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Personal tips on what has worked for me: a chad

Upper Decile

May 8, 2020
Looksmaxxing from (what I think is) a chad

Hello, I did not know this site/community/page/ideology existed before today. After reading a few areas of this forum, I have decided to provide some comprehensive tips from what I believe has worked well for me. I have a girlfriend and no issue with females, and I have developed these tips with real-time feedback, and I back them. You may not agree with me at all, totally fine, I am only here to pass this stuff on. I know a lot of you are going to say 'its already over if you aren't good looking' etc, but there is ALWAYS something that will improve your chances at self-confidence (which is the most important thing), and I have several friends who I have suggested these tips to who certainly aren't high decile but have got serious positive feedback.

A lot of my tips are obvious looksmaxxing fundamentals, but I will regardless provide my thoughts on them. I will try to be as succinct as possible and everyone should apply these looksmaxxes regardless of your position on the decile scale. These are the things I have noticed that improve your overall image.

In this part I will only share my best tips on the gym and some basic grooming introduction, I have heaps of tips for lots of parts of life but eh I'll start here, none of you probably care anyway.

Part One: The Gym

This one is painfully obvious. The gym should be considered your holy grail. The gym will save a person’s image.

In terms of women, I have found a good physique changes everything, on a physical level and a mental one.

I understand the gym has noticeable barriers, self-confidence can be a massive issue. IDC if you want to improve then you need to get in there.

Benefits I have perceived:

  • Mental benefits:

Short term:

As it is commonly known, exercise releases a huge number of positive mental chemicals including dopamine and manages cortisol levels. Guys this is an absolutely integral part of using the gym. The positive endorphins were massive for me dealing with social anxiety both in the short and long term. Exercise in the short term makes mental diseases significantly more manageable. The release of dopamine post workout will give you a massive confidence boost that cannot be denied. You will approach life with a significantly more positive mindset, allowing you to address issues with mental clarity and calm. Social situations are noticeably easier post workout, therefore if you do partake in social interaction (highly suggested for practice and development) working out prior can be a huge part of success. This confidence is then reflected onto the people you are socializing with, which will seriously benefit your perceived image.

Long term:

The underrated mental benefit is the long-term self-belief and security that gymming provides. Working out increased my self-belief as I saw myself consistently working towards and achieving progressive goals. As Earl Nightingale states in the law of attraction “a man’s success is defined by the constant realization of a perceived goal”. Simply put you will feel proud that you have worked towards and achieved something, drastically improving self-image and external confidence. Secondly having mass is an INSANE confidence boost. Feeling large as a male directly taps into our biological hierarchies, we feel good as a man being large. We feel as though we can protect, hunt and fight etc.

  • Physical benefits

Obvious, I look shredded. I feel strong and performance built, I feel secure and healthy in my skin. Being lean and muscular can drastically improve the appearance of the face, as muscle will cling to your bone structure giving the impression of a more chiseled look. Being lean defines neck and face muscles leading into the jaw. Being strong is also amazing, every day we will interact physically with several things, it is amazing on a subconscious level the feeling you get from being able to approach physical tasks from a feeling of strength. Being strong as many of you are aware can be a valued male feature, and people will seriously notice the ease at which you can lift a chair/jump a fence/open a heavy door etc.

Clothes also sit so much better on me. As I will explain below, the superhero X shape is attractive, and I can now wear a fit of jeans that accentuates my quads and makes my legs look tapered and aesthetic. T shirts hang off me well, shirts look better with that V from the waist shape etc.

  • External benefits

Guys the impact that exercise has on outward forces is immense. It is well known that a girl loves the lean, performance athlete look. Gymming shows third parties your level of self-care and can depict an image of self-confidence. The fact that you gym will lead to others making assumptions about the rest of your life. They will assume that as you are willing to look after yourself, you have other commonly co-existing values such as good hygiene/nice smelling, tidiness, discipline.

Further, the impact in the sexual world is huge too, it obviously will improve the sexual experience for the girl, this is very noticeable. You should be looking to provide optimal value in the bedroom regardless of what you cannot change, having a good physique is integral to this.

My collective tips for working out:

Steroids (my opinion):

I am one of the probably rare people here that believe the negative effects of a cycle actually cancel its positive effects. A large amount of you on this forum will suffer from bad genetics, which means a lot of you will be susceptible to the negative impacts of steroids (bad acne/dry red stretched skin, hair loss, heart implications). I believe an amazing athletic build can be developed even by very skinny people, because I was skinny. You don’t need steroids, they do not fit the image of the clean, well-kept looksmaxxer that you are going to be. Trust me.

Ideal physique:

Guys this is huge. The data shows the ideal physique for a woman is not the roided vein-popping look, nor is it the skinny malnourished body. It’s an optimal mixture of size and leanness. You are aiming for the muscular development of an athlete or a little over.

This body fat range is going to be around the 10-12% mark. The shape is also important, MOST IMPORTANT is LEGS. I cannot stress this enough, to many of you focus on your chest and arms. The ideal male athlete is an X shape, and should consist of

  • Large quads and developed hamstrings. The upper leg is what creates the bottom of the X shape as they should make your waist look more pinched, creating that superman look. These are absolutely vital to develop, having strong legs provides a huge sign of dominance and will balance your physique. Calves are frustrating, notoriously susceptible to genetic predispositions. Regardless you can train them every second day.
  • Tapered waist, with abs showing. Develops that superhero X shape.
  • Developed chest, most importantly upper chest. The upper chest development will mean your chest is visible through t shirts etc, and will enhance your shape with clothes on.
  • Lat developments (side muscles of your trunk). These muscles are VITAL, they create the majority of the upper X shape and are a large back muscle group. Development of lats is very important.
  • Delts. These are also vital and must be paired with the lats. A capped deltoid will top of the X physique, creating the image of a larger V from the waist. You MUST NOT NEGLECT THE REAR DELTS, this is vital also, as the side profile of the delt should be 3d and well developed. Neglecting the rear delt suggests you are a ‘body builder/bro splitter’, where instead we want to create the impression of the ‘effortless athlete’
  • Traps: guys the traps (depending on genetics) will hugely assist in the appearance of the neck, large traps make the base of the neck appear larger with a tapering effect to the jaw.

How I work out:

As a natty, focus on strength training. Strength training will largely consist of lower rep ranges (1-5 reps per set with up to 10 sets). Higher rep ranges will be focused on cardio training etc. There is a golden ratio of 12 reps (Arnold ratio) however in my experience this ratio highly favor’s the gear user’s ability to push through muscular failure.

Being a strength-based natty is fantastic, you can hit some amazing lifts and the reward factor is huge.

The second most important factor is COMPOUNDS, your workouts need to absolutely overload on heavy as f**k compounds. I will explain more soon

You need to focus on progressive overload, every week be aiming to inch your lifts higher in weight, this is paramount.

The big lifts

So, what I do is download a strength program that uses an excel spreadsheet, you plug in your lifts and it will provide the lifts you need to do next time. These can be found on google for free. You are going to use this spreadsheet for your “big lifts” which are squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press. You are going to set PB’s on these lifts, and they will go first in your workout schedule. After these you will use do isolation exercises.

