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Info Palpebral fissure length, one of the most brutal eye area pills

I used to be so ugly that I never took pics.
Rn I'm 18
I have side profile pic of myself at 16 y.o
View attachment 4563
And here's me 18
View attachment 4564

I lost roughly 10 kilos too

This is Mewing+facepulling
It does look like you have more forward growth than before, but could just be due to fat loss
Idk it’s hard to tell if it was just beltpulling. Good transformation nonetheless
It does look like you have more forward growth than before, but could just be due to fat loss
I don't think it's just fat loss.
I lost weight before I started mewing and it didn't improve my face much.
Here's me at 73 kg this in a biometric photograph

Vs me at 81 kg


(Lens distorted as fuck)

I know the camera angle isn't the same but at least the head pose is.This is the best I can provide sadly like I said I didn't take pics unless I had to.
I don't think it's just fat loss.
I lost weight before I started mewing and it didn't improve my face much.
Here's me at 73 kg this in a biometric photograph

Vs me at 81 kg


(Lens distorted as fuck)

I know the camera angle isn't the same but at least the head pose is.This is the best I can provide sadly like I said I didn't take pics unless I had to.
So you’re saying even though you’re higher bf, you look better at 18 cus of better forward growth?
Idk it’s hard to tell if it was just beltpulling.
I know beltpulling works the same way I know Mewing works.
By the cracking and popping.
It's more intense while facepulling
But I hear popping and shifting from my Maxilla as well when I swallow while Mewing.
So you’re saying even though you’re higher bf, you look better at 18 cus of better forward growth?
Yes forward growth helps a ton with soft tissue management.
Your soft tissue will sag if you don't have adequate bone to support it,regardless of your bf %.
I know beltpulling works the same way I know Mewing works.
By the cracking and popping.
It's more intense while facepulling
But I hear popping and shifting from my Maxilla as well when I swallow while Mewing.

Yes forward growth helps a ton with soft tissue management.
Your soft tissue will sag if you don't have adequate bone to support it,regardless of your bf %.
Low iq question but I’ve never really looked into beltpulling
Basically my maxilla is pretty forward, but it could improve. Dyou reckon something like beltpulling would help
Get a palate expander and mew.
You can use the tongue to support the expander.
Plus it could act as a retainer too,
To prevent any kind of relapse
palate expanders are shit in adults probably only cause 20% maxilla expansion and the rest is the teeth tipping. if i get marpe its like 90% maxilla expansion plus the appliance could also be used as an anchor for facepulling
Low iq question but I’ve never really looked into beltpulling
Basically my maxilla is pretty forward, but it could improve. Dyou reckon something like beltpulling would help
Sometimes I can't hear popping while Mewing.
That's when I take the belt.
So it's a more advanced technique I think and it doesn't fail to give me to popping.
Apparently my teeth are strong but some people don't have tooth strength to pull this off.
I'd say try it but stop at any sign of your teeth hurting.That's what I do to be safe
palate expanders are shit in adults probably only cause 20% maxilla expansion and the rest is the teeth tipping. if i get marpe its like 90% maxilla expansion plus the appliance could also be used as an anchor for facepulling
Even the tooth-tissue borne ones ?