible was. noah built a boat out of wood, animals did not go extinct since only a small area of earth was flooded.
theory 2: the whole planet was flooded because of a pole shift. the boat was an alien spaceship and this explains how the animals survived and the carnivores survived.
both theories prove the bible exaggerates stories and is are not literal stories.

the other theory is the fundamentalist theory the "god theory" that god magically intervened with animals genetics and carnivores and magically fixed the issues, but for some reason god refuses to show themselves in modern times.
kys lil nga
orthodox jews are homophobic and they created the old testament

probably some of the stories are made up while others (such as brutal barbarian culture) is true

unsure if noahs ark is true or fake. 2 theories...
theory 1: there was a flood but it only flooded a small area of the earth where the bible was. noah built a boat out of wood, animals did not go extinct since only a small area of earth was flooded.
theory 2: the whole planet was flooded because of a pole shift. the boat was an alien spaceship and this explains how the animals survived and the carnivores survived.
both theories prove the bible exaggerates stories and is are not literal stories.

the other theory is the fundamentalist theory the "god theory" that god magically intervened with animals genetics and carnivores and magically fixed the issues, but for some reason god refuses to show themselves in modern times.
theory 1 sounds reasonable
also the bible exagerrates or creates some stories to make some kind of a lesson/moral while also showing god's divinity (in this case, the lesson being consequences to people's sins, and the divinity is god speaking to noah and creating the flood)
orthodox jews are homophobic and they created the old testament

probably some of the stories are made up while others (such as brutal barbarian culture) is true

unsure if noahs ark is true or fake. 2 theories...
theory 1: there was a flood but it only flooded a small area of the earth where the bible was. noah built a boat out of wood, animals did not go extinct since only a small area of earth was flooded.
theory 2: the whole planet was flooded because of a pole shift. the boat was an alien spaceship and this explains how the animals survived and the carnivores survived.
both theories prove the bible exaggerates stories and is are not literal stories.

the other theory is the fundamentalist theory the "god theory" that god magically intervened with animals genetics and carnivores and magically fixed the issues, but for some reason god refuses to show themselves in modern times.
The bible has to be f*****g interpretated bro
theory 1 sounds reasonable
also the bible exagerrates or creates some stories to make some kind of a lesson/moral while also showing god's divinity (in this case, the lesson being consequences to people's sins, and the divinity is god speaking to noah and creating the flood)
The bible has to be f*****g interpretated bro
theory 1 sounds reasonable
also the bible exagerrates or creates some stories to make some kind of a lesson/moral while also showing god's divinity (in this case, the lesson being consequences to people's sins, and the divinity is god speaking to noah and creating the flood)
most statements in the Bible are meant to be taken in a metaphorical sense

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