The workout

Do a three-day split of push, pull and legs. Please look up the correct way to do these exercises and commit them to memory.
  • Pull

  • Start with pull-ups. Amazing compound movement, so underrated. You should aim to do 12 bodyweight, work your way up every pull session. Then add weight, hang cord around your waist, and attach weight to them.
  • After pull-ups do either a deadlift or a bent-over row. Go quite heavy but maintain a perfect form. This will thicken the middle of the back, creating 3d width to the frame.
  • Lat pulldown to further increase the lat width and look.
  • Seated row to thicken back.
  • Traps: shrugs, can be done on smith machine or with dumbells. Traps increase the appeared width of the lower neck.
  • Rear delts, hit these by doing face pulls on the cable machine or bending over and doing flys but using the rear delts (bent over fly)


  • BENCH: bench every time and bench heavy, this wil create the most thickness. Put 70% of your overall workout energy into bench alone for this workout day.
  • After bench hit an incline dumbbell press, vital for building the upper chest.
  • After pressing excercises hit dips. Use body weight dips, not a weighted machine, will develop stabilizer muscles. Do the same as pull ups by adding hanging weight when you max 12 reps with body weight.
  • Cable flys: not amazing for building large mass but will help with the pump. Fun exercise
  • Now hit shoulders, begin with a standing over head press (with barbell) or seated press with dumbells. Go heavy but maintain perfect form and control, the shoulder rotators can be damaged easily and you do not want shoulder issues.
  • After this do shoulder flys, focus on using the delt instead of the trap. This will develop the side profile of the delt creating that X shape.


  • Absolutely kill leg day every time. Warm up your legs with stretching and body weight squats, really stretch out the groin muscles (vital for squats) and hamstrings.
  • Hamstring curls: start with these. These muscles are neglected so put your initial energy rush into them. It will prime the legs and glutes for squats.
  • Squat, and squat like crazy. Do around 10 sets of strength rep ranges (using that excel spreadsheet I mentioned). Look up the proper form.
  • Lunges with weights: these will build glutes, girls love glutes, trust me. It will also build quads. These are amazing, do them with dumbells.
  • Calf raises: start light ISH and focus on the movement, really stretch the calves out. At the end of the set, pump up and down to really burn out the calves.
  • Leg extensions: use a quad extension machine, focus on the squeeze at the top and let them stretch out

This is dependant on your body type. Guys seriously our diets are linked so heavy with our sense of health. If you eat healthy it will help with mental health. I don’t feel sluggish, my mood is stable and I don’t get dizzy. DIET IS 90% OF RESULTS.


These are a must guys. You need to be smashing all ranges of vegetables okay, it has so many benefits to so many areas of your wellbeing both physically and mentally. EAT VEGES, DON’T BE LAZY. You will look better, your mood will be more stable and third parties can literally see a healthy persons diet as it manifests in the appearance of their skin etc.

Skinny people

Eat like crazy, idgaf what you eat. Your chicken and red meat intake should be quality and high. Focus on as many unprocessed foods but MAKE STUFF TASTE GOOD. Skinny people like me hate eating and you seriously need to eat. Constantly. Always be snacking. Your diet should be very high in protein and fats, olive oil on everything and drink un processed (as close to the cow as possible) milk. Smash mince and chicken, burritos and shit that tastes good. Supplement your un processed base with fast food that is semi healthy but high calorie to top off your daily intale

Shakes are your best friend.
  • 2 Scoops protein powder
  • Pre blend a cup of oats and add the powder
  • Spinach leaves (vital to get greens in to your diet)
  • Olive oil (pour that shit in)
  • Milk
  • Peanut butter if you want
You can get around 1k calories in a shake. Skinny guys you need to find out your base level caloric intake (rough internet calculator), and then smack 1k extra calories on per day. Have two of the above shakes per day.

Bigger people

Guys you need to eat a f**k ton of vege and keep protein and good fats high. Enjoy working out for the start until you develop muscle, and then cut down after you have developed the mentioned X shape, if you have to look chubby for a while then so be it


  • Creatine: gives you really good strength. You will retain water weight, which can make you look bigger and help with gym confidence. This will increase your strength, allowing you to lift more and place your muscles under more stress. 1 scoop per day and DRINK LOTS OF WATER WITH IT
  • Protien powder, buy it and use it.
  • Water, be smashing water all day every day. Flush your body out.
This is all you need at the start.

Part Two: Grooming, a basic introduction


  • Cleanse your face twice a day with a salicylic cleanser, the breakout clearing foaming wash is great by Dermalogica, I use it personally ( This will reduce oil, clear acne, and make face look healthier. Salicylic is a chemical exfoliant, it breaks down grime and dirt, essentially deep cleaning pores and making blackheads less visible and significantly reducing the likelihood of future breakouts.
  • Follow cleansing with moisturizer, this one by the ordinary I have found to be great ( Moisturisers balance out the skins oils and makes your skin look healthy/stretchy. This one is cheap and very light so it will not appear as a layer on the skin, again we are going for effortless.
  • Please use the precursory methods dermatologists suggest before smashing your body with acne medication.
  • Niacinamide: this stuff is amazing for balancing oil production and reducing inflammation. Super cheap to get, get the niacinamide by ‘The Ordinary”. Cheap and efficient.
  • Salicylic serum: don’t need if you have the cleanser
  • Retinoids can help with acne and anti-aging.
I found that retinoids really made me break out as does the salicylic serums as I have very sensitive skin, I have to use minimal products on my skin. All skin is different but is easy to address. Niacinamide is the most gentle and I suggest it the most. Caring for the skin while using a fake tan makes you look 10x healthier.

It is vital you research your skin type, find products that work. Some products that work for most people may cause you to break out. The look we are going for is a healthy, non oily, supple tanned skin.


Tanning makes you look so much better, seriously hahaha. Use a fake tan, Bondi Sands does a great one for men ( Use a moisturiser on your elbows and knees so the tan doesn’t build up on them. Furiously blend the tan, you want it to look as natural as possible

  • Tanning will assist in the definition of muscles, makes you look healthy and desirable. I have received noticeable positive feedback from my GF, make sure you make it look natural and effortless, not orange and patchy, this is why you must USE A GRADUAL TAN and not a super dark instant tan.
  • Take your time to evenly spread tan. Dab your face with what’s left on your tanning glove. Blend into the hands and feet
  • Tan your body once a week and face can be twice.


  • Absolutely paramount. Use nice smelling cleansers, and use a good cologne, not a cheap spray deodorant. Use roll-on underarms, however, as well as the cologne. Smell is so important for people when they meet you, trust me. It will increase self-confidence and regardless of how ugly you are it makes you significantly more approachable.
  • Brush teeth religiously twice a day, if you want to use a dentist whitening, one of the cheaper things suggested on this forum. Floss and use mouthwash
  • Clothing should always be washed, smelling like linen. Use a nice detergent that’s friendly to your skin (for aging) and to the earth.
  • CHEW GUM or mints when you are around people. Don’t grossly chew, keep it cool.
  • Hair on your head. It depends on your hair type. For non-oily people let your natural oils build a little bit, helps with the look of hair health and its natural wave. Wash once a week. For oily people, clean well, do not let yourself have dandruff. Use as minimal products as possible that are visible( e.g. wax or a very wet looking gel) as this looks shiny and oily. Natural and effortless is preferable. Also find a haircut that suits your head shape, my head is bigger so the longer length can actually balance out the size, but short hair may suit smaller faces.
  • Trim armpit here, it should be there but look kept. Also trim pubes to a clean maintainable level, nothing on the penis but a small short amount above it. Long hair looks gross and uninviting.
  • Chest hair should be short or shaven, shave back hair/wax it or if possible get a few small laser hair removal treatments (easy and reasonably affordable).
You should always look clean and smell clean, it is removing a huge barrier in terms of social connection when you look appealing and smell inviting.

