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Personal tips on what has worked for me: a chad

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  • #52
This post made me raise my eyebrow, man.

View attachment 12180

Not a single mention about bones, height, frame, dick, face, wealth. Let me turn on my blue light screen filter to read your reddit essay.

View attachment 12190

Gym you say?

Gigacope. Got my ass blasted so hard, i started uncontrollably shaking and drooling all over my keyboard.
By having athletic body and recessed cuck face, foids will actually hate you even more, because you will stay out of your character. Like you would say, I have first hand experience.
It is all about face and bones, not torso, not calves, not chest, not ability to lift chairs for jestermaxx.

View attachment 12181 <-----Also foid feedback to mentalcels

Strength you say? Strength with PPL program? Am i dyslexic or is this what you wrote? To each their own i guess, man.
By having above average strength people perceive you as dumb gymrat, or even worse, a low status criminal. Good luck trying to talk to non-landwhale, non-whore foid without getting called on by cops.

A truecel can workout with perfect program, spend countless hours at library, study like that pajeet kid, but guess what? Your dumb cuck face will stay the same, same dumb look, same gorilla nose, same recessed bones.

View attachment 12183

You know how you will look with clear skin as truecel?
Like a f*****g serial killer psycho. Forget about looking like Ramirez.
Once again, how dare a truecel step out of his boundaries? f*****g asocial narcy animal, yuck!

No doubt healthy and clean looking skin is a good helper, but you need a good base for it.

View attachment 12184View attachment 12185

Mental benefits? You do not want to think you deserve something just because you can lift chairs to impress girls.
It will only further demoralize you. As high T horny animal without ability to dump seed in fertile cum dumpster you will become frustrated.
Like animal in a cage. This will further deteriorate your mental health.

View attachment 12186

Natty lifting as a truecel is a joke. No need for explanation.

Agree on the train legs part. Being chicken legged truecel is worse than being a truecel with big legs(hit me up tomboys/femboys).
Same for hygiene.

The original poster did a good job for a goofy smurf looking normies to swallow his coal looking mini pill. This is nowhere blackpilled post.
Like holy f**k, man, i had to force myself write these letters without smashing my computer screen(awesome).

View attachment 12188

You have not mentioned any of the plastic surgeries, it means you are at least a normie.

I guess without following rabbit hole you will never swallow the blackpill. And this massive abyss will destroy your mind, you can not look at it without becoming blind.

I do not call myself blackpilled. The only thing i know is that i am a Truecel and amount of gymcelling or skinmaxxing will save me. It is over.

Please Mr. Original Poster, man, lurk more before spewing half-truths. Some truecels might actually hypnotize themselves into believing your just gymcell bro, just take a shower bro.

Good luck and have a nice day, man.

View attachment 12189

I can only appreciate how long this took to write, and thank you for the reply. Totally understand that you are entitled to your own viewpoint etc. etc.

You have a great writing flow man, you should pursue it
Fair enough, hit the meat only diet then! ;)
Not enough willpower currently to break my sugar addiction (95% of Soyciety sheep are sugar addicts), perhaps once I'll inject I'll be more cautious with my diet.
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  • #57
Not enough willpower currently to break my sugar addiction (95% of Soyciety sheep are sugar addicts), perhaps once I'll inject I'll be more cautious with my diet.
Oh dude I completely agree, the human brain needs animal fats etc for long term hunter gatherer energy sources and today’s society are pumping themselves with short term refined sugars. Focus on your diet man, I seriously think you will notice a difference. Time will tell
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Not enough willpower currently to break my sugar addiction (95% of Soyciety sheep are sugar addicts), perhaps once I'll inject I'll be more cautious with my diet.
Bro, how will you avoid sugars tho? It's literally impossible by today's standards.

Do you drink energy drinks and sodas? Do you eat sweets often?
Bro, how will you avoid sugars tho? It's literally impossible by today's standards.
By only eating animal products. Meat, eggs, and dairy.
Do you drink energy drinks and sodas? Do you eat sweets often?
I eat lots of bakery products ngl, sometimes tea from the supermarket full of sugar.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #60
Bro, how will you avoid sugars tho? It's literally impossible by today's standards.

Do you drink energy drinks and sodas? Do you eat sweets often?

