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Discussion Please girls be honest, no sugar coating: Do you think being a 5'1 female prevents you from being a 10/10 ?

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  • #254
Didn’t Adriana Lima get cheated on or sun chit? She 5’11 and PSL
It happened because her husband is beneath her league. Men who are hypergamous will end up cheating because they think that them landing a 10/10 will grant them to pull other 10/10. He wouldn't have done it if he was a Chad.
It happened because her husband is beneath her league. Men who are hypergamous will end up cheating because they think that them landing a 10/10 will grant them to pull other 10/10. He wouldn't have done it if he was a Chad.
He had Chad SMV jfl. 6’7 nba player gives more status than anything lol
I said Chad SMV jfl. If he uses sunglasses he can be slayer as well
monogamy is unnatural. men have sex drive and are naturally not monogamous.

no complex explanation is required. monogamy only happens naturally if the couple pair bonds early.
Do you really think a guy will like to be seen in public with a complete 1/10 morbidly obese woman with acne and stinky teeth? No man would want to marry her. F*ck her? Yes , but marry? Absolutely not.
Some guys truly don't care how you look honestly they'd even marry a ugly girl if they have to
It happened because her husband is beneath her league. Men who are hypergamous will end up cheating because they think that them landing a 10/10 will grant them to pull other 10/10. He wouldn't have done it if he was a Chad.
As a girl you sound retarded. It does not matter how attractive and loyal you are to a guy a guy will cheat on you if he wants to cheat? Looks dont matter. Both Adriana and Megan Fox got cheated on so what makes you so special from other girls? MGK was actually hot and in Megans league but he still cheated on Megan, so its not always about being Chad or not. Guys will cheat on you with anything cuz they horny its not deeper than that
he is ugly if u are referring to marko. psl autists automatically give a 10 to anybody that looks masculine even if they look ugly.
I’m not PSL autist but he has Chad Smv
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
You will never be a 10 LOL the fuck. Stop mentally masturbating like a femcel
You will never be a 10 LOL the f**k. Stop mentally masturbating like a femcel
She seems like femcel from replies
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  • #270
Some guys truly don't care how you look honestly they'd even marry a ugly girl if they have to

As a girl you sound retarded. It does not matter how attractive and loyal you are to a guy a guy will cheat on you if he wants to cheat? Looks dont matter. Both Adriana and Megan Fox got cheated on so what makes you so special from other girls? MGK was actually hot and in Megans league but he still cheated on Megan, so its not always about being Chad or not. Guys will cheat on you with anything cuz they horny its not deeper than that
In what world is MGK considered "hot"
He is a complete downgrade with his WC-reminding aestethic
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  • #273
I’m 5”8 and boys at school make fun of me for being tall
LOL what do you mean??? You are literally Victoria Secret model tier.
Even with an ugly face you're considered a 10/10.
You can do pageants, and I can't.
You have men who will want you in LTR, and I can't
They like anything for hookups/ONS obviously, they even take the ugliest obese women to sleep around.

I was talking about long term relationships.
if ur 5''1 id ons u

if ur 5'4-5'6 id ltr

anything abouve 5'7 is tranny
Thank you for speaking the truth.
I am not willing to date anymore.
im one male and im 6'3 , it is probably different for 5'11s and there might be some guys who find that height "cute" and thus ltr material its different for everybody.
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  • #279
im one male and im 6'3 , it is probably different for 5'11s and there might be some guys who find that height "cute" and thus ltr material its different for everybody.
LOL, no one wants to marry/have kids with a 5'1 female subhuman
LOL, no one wants to marry/have kids with a 5'1 female subhuman
musim men do ive observed they like girls as femine as possible and also chechens. Maybe try ur luck w turk men or something, and also g***s but most g***s are ugly so theres that
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  • #281
musim men do ive observed they like girls as femine as possible and also chechens. Maybe try ur luck w turk men or something, and also g***s but most g***s are ugly so theres that
Lol I grw up in a muslim area and they all want tallettes.
LOL what do you mean??? You are literally Victoria Secret model tier.
Even with an ugly face you're considered a 10/10.
You can do pageants, and I can't.
You have men who will want you in LTR, and I can't
So you’re crying cause you can’t do pageants? This isn’t toddlers and tiaras
no girls can become 10 becoz they all makeup 10x does that make any sense to you its deep and brutal
no girls can become 10 becoz they all makeup 10x does that make any sense to you its deep and brutal
I have highset zygos compact midface tall skull and consider myself htn base . These girls stick lashes and lip filler and cake like toy story guy on their boneless potato face and think they’re some angels lol

he is ugly if u are referring to marko. psl autists automatically give a 10 to anybody that looks masculine even if they look ugly.
He's not a 10 lmaoo. I said he has high SMV it's just his cuck eye area
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
shorter girls do get more male attention so let that speak for itself ig
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
Won't matter for you anyways
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
TO be very honest,
A short girl is a genetic abomination as is a short guy.
A short gilr can never be anything above mtb imo.
ONly tall girls can be htb and above.
It sucks to accept all these facts but its the ultimate truth imo
And yes we are seen as kids and pedos are the only people who might like us which sucks.
TO be very honest,
A short girl is a genetic abomination as is a short guy.
A short gilr can never be anything above mtb imo.
ONly tall girls can be htb and above.
It sucks to accept all these facts but its the ultimate truth imo
And yes we are seen as kids and pedos are the only people who might like us which sucks.
feck off i like short cute asian girls
TO be very honest,
A short girl is a genetic abomination as is a short guy.
A short gilr can never be anything above mtb imo.
ONly tall girls can be htb and above.
It sucks to accept all these facts but its the ultimate truth imo
And yes we are seen as kids and pedos are the only people who might like us which sucks.
I see lots of short girls being desired by everyone. And racially they are mtn, some of them htn at best.
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