This is a super basic introduction on the areas I have noticed people are concerned about that I have insight to offer. I have very little knowledge above what you all have but if even one part of this helps then im glad.

Looksmaxxing from (what I think is) a chad

Hello, I did not know this site/community/page/ideology existed before today. After reading a few areas of this forum, I have decided to provide some comprehensive tips from what I believe has worked well for me. I have a girlfriend and no issue with females, and I have developed these tips with real-time feedback, and I back them. You may not agree with me at all, totally fine, I am only here to pass this stuff on. I know a lot of you are going to say 'its already over if you aren't good looking' etc, but there is ALWAYS something that will improve your chances at self-confidence (which is the most important thing), and I have several friends who I have suggested these tips to who certainly aren't high decile but have got serious positive feedback.

A lot of my tips are obvious looksmaxxing fundamentals, but I will regardless provide my thoughts on them. I will try to be as succinct as possible and everyone should apply these looksmaxxes regardless of your position on the decile scale. These are the things I have noticed that improve your overall image.

In this part I will only share my best tips on the gym and some basic grooming introduction, I have heaps of tips for lots of parts of life but eh I'll start here, none of you probably care anyway.

Part One: The Gym

This one is painfully obvious. The gym should be considered your holy grail. The gym will save a person’s image.

In terms of women, I have found a good physique changes everything, on a physical level and a mental one.

I understand the gym has noticeable barriers, self-confidence can be a massive issue. IDC if you want to improve then you need to get in there.

Benefits I have perceived:

  • Mental benefits:

Short term:

As it is commonly known, exercise releases a huge number of positive mental chemicals including dopamine and manages cortisol levels. Guys this is an absolutely integral part of using the gym. The positive endorphins were massive for me dealing with social anxiety both in the short and long term. Exercise in the short term makes mental diseases significantly more manageable. The release of dopamine post workout will give you a massive confidence boost that cannot be denied. You will approach life with a significantly more positive mindset, allowing you to address issues with mental clarity and calm. Social situations are noticeably easier post workout, therefore if you do partake in social interaction (highly suggested for practice and development) working out prior can be a huge part of success. This confidence is then reflected onto the people you are socializing with, which will seriously benefit your perceived image.

Long term:

The underrated mental benefit is the long-term self-belief and security that gymming provides. Working out increased my self-belief as I saw myself consistently working towards and achieving progressive goals. As Earl Nightingale states in the law of attraction “a man’s success is defined by the constant realization of a perceived goal”. Simply put you will feel proud that you have worked towards and achieved something, drastically improving self-image and external confidence. Secondly having mass is an INSANE confidence boost. Feeling large as a male directly taps into our biological hierarchies, we feel good as a man being large. We feel as though we can protect, hunt and fight etc.

  • Physical benefits

Obvious, I look shredded. I feel strong and performance built, I feel secure and healthy in my skin. Being lean and muscular can drastically improve the appearance of the face, as muscle will cling to your bone structure giving the impression of a more chiseled look. Being lean defines neck and face muscles leading into the jaw. Being strong is also amazing, every day we will interact physically with several things, it is amazing on a subconscious level the feeling you get from being able to approach physical tasks from a feeling of strength. Being strong as many of you are aware can be a valued male feature, and people will seriously notice the ease at which you can lift a chair/jump a fence/open a heavy door etc.

Clothes also sit so much better on me. As I will explain below, the superhero X shape is attractive, and I can now wear a fit of jeans that accentuates my quads and makes my legs look tapered and aesthetic. T shirts hang off me well, shirts look better with that V from the waist shape etc.

  • External benefits

Guys the impact that exercise has on outward forces is immense. It is well known that a girl loves the lean, performance athlete look. Gymming shows third parties your level of self-care and can depict an image of self-confidence. The fact that you gym will lead to others making assumptions about the rest of your life. They will assume that as you are willing to look after yourself, you have other commonly co-existing values such as good hygiene/nice smelling, tidiness, discipline.

Further, the impact in the sexual world is huge too, it obviously will improve the sexual experience for the girl, this is very noticeable. You should be looking to provide optimal value in the bedroom regardless of what you cannot change, having a good physique is integral to this.

My collective tips for working out:

Steroids (my opinion):

I am one of the probably rare people here that believe the negative effects of a cycle actually cancel its positive effects. A large amount of you on this forum will suffer from bad genetics, which means a lot of you will be susceptible to the negative impacts of steroids (bad acne/dry red stretched skin, hair loss, heart implications). I believe an amazing athletic build can be developed even by very skinny people, because I was skinny. You don’t need steroids, they do not fit the image of the clean, well-kept looksmaxxer that you are going to be. Trust me.

Ideal physique:

Guys this is huge. The data shows the ideal physique for a woman is not the roided vein-popping look, nor is it the skinny malnourished body. It’s an optimal mixture of size and leanness. You are aiming for the muscular development of an athlete or a little over.

This body fat range is going to be around the 10-12% mark. The shape is also important, MOST IMPORTANT is LEGS. I cannot stress this enough, to many of you focus on your chest and arms. The ideal male athlete is an X shape, and should consist of

  • Large quads and developed hamstrings. The upper leg is what creates the bottom of the X shape as they should make your waist look more pinched, creating that superman look. These are absolutely vital to develop, having strong legs provides a huge sign of dominance and will balance your physique. Calves are frustrating, notoriously susceptible to genetic predispositions. Regardless you can train them every second day.
  • Tapered waist, with abs showing. Develops that superhero X shape.
  • Developed chest, most importantly upper chest. The upper chest development will mean your chest is visible through t shirts etc, and will enhance your shape with clothes on.
  • Lat developments (side muscles of your trunk). These muscles are VITAL, they create the majority of the upper X shape and are a large back muscle group. Development of lats is very important.
  • Delts. These are also vital and must be paired with the lats. A capped deltoid will top of the X physique, creating the image of a larger V from the waist. You MUST NOT NEGLECT THE REAR DELTS, this is vital also, as the side profile of the delt should be 3d and well developed. Neglecting the rear delt suggests you are a ‘body builder/bro splitter’, where instead we want to create the impression of the ‘effortless athlete’
  • Traps: guys the traps (depending on genetics) will hugely assist in the appearance of the neck, large traps make the base of the neck appear larger with a tapering effect to the jaw.

How I work out:

As a natty, focus on strength training. Strength training will largely consist of lower rep ranges (1-5 reps per set with up to 10 sets). Higher rep ranges will be focused on cardio training etc. There is a golden ratio of 12 reps (Arnold ratio) however in my experience this ratio highly favor’s the gear user’s ability to push through muscular failure.

Being a strength-based natty is fantastic, you can hit some amazing lifts and the reward factor is huge.

The second most important factor is COMPOUNDS, your workouts need to absolutely overload on heavy as f**k compounds. I will explain more soon

You need to focus on progressive overload, every week be aiming to inch your lifts higher in weight, this is paramount.

The big lifts

So, what I do is download a strength program that uses an excel spreadsheet, you plug in your lifts and it will provide the lifts you need to do next time. These can be found on google for free. You are going to use this spreadsheet for your “big lifts” which are squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press. You are going to set PB’s on these lifts, and they will go first in your workout schedule. After these you will use do isolation exercises.

