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Discussion Post your daily looksmax routine

  • Thread starter Deleted member 344
  • Start date

Deleted member 344

-wash face
-apply moisturizer

-chew gum for an hour
-15 minutes of red light on my face

Post yours
mew all day everyday jfl try smd with your narrow palates

  1. shower
  2. eat until my belly bulges
  3. get vitamin d in by going outside and watching videos xD
  4. workout occasionally
  5. relax going on forums, playing games, reading etc.
  6. read before going to bed so i get dreams ngl
  7. dream about becoming chang
  8. wake up rinse repeat
12:00 PM: Wake up from ogre slumber
12:05 PM: Turn on PC
12:10 PM: Rot
14:00 PM: Eat and Rot
16:00 PM: Cry
20:00: Gym
22:00: Shower with cold water because i have no gas to heat up water rn
22:15: Punch a wall
22:30: Eat and Rot
02:50: Cry
03:00: Sleep
Try to mew all day

I wake up, go to the toilet,
drink a glass of water,
brush my teeth, take 600 showers for confidence jk,
1 shower in the morning, an optional shower in the evening,
Eat a healthy balanced diet, (include chicken 2-3 days a week)
Skipping, (not consistent with this though)
Use castor oil for head and eyebrow hair
Trim my facial hair everyday
jelqing 5-15 minutes, every alternate day
No gym for now, will start soon, after exams
wash my face with an activated charcoal soap
That's it, then i go to sleep.
I don't wanna ruin my intestine and get bowel cancer later boy.

Bowel cancer only gets caused by heavily processed meats like bacon, due to the nitrates inside.
Either way i don't like beef or pork so forget about it.
chicken, fish, lamb, rabbit whatever. Plenty of living beings on this planet to consume, your next-door neighbor's dog could also make for a good snack.
I can generalise my daily looksmaxxing routine by Lifemaxxing, things that enrich the quality of life and normiemaxxing.
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