Guys you can’t be smashing sweets and soda hahaha
sometimes tea from the supermarket full of sugar.
I don't drink tea at all, i've never found coffee addictive either. I drink milk instead with half a table spoon of sugar tbh.
By only eating animal products. Meat, eggs, and dairy.
So you'll only consume these? Sounds based and quite possible to me.

But have you considered hormones they've added to these foods?

Will you also totally abandon fruits (even for desert after suppers)?

If you're doing this, keep me updated and mention down the effects to your body, please.
I drink milk instead with half a table spoon of sugar tbh.
Tbh forgot I could do that, I might do that when I get sugar craving.
But have you considered hormones they've added to these foods?
Yea... Idk about that tbh, I have no idea how to circumvent it except by buying "le hormone-free food" which is most likely marketing bullshit.
Will you also totally abandon fruits (even for desert after suppers)?
I barely eat any, last time I did was probably months ago.
If you're doing this, keep me updated and mention down the effects to your body, please.
Sure, although I doubt there will be any noticeable changes tbh.
Mints and artificial scents are anti androgenic. Check that there is no aluminum in deodorant

Mouthwash kills helpful bacteria (including those that help with erection) and set up candida colonization

Otherwise good tips
also whats the point of going to the gym if you arent a competitive athlete

Me as a "competitive athlete" back at University/College.


Me after gymcelling


There is a point. Gymcelling is for aesthetics. Not sport.

Unless you're training for strength, explosiveness, strong core etc to become better in your sport, which most people aren't after college. Unless they turn pro.

And yeah, my sport was tennis, so I was a twig.
This post made me raise my eyebrow, man.

View attachment 12180

Not a single mention about bones, height, frame, dick, face, wealth. Let me turn on my blue light screen filter to read your reddit essay.

View attachment 12190

Gym you say?

Gigacope. Got my ass blasted so hard, i started uncontrollably shaking and drooling all over my keyboard.
By having athletic body and recessed cuck face, foids will actually hate you even more, because you will stay out of your character. Like you would say, I have first hand experience.
It is all about face and bones, not torso, not calves, not chest, not ability to lift chairs for jestermaxx.

View attachment 12181 <-----Also foid feedback to mentalcels

Strength you say? Strength with PPL program? Am i dyslexic or is this what you wrote? To each their own i guess, man.
By having above average strength people perceive you as dumb gymrat, or even worse, a low status criminal. Good luck trying to talk to non-landwhale, non-whore foid without getting called on by cops.

A truecel can workout with perfect program, spend countless hours at library, study like that pajeet kid, but guess what? Your dumb cuck face will stay the same, same dumb look, same gorilla nose, same recessed bones.

View attachment 12183

You know how you will look with clear skin as truecel?
Like a f*****g serial killer psycho. Forget about looking like Ramirez.
Once again, how dare a truecel step out of his boundaries? f*****g asocial narcy animal, yuck!

No doubt healthy and clean looking skin is a good helper, but you need a good base for it.

View attachment 12184View attachment 12185

Mental benefits? You do not want to think you deserve something just because you can lift chairs to impress girls.
It will only further demoralize you. As high T horny animal without ability to dump seed in fertile cum dumpster you will become frustrated.
Like animal in a cage. This will further deteriorate your mental health.

View attachment 12186

Natty lifting as a truecel is a joke. No need for explanation.

Agree on the train legs part. Being chicken legged truecel is worse than being a truecel with big legs(hit me up tomboys/femboys).
Same for hygiene.

The original poster did a good job for a goofy smurf looking normies to swallow his coal looking mini pill. This is nowhere blackpilled post.
Like holy f**k, man, i had to force myself write these letters without smashing my computer screen(awesome).

View attachment 12188

You have not mentioned any of the plastic surgeries, it means you are at least a normie.

I guess without following rabbit hole you will never swallow the blackpill. And this massive abyss will destroy your mind, you can not look at it without becoming blind.

I do not call myself blackpilled. The only thing i know is that i am a Truecel and amount of gymcelling or skinmaxxing will save me. It is over.

Please Mr. Original Poster, man, lurk more before spewing half-truths. Some truecels might actually hypnotize themselves into believing your just gymcell bro, just take a shower bro.

Good luck and have a nice day, man.

View attachment 12189
Read it all tbh
Brushing your teeth 2x a day will give you gum disease, unless you use very soft bristles and hold the brush gently...

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