The workout

Do a three-day split of push, pull and legs. Please look up the correct way to do these exercises and commit them to memory.
  • Pull

  • Start with pull-ups. Amazing compound movement, so underrated. You should aim to do 12 bodyweight, work your way up every pull session. Then add weight, hang cord around your waist, and attach weight to them.
  • After pull-ups do either a deadlift or a bent-over row. Go quite heavy but maintain a perfect form. This will thicken the middle of the back, creating 3d width to the frame.
  • Lat pulldown to further increase the lat width and look.
  • Seated row to thicken back.
  • Traps: shrugs, can be done on smith machine or with dumbells. Traps increase the appeared width of the lower neck.
  • Rear delts, hit these by doing face pulls on the cable machine or bending over and doing flys but using the rear delts (bent over fly)


  • BENCH: bench every time and bench heavy, this wil create the most thickness. Put 70% of your overall workout energy into bench alone for this workout day.
  • After bench hit an incline dumbbell press, vital for building the upper chest.
  • After pressing excercises hit dips. Use body weight dips, not a weighted machine, will develop stabilizer muscles. Do the same as pull ups by adding hanging weight when you max 12 reps with body weight.
  • Cable flys: not amazing for building large mass but will help with the pump. Fun exercise
  • Now hit shoulders, begin with a standing over head press (with barbell) or seated press with dumbells. Go heavy but maintain perfect form and control, the shoulder rotators can be damaged easily and you do not want shoulder issues.
  • After this do shoulder flys, focus on using the delt instead of the trap. This will develop the side profile of the delt creating that X shape.


  • Absolutely kill leg day every time. Warm up your legs with stretching and body weight squats, really stretch out the groin muscles (vital for squats) and hamstrings.
  • Hamstring curls: start with these. These muscles are neglected so put your initial energy rush into them. It will prime the legs and glutes for squats.
  • Squat, and squat like crazy. Do around 10 sets of strength rep ranges (using that excel spreadsheet I mentioned). Look up the proper form.
  • Lunges with weights: these will build glutes, girls love glutes, trust me. It will also build quads. These are amazing, do them with dumbells.
  • Calf raises: start light ISH and focus on the movement, really stretch the calves out. At the end of the set, pump up and down to really burn out the calves.
  • Leg extensions: use a quad extension machine, focus on the squeeze at the top and let them stretch out

This is dependant on your body type. Guys seriously our diets are linked so heavy with our sense of health. If you eat healthy it will help with mental health. I don’t feel sluggish, my mood is stable and I don’t get dizzy. DIET IS 90% OF RESULTS.


These are a must guys. You need to be smashing all ranges of vegetables okay, it has so many benefits to so many areas of your wellbeing both physically and mentally. EAT VEGES, DON’T BE LAZY. You will look better, your mood will be more stable and third parties can literally see a healthy persons diet as it manifests in the appearance of their skin etc.

Skinny people

Eat like crazy, idgaf what you eat. Your chicken and red meat intake should be quality and high. Focus on as many unprocessed foods but MAKE STUFF TASTE GOOD. Skinny people like me hate eating and you seriously need to eat. Constantly. Always be snacking. Your diet should be very high in protein and fats, olive oil on everything and drink un processed (as close to the cow as possible) milk. Smash mince and chicken, burritos and shit that tastes good. Supplement your un processed base with fast food that is semi healthy but high calorie to top off your daily intale

Shakes are your best friend.
  • 2 Scoops protein powder
  • Pre blend a cup of oats and add the powder
  • Spinach leaves (vital to get greens in to your diet)
  • Olive oil (pour that shit in)
  • Milk
  • Peanut butter if you want
You can get around 1k calories in a shake. Skinny guys you need to find out your base level caloric intake (rough internet calculator), and then smack 1k extra calories on per day. Have two of the above shakes per day.

Bigger people

Guys you need to eat a f**k ton of vege and keep protein and good fats high. Enjoy working out for the start until you develop muscle, and then cut down after you have developed the mentioned X shape, if you have to look chubby for a while then so be it


  • Creatine: gives you really good strength. You will retain water weight, which can make you look bigger and help with gym confidence. This will increase your strength, allowing you to lift more and place your muscles under more stress. 1 scoop per day and DRINK LOTS OF WATER WITH IT
  • Protien powder, buy it and use it.
  • Water, be smashing water all day every day. Flush your body out.
This is all you need at the start.

Part Two: Grooming, a basic introduction


  • Cleanse your face twice a day with a salicylic cleanser, the breakout clearing foaming wash is great by Dermalogica, I use it personally ( This will reduce oil, clear acne, and make face look healthier. Salicylic is a chemical exfoliant, it breaks down grime and dirt, essentially deep cleaning pores and making blackheads less visible and significantly reducing the likelihood of future breakouts.
  • Follow cleansing with moisturizer, this one by the ordinary I have found to be great ( Moisturisers balance out the skins oils and makes your skin look healthy/stretchy. This one is cheap and very light so it will not appear as a layer on the skin, again we are going for effortless.
  • Please use the precursory methods dermatologists suggest before smashing your body with acne medication.
  • Niacinamide: this stuff is amazing for balancing oil production and reducing inflammation. Super cheap to get, get the niacinamide by ‘The Ordinary”. Cheap and efficient.
  • Salicylic serum: don’t need if you have the cleanser
  • Retinoids can help with acne and anti-aging.
I found that retinoids really made me break out as does the salicylic serums as I have very sensitive skin, I have to use minimal products on my skin. All skin is different but is easy to address. Niacinamide is the most gentle and I suggest it the most. Caring for the skin while using a fake tan makes you look 10x healthier.

It is vital you research your skin type, find products that work. Some products that work for most people may cause you to break out. The look we are going for is a healthy, non oily, supple tanned skin.


Tanning makes you look so much better, seriously hahaha. Use a fake tan, Bondi Sands does a great one for men ( Use a moisturiser on your elbows and knees so the tan doesn’t build up on them. Furiously blend the tan, you want it to look as natural as possible

  • Tanning will assist in the definition of muscles, makes you look healthy and desirable. I have received noticeable positive feedback from my GF, make sure you make it look natural and effortless, not orange and patchy, this is why you must USE A GRADUAL TAN and not a super dark instant tan.
  • Take your time to evenly spread tan. Dab your face with what’s left on your tanning glove. Blend into the hands and feet
  • Tan your body once a week and face can be twice.


  • Absolutely paramount. Use nice smelling cleansers, and use a good cologne, not a cheap spray deodorant. Use roll-on underarms, however, as well as the cologne. Smell is so important for people when they meet you, trust me. It will increase self-confidence and regardless of how ugly you are it makes you significantly more approachable.
  • Brush teeth religiously twice a day, if you want to use a dentist whitening, one of the cheaper things suggested on this forum. Floss and use mouthwash
  • Clothing should always be washed, smelling like linen. Use a nice detergent that’s friendly to your skin (for aging) and to the earth.
  • CHEW GUM or mints when you are around people. Don’t grossly chew, keep it cool.
  • Hair on your head. It depends on your hair type. For non-oily people let your natural oils build a little bit, helps with the look of hair health and its natural wave. Wash once a week. For oily people, clean well, do not let yourself have dandruff. Use as minimal products as possible that are visible( e.g. wax or a very wet looking gel) as this looks shiny and oily. Natural and effortless is preferable. Also find a haircut that suits your head shape, my head is bigger so the longer length can actually balance out the size, but short hair may suit smaller faces.
  • Trim armpit here, it should be there but look kept. Also trim pubes to a clean maintainable level, nothing on the penis but a small short amount above it. Long hair looks gross and uninviting.
  • Chest hair should be short or shaven, shave back hair/wax it or if possible get a few small laser hair removal treatments (easy and reasonably affordable).
You should always look clean and smell clean, it is removing a huge barrier in terms of social connection when you look appealing and smell inviting.

