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Discussion Please girls be honest, no sugar coating: Do you think being a 5'1 female prevents you from being a 10/10 ?

false i liked a 5’6 guy i was obsessed with him (nd his face was unattractive) and idm 5’8, 5’10, etc.
it sounds like your understanding of women’s standards comes from select instagram reels
Tales from candyland :dance:
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
short girls are more submissive and by consequence more femminine under male view
short girls are more submissive and by consequence more femminine under male view
there may be a certain fashion for tall girls but i honestly would prefer a short girl all my life

those you are talking about are temporary preferences, they all change
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
depends on the country you live in defo. Where I live height in women isn't as valued
Height isn't a big factor responsible for attractiveness of females anywhere

unless u live in a weird tribe
tbf most developed countries dont prefer taller women (taller women means they are well-feed which means they r healthy and probably more fertile)
tbf most developed countries dont prefer taller women (taller women means they are well-feed which means they r healthy and probably more fertile)
So people from devloped countries prefer less fertile women?
So people from devloped countries prefer less fertile women?
no, in developed countries rates of starvation are way lower so we arent subconsciously worried about it (height is no longer a good indicator of fertility or health)
another example of this is weight
in poorer less developed countries skinny women(starvation rates would cause allot of deaths) arent attractive in developed countries they are ( obesity rates are rising, causing more deaths)
tbf most developed countries dont prefer taller women (taller women means they are well-feed which means they r healthy and probably more fertile)
In my country they prefer shorter girls because alot of the guys are insecure about their height ( average male height 5ft6 )

Just a while ago my friend complained to me about his girlfriend wearing heels to their date because barefoot they were the same height ( he is 5ft5 )
In my country they prefer shorter girls because alot of the guys are insecure about their height ( average male height 5ft6 )

Just a while ago my friend complained to me about his girlfriend wearing heels to their date because barefoot they were the same height ( he is 5ft5 )
He should js wear lifts when she w wears heels then or sun shit
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  • #228
height is like the most overrated thing for girls it only matters if you want to do high fashion modeling but for getting guys and being beautiful it is like totally not needed
Not what i experienced

Most men want to have tall children, and as a result they only use short women as hookup-material.
Not what i experienced

Most men want to have tall children, and as a result they only use short women as hookup-material.
short men will marry short girls wym
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  • #230
short men will marry short girls wym
Lol, short men only want us because their dream women (tall models) don't want them.
Short men are the most obsessed with having tall kids.
Lol, short men only want us because their dream women (tall models) don't want them.
Short men are the most obsessed with having tall kids.
5 pages of this shit, cope or get limb lengthening
this convo wont change preferences worldwide whether they are true or not
mostly bs jfl
I grew up with injonction that only tall women can be 10/10. In Italy, they believe that "height is half of beauty" and in arab cultures "being a tall woman is 2/3 of the beauty".
And the pageant industry didn't differ as they don't allow sub 5'7 women from participating.
Also the return of the tall VS models this year that happened on the demand of their customers (who let's face it are predominantly men).
Also the injunction that women under a certain height are "kids" which basically strips away our womanhood.

How can I believe, after all this, that I'd be considered a 10/10, or even above 3/10 ?
I thought this graph was interesting, I found it after a quick Google search so can't really validate it's credibility


Obviously, geographical location would matter quite a bit
We don't want them because they never liked us. They see us as reminders of their own insecurity.
in my experience men have always desired short women, finding us cute and having activate their masculine nature more, and tall women were shamed (not that they should be) but ive always seen short women as the beauty standard. again like i said in my first post, i was insecure growing up short AND scrawny looking but then i learned to embrace it when i found out that it IS attractive to the majority of men. i suggest you do the same. i have rarely ever seen men desiring tall women and looking down on short women.
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  • #242
I thought this graph was interesting, I found it after a quick Google search so can't really validate it's credibility


Obviously, geographical location would matter quite a bit

Thank you. Finally some data that confirms my experience.
Models and beauty queens aren't short fyi.
yes they are tall so that they can be seen on the catwalk, have a presence, show off the clothing. a short woman would not be able to achieve that as well as a tall one.
are models the default in society? do you see men dating models only? do you see men rejecting women for being short ... ??
doesnt it make more sense that being short makes a man feel more masculine and therefore finds it more attractive?
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  • #245
yes they are tall so that they can be seen on the catwalk, have a presence, show off the clothing. a short woman would not be able to achieve that as well as a tall one.
Skinny women show off the clothing better than fat women, and yet we have plus-sized models/beauty queens.
Your point?
are models the default in society?
do you see men dating models only?
They don't date models, but thats' only because models don't want average men. Give a random average man a slight of options and he'd only date models. So men date around out of scarcity, not because they dislike models.
do you see men rejecting women for being short ... ??
In long term relationship/marriage? yes.
doesnt it make more sense that being short makes a man feel more masculine and therefore finds it more attractive?
They primarily want a status symbol and a tall children breeder.
Skinny women show off the clothing better than fat women, and yet we have plus-sized models/beauty queens.
Your point?


They don't date models, but thats' only because models don't want average men. Give a random average man a slight of options and he'd only date models. So men date around out of scarcity, not because they dislike models.

In long term relationship/marriage? yes.

They primarily want a status symbol and a tall children breeder.
dude atp idk what to tell you like you made this thread asking to feel better about your height and im trying to help you but you just keep shoving your perspective in peoples faces like i feel like you either want to cry on this forum or you wanted men to compliment your short height and be fawned over (or both)
all im saying is to embrace your looks because there are plenty of people who will find it attractive? as someone with the literal same experience.
your replies are seriously getting annoying. we are trying to help you
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  • #247
dude atp idk what to tell you like you made this thread asking to feel better about your height and im trying to help you but you just keep shoving your perspective in peoples faces like i feel like you either want to cry on this forum or you wanted men to compliment your short height and be fawned over (or both)
all im saying is to embrace your looks because there are plenty of people who will find it attractive? as someone with the literal same experience.
your replies are seriously getting annoying. we are trying to help you
I don't want to feel good.
I want data so that i won't get played

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