This is a super basic introduction on the areas I have noticed people are concerned about that I have insight to offer. I have very little knowledge above what you all have but if even one part of this helps then im glad.


holy f**k this is legit info...

@mods sticky this thread immediately

when the gym opens again im going to start on 3-day program so will follow ur routine or something similar... have been doing 5x5 5x3 for a while now...

@Upper Decile any advice on how to get more calories in if u have a suppressed appetite? and any thoughts on how to increase confidence? i dont rly suffer from the issue but want to hear ur thoughts
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4

holy f**k this is legit info...

@mods sticky this thread immediately

when the gym opens again im going to start on 3-day program so will follow ur routine or something similar... have been doing 5x5 5x3 for a while now...

@Upper Decile any advice on how to get more calories in if u have a suppressed appetite? and any thoughts on how to increase confidence? i dont rly suffer from the issue but want to hear ur thoughts


Hey, I have a severely suppressed appetite, always have. The key is definitely shakes, you should be aiming to eat around 3.5k calories. If you make shakes like I suggested using protein powder, oats, olive oil, milk and peanut butter you can get easily 750 calories per shake, drink two a day, post workout and pre dinner. On top of this eat 4 meals and THEN EAT FAST FOOD. Not shitty sugary drinks just high meat burritos, burgers etc, pound that shit on.

Self confidence comes from when you feel comfortable in your own skin. I have significantly increased my self confidence by looking and feeling clean, nice smelling, looking athletic, dressing well etc. I instantly notice when talking to someone that if i think they percieve me to look clean, attractive, smell good etc that I am more confident as I assume they are reacting positively to my approach. Further it also comes from progressing towards your self percieved goals on a regular basis and EXPERIENCE IN SITUATIONS. This is a very brief over view as I have to go for a walk with my GF, but I can share more soon.
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  • #6

You said youre chad, but i doubt, will read only if i see ur pic

And btw must be 6 psl +, you know so i am not gonna waste my shit, CHAD

Dont know if Im comfortable posting images on a site im not fully comfortable with yet, but I GUARANTEE YOU I am attractive. I may post an image soon
Dont know if Im comfortable posting images on a site im not fully comfortable with yet, but I GUARANTEE YOU I am attractive. I may post an image soon
don';t be anxious bro, you can pm or give me insta if that's not too much of a bother, i can follo you, we can be frends

what did you find most helpful in his thread?
all of it given the fact its actually looksmaxxing advice and not shitposting...

Hey, I have a severely suppressed appetite, always have. The key is definitely shakes, you should be aiming to eat around 3.5k calories. If you make shakes like I suggested using protein powder, oats, olive oil, milk and peanut butter you can get easily 750 calories per shake, drink two a day, post workout and pre dinner. On top of this eat 4 meals and THEN EAT FAST FOOD. Not shitty sugary drinks just high meat burritos, burgers etc, pound that shit on.

Self confidence comes from when you feel comfortable in your own skin. I have significantly increased my self confidence by looking and feeling clean, nice smelling, looking athletic, dressing well etc. I instantly notice when talking to someone that if i think they percieve me to look clean, attractive, smell good etc that I am more confident as I assume they are reacting positively to my approach. Further it also comes from progressing towards your self percieved goals on a regular basis and EXPERIENCE IN SITUATIONS. This is a very brief over view as I have to go for a walk with my GF, but I can share more soon.
olive oil is a good idea to increase calories... didnt think of that... thank you @Upper Decile
Okay i read actually

I think u needd natural foundation first, and then you can use supplements like creatinh and whey protein, give it 2 years bro

and for roids, idk might be 4 years, but the point is not to dimnish ur natty gains
Okay i read actually

I think u needd natural foundation first, and then you can use supplements like creatinh and whey protein, give it 2 years bro

and for roids, idk might be 4 years, but the point is not to dimnish ur natty gains
whats wrong with taking creatine/whey when you first start out? its not going to do u any harm...
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  • #12
whats wrong with taking creatine/whey when you first start out? its not going to do u any harm...
Creatine and whey should be taken from the start, having a foundation is not required. Trust me I have experience and research on my side hahaha I don’t know what the other poster is saying
Creatine and whey should be taken from the start, having a foundation is not required. Trust me I have experience and research on my side hahaha I don’t know what the other poster is saying
every friend i know after they gave up on supps, they lost all the gains

experiment it urslef, i am prwtty sure you'll lose atleast 50 gains
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
every friend i know after they gave up on supps, they lost all the gains

experiment it urslef, i am prwtty sure you'll lose atleast 50 gains
Hahhahaah i have experienced myself and this is just not even close to true sorry man. They are supplements, not anabolics and removing their intake will only effect you if youre naturally not getting that protein in your diet. I have lost no gains when I stop using them, they are only used to supplement my natural diet.
Hahhahaah i have experienced myself and this is just not even close to true sorry man. They are supplements, not anabolics and removing their intake will only effect you if youre naturally not getting that protein in your diet. I have lost no gains when I stop using them, they are only used to supplement my natural diet.
u must be 6000kcal machine carnivore not to lose any msucle, arent ya'?
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  • #18
u must be 6000kcal machine carnivore not to lose any msucle, arent ya'?
4000cal. Intake can easily be hit with discipline. Trust me man, supplements do not have such a great impact that completely removing them will reduce your gains. They will only increase the speed that you obtain the gains
4000cal. Intake can easily be hit with discipline. Trust me man, supplements do not have such a great impact that completely removing them will reduce your gains. They will only increase the speed that you obtain the gains
do u plan on using roids or something like that to further enchance your progres ? lean and strong guy i see, you have average genetics
do u plan on using roids or something like that to further enchance your progres ? lean and strong guy i see, you have average genetics
ideal body type is brad pitt fight club... he doesnt need to go on steroids...
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  • #25
do u plan on using roids or something like that to further enchance your progres ? lean and strong guy i see, you have average genetics
Nope, don't need to use roids, my physique is considerably bigger in person. My current physique recieves great feedback from girls, it is the best mix of athletic and size. My genetics are thankfully really good for where my muscle insertions are etc.
Nope, don't need to use roids, my physique is considerably bigger in person. My current physique recieves great feedback from girls, it is the best mix of athletic and size. My genetics are thankfully really good for where my muscle insertions are etc.
tell us his psl, and does he mog prime opry, chico, gandy and such 🙌
PSL 5-5.5/8
Face is his weakest point

Good height (6'2)
Above average body

Does not mog Gandy, Chico, O'pry, or any PSL gods. Overall he will do well in real life.
PSL 5-5.5/8
Face is his weakest point

Good height (6'2)
Above average body

Does not mog Gandy, Chico, O'pry, or any PSL gods. Overall he will do well in real life.
Looksmaxxing from (what I think is) a chad

Hello, I did not know this site/community/page/ideology existed before today. After reading a few areas of this forum, I have decided to provide some comprehensive tips from what I believe has worked well for me. I have a girlfriend and no issue with females, and I have developed these tips with real-time feedback, and I back them. You may not agree with me at all, totally fine, I am only here to pass this stuff on. I know a lot of you are going to say 'its already over if you aren't good looking' etc, but there is ALWAYS something that will improve your chances at self-confidence (which is the most important thing), and I have several friends who I have suggested these tips to who certainly aren't high decile but have got serious positive feedback.

A lot of my tips are obvious looksmaxxing fundamentals, but I will regardless provide my thoughts on them. I will try to be as succinct as possible and everyone should apply these looksmaxxes regardless of your position on the decile scale. These are the things I have noticed that improve your overall image.

In this part I will only share my best tips on the gym and some basic grooming introduction, I have heaps of tips for lots of parts of life but eh I'll start here, none of you probably care anyway.

Part One: The Gym

This one is painfully obvious. The gym should be considered your holy grail. The gym will save a person’s image.

In terms of women, I have found a good physique changes everything, on a physical level and a mental one.

I understand the gym has noticeable barriers, self-confidence can be a massive issue. IDC if you want to improve then you need to get in there.

Benefits I have perceived:

  • Mental benefits:

Short term:

As it is commonly known, exercise releases a huge number of positive mental chemicals including dopamine and manages cortisol levels. Guys this is an absolutely integral part of using the gym. The positive endorphins were massive for me dealing with social anxiety both in the short and long term. Exercise in the short term makes mental diseases significantly more manageable. The release of dopamine post workout will give you a massive confidence boost that cannot be denied. You will approach life with a significantly more positive mindset, allowing you to address issues with mental clarity and calm. Social situations are noticeably easier post workout, therefore if you do partake in social interaction (highly suggested for practice and development) working out prior can be a huge part of success. This confidence is then reflected onto the people you are socializing with, which will seriously benefit your perceived image.

Long term:

The underrated mental benefit is the long-term self-belief and security that gymming provides. Working out increased my self-belief as I saw myself consistently working towards and achieving progressive goals. As Earl Nightingale states in the law of attraction “a man’s success is defined by the constant realization of a perceived goal”. Simply put you will feel proud that you have worked towards and achieved something, drastically improving self-image and external confidence. Secondly having mass is an INSANE confidence boost. Feeling large as a male directly taps into our biological hierarchies, we feel good as a man being large. We feel as though we can protect, hunt and fight etc.

  • Physical benefits

Obvious, I look shredded. I feel strong and performance built, I feel secure and healthy in my skin. Being lean and muscular can drastically improve the appearance of the face, as muscle will cling to your bone structure giving the impression of a more chiseled look. Being lean defines neck and face muscles leading into the jaw. Being strong is also amazing, every day we will interact physically with several things, it is amazing on a subconscious level the feeling you get from being able to approach physical tasks from a feeling of strength. Being strong as many of you are aware can be a valued male feature, and people will seriously notice the ease at which you can lift a chair/jump a fence/open a heavy door etc.

Clothes also sit so much better on me. As I will explain below, the superhero X shape is attractive, and I can now wear a fit of jeans that accentuates my quads and makes my legs look tapered and aesthetic. T shirts hang off me well, shirts look better with that V from the waist shape etc.

  • External benefits

Guys the impact that exercise has on outward forces is immense. It is well known that a girl loves the lean, performance athlete look. Gymming shows third parties your level of self-care and can depict an image of self-confidence. The fact that you gym will lead to others making assumptions about the rest of your life. They will assume that as you are willing to look after yourself, you have other commonly co-existing values such as good hygiene/nice smelling, tidiness, discipline.

Further, the impact in the sexual world is huge too, it obviously will improve the sexual experience for the girl, this is very noticeable. You should be looking to provide optimal value in the bedroom regardless of what you cannot change, having a good physique is integral to this.

My collective tips for working out:

Steroids (my opinion):

I am one of the probably rare people here that believe the negative effects of a cycle actually cancel its positive effects. A large amount of you on this forum will suffer from bad genetics, which means a lot of you will be susceptible to the negative impacts of steroids (bad acne/dry red stretched skin, hair loss, heart implications). I believe an amazing athletic build can be developed even by very skinny people, because I was skinny. You don’t need steroids, they do not fit the image of the clean, well-kept looksmaxxer that you are going to be. Trust me.

Ideal physique:

Guys this is huge. The data shows the ideal physique for a woman is not the roided vein-popping look, nor is it the skinny malnourished body. It’s an optimal mixture of size and leanness. You are aiming for the muscular development of an athlete or a little over.

This body fat range is going to be around the 10-12% mark. The shape is also important, MOST IMPORTANT is LEGS. I cannot stress this enough, to many of you focus on your chest and arms. The ideal male athlete is an X shape, and should consist of

  • Large quads and developed hamstrings. The upper leg is what creates the bottom of the X shape as they should make your waist look more pinched, creating that superman look. These are absolutely vital to develop, having strong legs provides a huge sign of dominance and will balance your physique. Calves are frustrating, notoriously susceptible to genetic predispositions. Regardless you can train them every second day.
  • Tapered waist, with abs showing. Develops that superhero X shape.
  • Developed chest, most importantly upper chest. The upper chest development will mean your chest is visible through t shirts etc, and will enhance your shape with clothes on.
  • Lat developments (side muscles of your trunk). These muscles are VITAL, they create the majority of the upper X shape and are a large back muscle group. Development of lats is very important.
  • Delts. These are also vital and must be paired with the lats. A capped deltoid will top of the X physique, creating the image of a larger V from the waist. You MUST NOT NEGLECT THE REAR DELTS, this is vital also, as the side profile of the delt should be 3d and well developed. Neglecting the rear delt suggests you are a ‘body builder/bro splitter’, where instead we want to create the impression of the ‘effortless athlete’
  • Traps: guys the traps (depending on genetics) will hugely assist in the appearance of the neck, large traps make the base of the neck appear larger with a tapering effect to the jaw.

How I work out:

As a natty, focus on strength training. Strength training will largely consist of lower rep ranges (1-5 reps per set with up to 10 sets). Higher rep ranges will be focused on cardio training etc. There is a golden ratio of 12 reps (Arnold ratio) however in my experience this ratio highly favor’s the gear user’s ability to push through muscular failure.

Being a strength-based natty is fantastic, you can hit some amazing lifts and the reward factor is huge.

The second most important factor is COMPOUNDS, your workouts need to absolutely overload on heavy as f**k compounds. I will explain more soon

You need to focus on progressive overload, every week be aiming to inch your lifts higher in weight, this is paramount.

The big lifts

So, what I do is download a strength program that uses an excel spreadsheet, you plug in your lifts and it will provide the lifts you need to do next time. These can be found on google for free. You are going to use this spreadsheet for your “big lifts” which are squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press. You are going to set PB’s on these lifts, and they will go first in your workout schedule. After these you will use do isolation exercises.

The workout

Do a three-day split of push, pull and legs. Please look up the correct way to do these exercises and commit them to memory.
  • Pull

  • Start with pull-ups. Amazing compound movement, so underrated. You should aim to do 12 bodyweight, work your way up every pull session. Then add weight, hang cord around your waist, and attach weight to them.
  • After pull-ups do either a deadlift or a bent-over row. Go quite heavy but maintain a perfect form. This will thicken the middle of the back, creating 3d width to the frame.
  • Lat pulldown to further increase the lat width and look.
  • Seated row to thicken back.
  • Traps: shrugs, can be done on smith machine or with dumbells. Traps increase the appeared width of the lower neck.
  • Rear delts, hit these by doing face pulls on the cable machine or bending over and doing flys but using the rear delts (bent over fly)


  • BENCH: bench every time and bench heavy, this wil create the most thickness. Put 70% of your overall workout energy into bench alone for this workout day.
  • After bench hit an incline dumbbell press, vital for building the upper chest.
  • After pressing excercises hit dips. Use body weight dips, not a weighted machine, will develop stabilizer muscles. Do the same as pull ups by adding hanging weight when you max 12 reps with body weight.
  • Cable flys: not amazing for building large mass but will help with the pump. Fun exercise
  • Now hit shoulders, begin with a standing over head press (with barbell) or seated press with dumbells. Go heavy but maintain perfect form and control, the shoulder rotators can be damaged easily and you do not want shoulder issues.
  • After this do shoulder flys, focus on using the delt instead of the trap. This will develop the side profile of the delt creating that X shape.


  • Absolutely kill leg day every time. Warm up your legs with stretching and body weight squats, really stretch out the groin muscles (vital for squats) and hamstrings.
  • Hamstring curls: start with these. These muscles are neglected so put your initial energy rush into them. It will prime the legs and glutes for squats.
  • Squat, and squat like crazy. Do around 10 sets of strength rep ranges (using that excel spreadsheet I mentioned). Look up the proper form.
  • Lunges with weights: these will build glutes, girls love glutes, trust me. It will also build quads. These are amazing, do them with dumbells.
  • Calf raises: start light ISH and focus on the movement, really stretch the calves out. At the end of the set, pump up and down to really burn out the calves.
  • Leg extensions: use a quad extension machine, focus on the squeeze at the top and let them stretch out

This is dependant on your body type. Guys seriously our diets are linked so heavy with our sense of health. If you eat healthy it will help with mental health. I don’t feel sluggish, my mood is stable and I don’t get dizzy. DIET IS 90% OF RESULTS.


These are a must guys. You need to be smashing all ranges of vegetables okay, it has so many benefits to so many areas of your wellbeing both physically and mentally. EAT VEGES, DON’T BE LAZY. You will look better, your mood will be more stable and third parties can literally see a healthy persons diet as it manifests in the appearance of their skin etc.

Skinny people

Eat like crazy, idgaf what you eat. Your chicken and red meat intake should be quality and high. Focus on as many unprocessed foods but MAKE STUFF TASTE GOOD. Skinny people like me hate eating and you seriously need to eat. Constantly. Always be snacking. Your diet should be very high in protein and fats, olive oil on everything and drink un processed (as close to the cow as possible) milk. Smash mince and chicken, burritos and shit that tastes good. Supplement your un processed base with fast food that is semi healthy but high calorie to top off your daily intale

Shakes are your best friend.
  • 2 Scoops protein powder
  • Pre blend a cup of oats and add the powder
  • Spinach leaves (vital to get greens in to your diet)
  • Olive oil (pour that shit in)
  • Milk
  • Peanut butter if you want
You can get around 1k calories in a shake. Skinny guys you need to find out your base level caloric intake (rough internet calculator), and then smack 1k extra calories on per day. Have two of the above shakes per day.

Bigger people

Guys you need to eat a f**k ton of vege and keep protein and good fats high. Enjoy working out for the start until you develop muscle, and then cut down after you have developed the mentioned X shape, if you have to look chubby for a while then so be it


  • Creatine: gives you really good strength. You will retain water weight, which can make you look bigger and help with gym confidence. This will increase your strength, allowing you to lift more and place your muscles under more stress. 1 scoop per day and DRINK LOTS OF WATER WITH IT
  • Protien powder, buy it and use it.
  • Water, be smashing water all day every day. Flush your body out.
This is all you need at the start.

Part Two: Grooming, a basic introduction


  • Cleanse your face twice a day with a salicylic cleanser, the breakout clearing foaming wash is great by Dermalogica, I use it personally ( This will reduce oil, clear acne, and make face look healthier. Salicylic is a chemical exfoliant, it breaks down grime and dirt, essentially deep cleaning pores and making blackheads less visible and significantly reducing the likelihood of future breakouts.
  • Follow cleansing with moisturizer, this one by the ordinary I have found to be great ( Moisturisers balance out the skins oils and makes your skin look healthy/stretchy. This one is cheap and very light so it will not appear as a layer on the skin, again we are going for effortless.
  • Please use the precursory methods dermatologists suggest before smashing your body with acne medication.
  • Niacinamide: this stuff is amazing for balancing oil production and reducing inflammation. Super cheap to get, get the niacinamide by ‘The Ordinary”. Cheap and efficient.
  • Salicylic serum: don’t need if you have the cleanser
  • Retinoids can help with acne and anti-aging.
I found that retinoids really made me break out as does the salicylic serums as I have very sensitive skin, I have to use minimal products on my skin. All skin is different but is easy to address. Niacinamide is the most gentle and I suggest it the most. Caring for the skin while using a fake tan makes you look 10x healthier.

It is vital you research your skin type, find products that work. Some products that work for most people may cause you to break out. The look we are going for is a healthy, non oily, supple tanned skin.


Tanning makes you look so much better, seriously hahaha. Use a fake tan, Bondi Sands does a great one for men ( Use a moisturiser on your elbows and knees so the tan doesn’t build up on them. Furiously blend the tan, you want it to look as natural as possible

  • Tanning will assist in the definition of muscles, makes you look healthy and desirable. I have received noticeable positive feedback from my GF, make sure you make it look natural and effortless, not orange and patchy, this is why you must USE A GRADUAL TAN and not a super dark instant tan.
  • Take your time to evenly spread tan. Dab your face with what’s left on your tanning glove. Blend into the hands and feet
  • Tan your body once a week and face can be twice.


  • Absolutely paramount. Use nice smelling cleansers, and use a good cologne, not a cheap spray deodorant. Use roll-on underarms, however, as well as the cologne. Smell is so important for people when they meet you, trust me. It will increase self-confidence and regardless of how ugly you are it makes you significantly more approachable.
  • Brush teeth religiously twice a day, if you want to use a dentist whitening, one of the cheaper things suggested on this forum. Floss and use mouthwash
  • Clothing should always be washed, smelling like linen. Use a nice detergent that’s friendly to your skin (for aging) and to the earth.
  • CHEW GUM or mints when you are around people. Don’t grossly chew, keep it cool.
  • Hair on your head. It depends on your hair type. For non-oily people let your natural oils build a little bit, helps with the look of hair health and its natural wave. Wash once a week. For oily people, clean well, do not let yourself have dandruff. Use as minimal products as possible that are visible( e.g. wax or a very wet looking gel) as this looks shiny and oily. Natural and effortless is preferable. Also find a haircut that suits your head shape, my head is bigger so the longer length can actually balance out the size, but short hair may suit smaller faces.
  • Trim armpit here, it should be there but look kept. Also trim pubes to a clean maintainable level, nothing on the penis but a small short amount above it. Long hair looks gross and uninviting.
  • Chest hair should be short or shaven, shave back hair/wax it or if possible get a few small laser hair removal treatments (easy and reasonably affordable).
You should always look clean and smell clean, it is removing a huge barrier in terms of social connection when you look appealing and smell inviting.

This is a super basic introduction on the areas I have noticed people are concerned about that I have insight to offer. I have very little knowledge above what you all have but if even one part of this helps then im glad.

nice post man, thanks for sharing

These are a must guys. You need to be smashing all ranges of vegetables okay, it has so many benefits to so many areas of your wellbeing both physically and mentally. EAT VEGES, DON’T BE LAZY. You will look better, your mood will be more stable and third parties can literally see a healthy persons diet as it manifests in the appearance of their skin etc.
Trademark of a r****d.
In what respect man
Humans don't need to be eating plant matter, we have no need for it.
Your point on Steroids does make sense, but if I keep my doses low I should be good.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #41
Humans don't need to be eating plant matter, we have no need for it.
Your point on Steroids does make sense, but if I keep my doses low I should be good.
If that’s your understanding then man. I’ve found plant matter delivers an optimal amount of daily micronutrients in a very bioavailable form, that assists in gut movement and stomach function, but that’s just what works for me it can be different for you
an optimal amount of daily micronutrients in a very bioavailable form
What micro-nutrients would you find in plants which you wouldn't find in animal products at a better quantity/quality on top of that?

Also, very bioavailable? Since when? Plants are the most difficult "foods" to digest while animal products are the easiest on our carnivore guts.
stomach function
I don't see how it would assist that in any way.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #43
What micro-nutrients would you find in plants which you wouldn't find in animal products at a better quantity/quality on top of that?

Also, very bioavailable? Since when? Plants are the most difficult "foods" to digest while animal products are the easiest on our carnivore guts.

I don't see how it would assist that in any way.

I’m new to all this stuff so I feel like this is a troll
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  • #45
Interesting way to dodge the questions presented you.
Fair enough, I’ll humour it.

Ah well the answer to that is obviously going to Vitamin C and fibre, fibre assisting in said gut function. Bioavailability is dependant on how your prepare the vegetable.

Don’t get me wrong I consume plenty of meat, not sure what your desire to prove me wrong is stemming from here. Do you have some kind of social position against eating any type of vegetable?
  • JFL
Reactions: Rei
This post made me raise my eyebrow, man.

Not a single mention about bones, height, frame, dick, face, wealth. Let me turn on my blue light screen filter to read your reddit essay.


Gym you say?

Gigacope. Got my ass blasted so hard, i started uncontrollably shaking and drooling all over my keyboard.
By having athletic body and recessed cuck face, foids will actually hate you even more, because you will stay out of your character. Like you would say, I have first hand experience.
It is all about face and bones, not torso, not calves, not chest, not ability to lift chairs for jestermaxx.

1589016502674.png <-----Also foid feedback to mentalcels

Strength you say? Strength with PPL program? Am i dyslexic or is this what you wrote? To each their own i guess, man.
By having above average strength people perceive you as dumb gymrat, or even worse, a low status criminal. Good luck trying to talk to non-landwhale, non-whore foid without getting called on by cops.

A truecel can workout with perfect program, spend countless hours at library, study like that pajeet kid, but guess what? Your dumb cuck face will stay the same, same dumb look, same gorilla nose, same recessed bones.


You know how you will look with clear skin as truecel?
Like a f*****g serial killer psycho. Forget about looking like Ramirez.
Once again, how dare a truecel step out of his boundaries? f*****g asocial narcy animal, yuck!

No doubt healthy and clean looking skin is a good helper, but you need a good base for it.


Mental benefits? You do not want to think you deserve something just because you can lift chairs to impress girls.
It will only further demoralize you. As high T horny animal without ability to dump seed in fertile cum dumpster you will become frustrated.
Like animal in a cage. This will further deteriorate your mental health.


Natty lifting as a truecel is a joke. No need for explanation.

Agree on the train legs part. Being chicken legged truecel is worse than being a truecel with big legs(hit me up tomboys/femboys).
Same for hygiene.

The original poster did a good job for a goofy smurf looking normies to swallow his coal looking mini pill. This is nowhere blackpilled post.
Like holy f**k, man, i had to force myself write these letters without smashing my computer screen(awesome).


You have not mentioned any of the plastic surgeries, it means you are at least a normie.

I guess without following rabbit hole you will never swallow the blackpill. And this massive abyss will destroy your mind, you can not look at it without becoming blind.

I do not call myself blackpilled. The only thing i know is that i am a Truecel and amount of gymcelling or skinmaxxing will save me. It is over.

Please Mr. Original Poster, man, lurk more before spewing half-truths. Some truecels might actually hypnotize themselves into believing your just gymcell bro, just take a shower bro.

Good luck and have a nice day, man.

This post made me raise my eyebrow, man.

View attachment 12180

Not a single mention about bones, height, frame, dick, face, wealth. Let me turn on my blue light screen filter to read your reddit essay.

View attachment 12190

Gym you say?

Gigacope. Got my ass blasted so hard, i started uncontrollably shaking and drooling all over my keyboard.
By having athletic body and recessed cuck face, foids will actually hate you even more, because you will stay out of your character. Like you would say, I have first hand experience.
It is all about face and bones, not torso, not calves, not chest, not ability to lift chairs for jestermaxx.

View attachment 12181 <-----Also foid feedback to mentalcels

Strength you say? Strength with PPL program? Am i dyslexic or is this what you wrote? To each their own i guess, man.
By having above average strength people perceive you as dumb gymrat, or even worse, a low status criminal. Good luck trying to talk to non-landwhale, non-whore foid without getting called on by cops.

A truecel can workout with perfect program, spend countless hours at library, study like that pajeet kid, but guess what? Your dumb cuck face will stay the same, same dumb look, same gorilla nose, same recessed bones.

View attachment 12183

You know how you will look with clear skin as truecel?
Like a f*****g serial killer psycho. Forget about looking like Ramirez.
Once again, how dare a truecel step out of his boundaries? f*****g asocial narcy animal, yuck!

No doubt healthy and clean looking skin is a good helper, but you need a good base for it.

View attachment 12184View attachment 12185

Mental benefits? You do not want to think you deserve something just because you can lift chairs to impress girls.
It will only further demoralize you. As high T horny animal without ability to dump seed in fertile cum dumpster you will become frustrated.
Like animal in a cage. This will further deteriorate your mental health.

View attachment 12186

Natty lifting as a truecel is a joke. No need for explanation.

Agree on the train legs part. Being chicken legged truecel is worse than being a truecel with big legs(hit me up tomboys/femboys).
Same for hygiene.

The original poster did a good job for a goofy smurf looking normies to swallow his coal looking mini pill. This is nowhere blackpilled post.
Like holy f**k, man, i had to force myself write these letters without smashing my computer screen(awesome).

View attachment 12188

You have not mentioned any of the plastic surgeries, it means you are at least a normie.

I guess without following rabbit hole you will never swallow the blackpill. And this massive abyss will destroy your mind, you can not look at it without becoming blind.

I do not call myself blackpilled. The only thing i know is that i am a Truecel and amount of gymcelling or skinmaxxing will save me. It is over.

Please Mr. Original Poster, man, lurk more before spewing half-truths. Some truecels might actually hypnotize themselves into believing your just gymcell bro, just take a shower bro.

Good luck and have a nice day, man.

View attachment 12189
also whats the point of going to the gym if you arent a competitive athlete

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